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Earth Association for Regression Therapy

8th World Congress for Regression Therapy

Theme: In the Mirror of Death: The Art of Dying Well
Dates: 11-18 October 2024
Venue: Castle The Berckt, Baarlo / Netherlands

WCRT-8 Theme: In the Mirror of Death: The Art of Dying Well

WCRT 8 in 2024 is getting closer and, as always, your EARTh Program Committee organizing members will surprise you with a profound, insightful and even life-changing theme: In the Mirror of Death: The Art of Dying Well.

Never before in the history of EARTh Annual Conventions and Congresses has the theme of death and dying received the full attention of being the main and only focus of study during the annual professional assemblies dedicated to Regression Therapy. You will have the chance to see for yourselves the complexity of this theme, by scrolling down on the following list of generous subtitles associated to the main theme. Guiding the client to process the moment of his/her death in (a) previous life time(s) is an important part within the main structure of a regression therapy session; many present days physical or mental illnesses are associated to previous traumatic deaths that remained unprocessed; not to mention that the benefit of learning from all these experiences would lead to a better, more aware form of dying in this life time. These are just a few reasons why this theme will be beneficial and worthwhile for us as therapists but also as awakened human beings striving to enhance our spectrum of consciousness.

Feel free to choose from the list below a subtopic that you resonate with and which can then become the title of your proposal submitted to the Program Committee for the WCRT-8 in 2024:

– Death as transformation;

– The fear of death and dying in panic attacks;

– Unprocessed traumatic deaths and present-day illnesses;

– Life after death in Regression Therapy;

– The effect of a traumatic death on the following lives

– Death by suicide, suicidal thoughts and the effects on present day life;

– Being trapped in a never-ending repetition of a dying/after death state;

– Life between life sessions (life plan, the spiritual path, soul journey);

– Energy entanglement in the energy field of collective deaths (wars, plagues, natural disasters, genocides, etc.);

– Working with attachments of people who died young – as children, teenagers or young adults;

– Homing sessions (longing for death);

– Death related rituals in Regression Therapy;

– Karma, Dharma and Regression Therapy;

– Evolution, Karma and Rebirth in Regression Therapy;

– The Tibetan perspective on preparing to die – ‘Bardo’ and the intermediate realities;

– Transformation in the spirit realms in Regression Therapy;

– Reframing techniques after death scenes;

– Confronting the past life characters – abuser-victim entanglement in killing;

– Working with PL unfinished business;

– Releasing Spirit Attachments;

– Past life types of deaths and their contrastive effects (peaceful death vs traumatic death, violent vs natural death)

– The Transformation of Negative Patterns in Past Life Death Experiences;

– Earth bound souls;

– Earth bound states;

– Healing lost souls;

– Dealing with the spirit of the unborn in Regression Therapy (miscarriages, abortions, death in the womb, vanishing twin)

– The soul’s encounter with dark force entities during the journey of death;

– Working with spells, black magic, curses related to inflicting death or diseases;

– Fragmentation of consciousness during traumatic deaths;

– Receiving spiritual help for dying;

– The Practices of Dying – specific death rituals of passage;

– Working with clients with Near Death Experiences in Regression Therapy;

– Working with clients engaged in communications with the dead in Regression Therapy;

– Working with clients (even children) who are highly sensitive to haunted houses, ghosts and spirit attachments.

Any other original titles are also welcome, as long as they are related to the main theme and the field of Regression Therapy.

Looking forward to receiving your proposals!

EARTh Program Committee

Verified publication:

Yasemin Tokatli


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