Trisha Caetano, a pioneer in Inner Child Integration and Regression Therapy, has spent 40+ years training psychologists, doctors, and healing professionals globally. Founder of the International Institute for Integration Therapy, she has certified over 2,500 students in her unique therapy approach.
Hans Ten Dam is one of the leading figures of Regression Therapy, with a school of his own (TASSO) and a lot of publications on the field both in books and in journals.
Andy Tomlinson is a registered psychotherapist also qualified in Regression Therapy, Life Between Lives Regression and has a school of his own (PLRA).
Dr. Woolger was a Jungian analyst, regression therapist and professional lecturer with degrees in psychology, religion and philosophy from Oxford and London Universities; founder of the Deep Memory Process.
Sergio W. Baumel is a Brazilian psychologist and hypnotherapist, working with various modalities.
Heike Bettendorf is a regression therapist living and working on Canary Islands, Spain.
Alberto Boarini is the founder of the Transgenerational Internal Psychodrama (TIP).
Marion Boon is a certified past (and present) life regression therapist (IBRT and EARTh) and is co-founder of the WCRT and EARTh.
Marianne Carolus is a practicing psychiatrist and also one of the pioneers of regression therapy; and the founder of the Evadio school.
Victor Chirea is a psychotherapist, specialized in Gestalt Therapy and a Certified Regression Therapist in Past Life Therapy.
Wendy Gillisen is a past life therapist and an author.
David Graham has a Regression Therapy and Hypnotherapy practice based in Kenilworth, UK.
Dr. Pavel Gyngazov is a medical doctor practicing in Tomsk, Siberia, who by accident fell into transpersonal experiences of his patients. His testimonies are extremely interesting and provocative.
Holly Holmes is a practicing hypnotherapist in California, USA and director of HCH Institute offering training in hypnotherapy, NLP, Shamanic practices, intuition development, and parapsychological studies.
Sheela Jaganathan-Zeidler started her practice in 2011 and is currently based in Munich, Germany.
Jean-Marie Jobelin is a French psychotherapist and regression therapist.
Athanasios Komianos is a practicing hypnotherapist and regression therapist in Athens, Greece. He has coined the term hypnoscopesis and is the author of several books and various articles.
Mario Resende is a practicing psychologist in Lisboa, Portugal, and with his wife Ilja van de Griend (first president of EARTh) he is the founder of the Almasoma school
Zekiye Olgaçay has been practicing regression therapy for over 15 years, combining regression therapy with shamanic techniques, compassion key, coaching.
Vitor Rodrigues is a psychotherapist since 1985, using regression therapy, hypnosis and relaxation, breathing, meditation, and guided visualization.
Isobel Rogers is Hypnotherapist Regression Therapist
Martin Roesch is a oncopsychologist working mainly with cancer patients.
Roland Schroll is a German psychotherapist and the founder of Self Healing Soul.
Marco André Schwarzstein is a Brazilian psychoanalyst, therapist and certified Deep Memory Process®/DMP regression practitioner
Dianne Seaman Poitier has been involved with the Regression Therapy community since the late 80’s; is one of the first to be certified in Regression Therapy by IBRT in 1997.
Professor Simoes is a professor at the faculty of Medicine at the University of Lisbon and mainly interested in Altered States of Consciousness, hypnosis, spirituality, transpersonal psychotherapy and regression therapy.
Riri Trivedi is a Certified Mentor and Coach from Heart Math Institute, USA, a Certified Gestalt practitioner and member of IMDHA (International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association)
Aasha Warriar is a Teacher-Trainer-Therapist at the Tasso-platform and the co-founder of the CloverLeaf Academy.
Diba Ayten Yilmaz is an IBRT Level III Certified Regression therapist graduated from the Past Life Regression Academy (PLRA) as a Regression Therapist; and the founder of the Radianced School in Turkiye.