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Certification of Members

Mission: To define and advance the highest standards in the Regression Therapy profession.

EARTh Certification is a voluntary process for the Association to recognise professional members who meet a defined criteria. Certified members may use C.R.T. behind their names: Certified Regression Therapist.

It is for professionals members who want to broaden and develop their capabilities, enhance the public reputation of Regression Therapy as a profession, take pride in their work, in the EARTh Association and in being certified.

Certified members will take a lead in the use of techniques and skills of regression therapy and promote professional and ethical practice. They will help establish a solid professional standing in the “field of health, the medical and therapeutic world”.

If you are interested, please download Candidate Certification Manual below.

Candidate Certification Manual (2).pdf 257 KB

Take the time to understand the process, and the manual will take you through every step of the process. If you have any questions, please contact:

Thank you,
Certification Committee