Member login

Membership categories

There are 4 categories of membership (see also in the Articles of Incorporation):

Certified members / membership due 90 euros per year
Professional members / membership due 90 euros per year
Affiliate members / membership due 75 euros per year
Student members / membership due 45 euros per year

Please note that our financial year runs from July 1 until June 30 of the next year. When joining after January, you will pay for the remaining months of the running year.

Click on the headings below for more information

Are you a graduate of one of these recognized training programs (click here for the list) and also officially licensed or accredited as a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist or medical doctor, (at their national or European level)?

If yes, you can qualify and be listed as a Certified Member.

Are you a graduate of one of these recognized training programs (click here for the list) and also certified by IBRT (International Board of Regression Therapy)?

If yes, you can qualify and be listed as a Certified Member.

Have you gained your education, training and experience elsewhere but are also either officially licensed or accredited as a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist or medical doctor, (at their national or European level) or certified by IBRT (International Board of Regression Therapy)?

If yes, you will need to go through the same procedure as applicants for Professional Membership – please choose  one of these options to apply:

A) Two professional or certified members who have been EARTh-members for at least one year should recommend you by properly signing the standard text which will be provided by the secretariat. Recommending members should be of different schools and at least one of them from a recognized school. The recommending members have to declare they have seen you work in at least two sessions in accordance with the Code of Conduct, they consider you to have sufficient training and experience, to have a professional attitude and to be of good standing.

Please provide names and e-mail addresses of two EARTh-members who will recommend you, by using “Remarks” part of the membership form.

On receiving the signed recommendation letters, you will be accepted as a professional member.

B) In the absence of such recommending EARTh-members, your application will be screened by the Membership Committee (please see the Admission Criteria). To judge your competence as a therapist, the Membership Committee would like to receive the following materials and documents:

1. Information about your relevant training (where, when, with whom, how long), curriculum and graduation criteria and copies of certificates or diplomas that you will send to secretariat.

2. Video or audio (MP4 orMP3)recordings of two sessions of two different and consenting clients , together with the transcriptions of the sessions. As an attachment to each transcription, a short summary must be written about the presenting problems and/or the symptoms and the reason why the client decided to seek your help, as well as the result of the session with a short personal comment.

If the language presented in the sessions is not English or one of the currently available screening languages (German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, French and Turkish) you must translate the transcription of session recordings to English.

3. Your answers written in English to a questionnaire which will be provided by the secretariat.

Within two (2) months of receiving the requested material, two arbiters who speak the language on the tapes will evaluate your session recordings and their transcriptions and questionnaire answers and report their decision to the membership committee and the board.

Upon their approval, you may be accepted as a Certified Member.

Please note that Certified Members have to sign the Code of Conduct.

Are you a graduate of one of these recognized training programs? (click here for the list)

If yes, you will be accepted as a Professional Member without further screening.

Have you gained your education, training and experience elsewhere?

If yes, please choose one of these options to apply:

A) Two professional or certified members who have been EARTh-members for at least one year should recommend you by properly signing the standard text which will be provided by the secretariat. Recommending members should be of different schools and at least one of them from a recognized school. The recommending members have to declare they have seen you work in at least two sessions in accordance with the Code of Conduct, they consider you to have sufficient training and experience, to have a professional attitude and to be of good standing.

Please provide names and e-mail addresses of two EARTh-members who will recommend you, by using “Remarks” part of the membership form.

On receiving the signed recommendation letters, you will be accepted as a professional member.

B) In the absence of such recommending EARTh-members, your application will be screened by the Membership Committee. To judge your competence as a therapist, the Membership Committee would like to receive the following materials and documents:

1. Information about your relevant training (where, when, with whom, how long), curriculum and graduation criteria and copies of certificates or diplomas that you will send to secretariat.

2. Video or audio (MP4 or MP3) recordings of two sessions of two different and consenting clients, together with the transcriptions of the sessions. As an attachment to each transcription, a short summary must be written about the presenting problems and/or the symptoms and the reason why the client decided to seek your help, as well as the result of the session with a short personal comment.

If the language presented in the sessions is not English or one of the currently available screening languages ( German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, French and Turkish) you must translate the transcription of session recordings to English.

3. Your answers written in English to a questionnaire which will be provided by the secretariat.

Within two (2) months of receiving the requested material, two arbiters who speak the language on the tapes will evaluate your session recordings and their transcriptions and questionnaire answers and report their decision to the membership committee and the board.

Upon their approval, you may be accepted as a professional member.

Please note that Professional Members have to sign the Code of Conduct.

Are you interested in the work EARTh is doing but a therapist in the field of Regression Therapy from different backgrounds who want to cooperate with EARTh or a hypnotherapist who want to cooperate with EARTh or working with spirit release, energy work and healing or  a student in trainings not recognized by EARTh, but who study Regression Therapy or a regression therapists who are not a member of EARTh or a researcher in the field of Regression Therapy or in other fields related to Regression Therapy?

If yes, please fill in the online form or send an email to the Membership Committee with a CV or a Biography statement (in English) with a link to your website, if any; an intention letter (no more than half a page) explaining why you want to be part of EARTh and a recommendation letter from an EARTh Certified or Professional member. Additionally, there can be an online meeting or interview with you.

The Membership Committee will make an inventory of the requests and the Board of EARTh will take the final decision.

By becoming an Affiliate member, you will have access to the monthly EARTh newsletter, 10% discount at EARTh’s Annual Conventions, being listed on the website as an Affiliate Member on a special page, being able to attend EARTh’s webinars and facilitate webinars for EARTh’s members, getting access to the Facebook groups, being able to attend public groups and intervision groups, being part of a group of professionals with the same interests, making connections and community building, the opportunity of continuous training and growth in the field of Regression Therapy, getting more familiarized with EARTh association; if the standard criteria are met, there is the possibility to upgrade to the other categories – Student, Professional or Certified Membership.

Please note that there are restrictions and limits in this membership category:  You can’t participate to our General Assembly; thus, you don’t have the right to vote for the election of the President, the Board members or for different motions and proposals; you can’t participate to the Online Voting Meetings; you can’t apply to become Board members or the President of EARTh, you can’t become Committee members, but you can collaborate with some committees if they want and obtain grants and sponsorship – for example for a research Project; you don’t have access to the authorized user’s section and forum; you can’t advertise your work on our website; you don’t have to sign the Code of Conduct; you can’t advertise yourself as Professional or Certified Member. EARTh has no responsibility for your work as a therapist, so EARTh won’t handle any complaints submitted against you.

** You cannot apply for this category if you are a student of the trainings recognized by EARTh.
** You cannot apply for this category if you are an active therapists with a diploma from the trainings recognized by EARTh.

Are you a student in one of the recognized training programs? (click here for the list)

If yes, you can automatically become a student member by stating your expected graduation year.

Are you gaining your education, training and experience elsewhere?

If yes, there is an alternate way to apply:

One professional or certified member who has been EARTh-member for at least one year should recommend you by properly signing the standard text which will be provided by the secretariat. The recommending member has to declare s/he sees a professional potential in you.

Please provide the name and e-mail address of the EARTh-member who will recommend you, by using “Remarks” part of the membership form.

On receiving the signed recommendation letter, you may be accepted as a student member.

If you have chosen the way you need to apply please become a member by filling out our electronic form here.


If you have questions, please write to us:



