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Evadio 3-years training to become an all round Past Life Therapist.

The three years in a nutshell: The first year is to build a foundation and the second year to learn al the basics of the techniques; the last year to learn and practice the different techniques, extended with the best extra’s needed.

The first year is 7 weekend-workshops. The 2nd year has 4 blocks from 4 days, so the work can become intensified. The 3rd year is 6 or 7 weekends, 2 of them with guest- teachers with their own top-items. The program is to be seen as a score.

1st year of Evadio

The students start with experiences as a client, and conversations about the themes to create an own concept of the developing of man and mankind and develop the wisdom of when and where it were hard times.

The 1st weekend is filled with creation myths from all over the world inspiring the cultures and philosophy that exists around them– connected to the situation how the student starts here, in the 1st workshop, and how the student started this life, as a child. A group journey about archetypes and group souls, where we discover that the same archetypes are developed in all of us, but in personally ways.

The 2nd workshop is about the body in many ways, as there are like its anatomy, where the bones, the blood and the organs are, and how they work. Differences with animals. The rhytms of wake and sleep, breath and blood. How to be aware of own body, and the body of a client. Drawing that body.
A group journey about locations of emotions, also to be pictured. Short circuit body- exercise. Conversations in groups about coma, to be in the right body and the existence of ghosts. Here can show up attachments: help in Demo’s.

The 3rd workshop is about the soul and here we used fairy tales. They are directly from the soul world. The soul between surviving body and higher Self. Breathing and playing. Group journey that shows the rich world and many parts of the soul.

The 4th workshop is about the self that is living in the body and alternating without a body in the soulworld and in the spiritual world. Biography and the life periods, how past lifes show their influence, how the different moments of re-awakening of old trauma’s can be found and healed. What postulates do. Identity.

The 5th workshop is about the chakra’s and here the participants will in a group journey find their chakra-animals, a method I learned from Tineke Noordegraaf and also found in Indian wisdom. It is possible to work with this animals on your own. Next workshop this personal homework will be continued with supervision.

The 6th workshop is about the human being and its polarity. Male and Female and Integrating the experiences from the earth with the higher creative existence in the spiritual world. Esoteric wisdom from former times, in myths and fairy tales; in other cultures and from our own. Modern in theosophy and anthroposophy.

The 7th workshop is about a past life. A group journey to find the one you need most at this moment, may be to decide to become professional P.L.Therapist. Here will be several demo’s and like in all workshops conversations about what happens.

The 2nd year of Evadio

Training includes in 4 blocks each 4 days techniques and in the small groups home sessions that are supervised (blocks, demos). As a score!

Block 1 – Introduction talk, Focusing, The contract. The structure of a session. The bridges (mental, emotional, imaginative, somatic charges- at least three), induction, trauma-processing, check, eduction, confirm, questions, home-work.

Block 2 – Associated and dissociated processing: when, what and how. Analyzing the first own sessions. Hang-over processing. Moments of choice. Energy-work.

Block 3- Processing trauma’s in this life. How to find and work with an ‘inner child’. To free attachments. Aura-exploration. Key and keyhole. Just one or open door.To be in full presence or just partly. Poison, dissociation. Ego-state.

Block 4- Group journeys to find Birth, how to process. Pre- and after birth. The time in the womb, charges from parents and others. The conception, and before. Sessions in small groups, and analyzing them in the whole group. Questions and Theory.

The 3rd year of Evadio 

Includes Blocks with 3 or 4 days as well as weekends, and was different composed in the different groups. (the score makes that possible)

Block 1- Family work. A group journey and a technique fom Marianne Carolus to go back to the ancestor where that specific family burden started. All the successive ancestors including the client form a circle around this ‘starter’. He/she may show his/her life, till understood and accepted by all. Then a beautiful energy work to new healing and experienced succession.

Introduction student-clients (new 1st years) for traject of supervised private sessions.

Block 2- A day for conversations and lessons based on the supervised work, followed by a weekend with a guest-teacher, as Ans van Leeuwen, who teached the group once about astrology and karma, specialized to spiritual themes. Once about: How to use drawing and painting in P.L.T. How to interprete drawings, and energetic drawing. With the practice of energetic drawing of the ‘incarnation path’: drawn with two hands, one for father and for mother, as streams from pre-birth till now. Once she presented system-work, also by drawings.

Block 3- Homing. Group journey and doing the ‘good life’ sessions, connect and keep.

Block 4- Integration Based upon the supervision demo’s and conversation (how to process in cases of postulates and attachments). How to make chains, how to integrate the healing in the life now and how to integrate all the past lifes by organizing a party, where all are welcome.

Block 5- This is one day with sharing supervisions followed by a weekend with a guest-teacher, favorite Hans ten Dam, who asked the wishes of the students (core-issue-transformation and more). He gave three basics that belong together: catharsis, integration and transformation, and the 10 steps to get them.

Block 6- Primal trauma, the first incarnation upon earth and back to the source. Spiritual sessions without hypnosis. Here we have done group-journeys and exercises around creations, other planets and spiritual life. The 1st Evadio-group was with Silvia Ostertag, and Initiation-Gestureplaying and me together.

All Evadio schools have this program as their core.

