Sergio W. Baumel
Minha trajetória Sou médico formado pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP, São Paulo), com especialidades em Neurologia , Medicina Intensiva e Sexologia Clínica. Também sou psicólogo […]
Daniele Vanzan Elias Rodrigues
Resume: I’m a psychologist graduated in PLT (Past Life Therapy) in 2004 at Instituto Vita Continua in Brazil. I teach and supervise students on this kind of technique. I developed […]
Marco André Schwarzstein
Resume: Marco André Schwarzstein, is a Brazilian psychoanalyst, therapist and certified Deep Memory Process®/DMP regression practitioner (since 2000). He is Chief Trainer for Deep Memory Process® in Brazil/Latin America and […]
Alberto Boarini
Resume: Studies, journeys and courses led me to Professor Roger Woolger PhD, the English psychologist, one of the pioneers of transpersonal psychology. My sensation and emotion were those of a […]