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of the Earth Association for Regression Therapy
Article I – Name, Site and Language
The professional Association shall be entitled Earth Association for Regression Therapy (abbreviated as EARTh); hereinafter called the Association. The official site of the Association shall be Benschop, The Netherlands.
The official language of the association is English and this will be recognized in all documentation, proceedings, meetings and publications.
Article II – Purpose
It shall be the purpose of the Association to improve and enlarge the professional application of regression therapy in Europe through:
- a) the development of professional standards in the practice of regression therapy as well as in regression therapy training and research. Professional standards of practice shall be upheld by a Code of Conduct and procedures for complaint.
- b) the provision for the public of names and addresses of serious and reliable practitioners.
- c) the provision of a meeting ground for regression therapists through conferences, meetings, websites, internet forums and newsletters for individual practitioners, researchers, teachers, training programs and regional or national associations in the field of regression therapy.
- d) the establishment and provision of independent certification for members practicing regression therapy who wish to become certified members of the Association.
- e) the establishment and provision of independent certification for programs offering training in regression therapy where such programs wish to become recognized and certified by the Association
- f) the representation of the profession of regression therapy to European agencies, other public agencies and to the public in general.
- g) the stimulation and establishment of research programs and the dissemination of research findings in the field of regression therapy.
- h) the collaboration with national and international associations of regression therapy outside Europe.
Article III – Non-profit Association
The Association shall operate on a non-profit basis.
Article IV – Membership
The Association shall consist of three kinds of members:
a) Student members. Students enrolled in recognized training programs shall be deemed “Student members”.
b) Professional members. Members who practice regression therapy and who are graduates of training programs recognized by the Association, or who have been balloted by the association shall be deemed “Professional members”.
c) Certified members
Membership terminates in the case of:
a) Death
b) Resignation.
c) Exclusion on the part of the Board:
- In the case of denial of the civil rights.
- In the case of dishonorable acts.
Article V – Rights and Duties of the Members
Professional members have the right to attend the general assembly of the Association, to file applications and to exercise their voting rights. Each member shall have one vote. Votes can not be delegated.
All Members shall pay the membership dues fixed by the General Assembly yearly in advance, in addition to all other payments when due.
All members shall receive all communications and publications of the association and shall be invited to attend meetings and participate in Internet newsgroups.
Professional members shall have voting rights and may announce and publish that they are members of the European Association. They shall sign the Code of Conduct and shall thereafter be susceptible to potential complaints procedures initiated by clients.
Professional members shall be listed on the website of the Association.
Article VI – Use of the Association funds
Funds of the Association shall be used strictly in accordance with the articles of incorporation. Members shall in no instance receive any payment, fee or grant from the funds of the Association unless explicitly sanctioned by the Association and its officers. No member shall benefit from expenses not corresponding to the objectives of the association or shall receive disproportionately high payments.
Article VII – Business Year
The business year shall run from July 1 to June 30 of the next year.
Article VIII – Organs
a) the General Assembly
b) the Board
Article IX – General Assembly
The General Assembly meets once a year. The Board shall submit the invitation and the
agenda four weeks prior to the meeting. The invitation shall be submitted via the website of the association and by e-mail or ordinary mail to all members.
Tasks of the General Assembly:
a) Approval of the statement of accounts presented by the Board and approval of the report of the internal auditor
b) Discharge of the Board
c) Election of the Board
d) Election of two auditors. The auditors shall not belong to the Board. They shall be eligible for re-election only once.
e) Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation
f) Decision on formal proposals
g) Nomination of honorary members
h) Dissolution of the Association
Article X – Board
The Board shall consist of no less than the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer. The General Assembly shall decide by simple majority if and when more board members shall be needed. The Association shall, for all legal purposes and circumstances, be represented by two members of the Board (including the President or the Vice President) both in and out of court.
The Board shall be responsible for the due administration of all offices.
The members of the Board shall only work on an honorary basis.
Article XI – Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation
Amendments of the Articles of Incorporation shall require a three quarters majority vote by those members present who are entitled to vote.
Article XII – Dissolution of the Association
The dissolution of the Association shall require an Extraordinary General Assembly. Any such dissolution shall require a three quarters majority vote by those members present who are entitled to vote.
In case of dissolution the Association, all remaining funds shall be used immediately for the general purpose of the association as stated in Article II.