Dear reader,
Last year, when we launched the Special Interest Survey to start mapping where your interests lie, we were amazed and inspired to read your many passionate responses. Many of you have special interest areas or you combine Regression Therapy with other techniques that have led to insights or novel approaches that other therapists might benefit and learn from. To that purpose we are inviting colleagues that filled out the survey, to write an article about the special techniques they use and/or combine with Regression Therapy. Read on for such an article, by Bernadeta Hodkova. We hope there will be many to come. If you haven’t yet completed the survey, you can do so here: EARTh Special Interest Survey .
Isabel Berendsen on behalf of The Research Committee
Bernadeta Hodkova
Special Interest Survey.
At the very beginning I was curious about hypnosis, past lives and U.F.O. I heard a BBC radio show I was about 10. It was a recorded hypnosis session, where the subject relived a past life scene of WW1 where he was shoot in the knee. I heard the scream and it was real. I saw a huge bright orange UFO one summer night with my family when I was 6. It was just awesome. As a kid I spent lots of time outdoors, day and night, with animals, wild and domesticated, tracking, feeding, caring, observing. I could read divination cards and it was fun. I learnt and practiced a bit of a positive magic to start creating my own life. When I became mum I got reiki initiations and all begun rapidly coming together. Clinical Hypnosis, Past Life Regression and Current Life Regression Therapy, Life Between Lives regression trainings. Shamanic healing – inviting spirit animals to help with healing – was part of my regression therapy training. It all took shape when I allowed myself the excitement of discovery of healing, self and other dimensions. And that happened thanks to the training with Andy Tomlinson, assisted by Hazel Newton and Alfonso Grosseto and of course my peer students (you know who you are, take it as thank you hug from me) at what was in 2008 Past Life Regression Academy U. K. I started practicing without hesitation and with huge excitement.
Nowadays I use card reading for myself mostly as a guidance or advice if I don’t dare to trust my intuition or if I feel I need support or understanding of circumstance in my life situation. It helps me to pull through difficult times and helps me to focus to direct my life. It’s a bit like a coach to me I guess. Sometimes I do readings for others, not regression clients though, and sometimes I do reading to see who is my next regression client as my preparation for their session. It’s my zoom into whatever I feel I want, need or should know.
Reiki is a part of me so I use it all the time. When a baby cries in the supermarket, when talking to a person who feels down, even when teaching English. I also use it as protection for me and my family, on the road, on next day, on things in my past, on clearing spaces or preparing the therapy room, classrooms etc., and I send healing to people when requested. When I started learning regression therapy a new symbol came to my mind and hands and only later I figured it was a symbol for past life healing. So yes I use reiki in regression sessions of course. When the session is stuck. When things are not moving for the client. I use symbols into their chakras, third eye and solar plexus mostly, and also the ground chakra in healing connection with their physical body. I don’t need to tell them especially unless they ask or they feel it or do reiki themselves. All my clients know well that I practice reiki. I think I am reiki rather than do reiki ☺
Occasionally I use crystals from other parts of the Earth but I prefer local rocks and stones, next to the client or in my hands, often clients pick one of those to hold during their session. I do not think about it much, it’s just something we are part of nature and nature helps to put things in balance. Some are like beings, some function as channels or conducts, all are part of us and we are part of them. I prefer fresh plants to essential oils for support, protection and clearing. My own grown roses, sage, bay leaf, mint and lavender are always present in my therapy room, but also bark or various tree branches, feathers, shells… When I teach I bring those local ones to the classroom. Some rocks have already become iconic for my students ☺
Shamanic healing with spirit animals is according to my clients very favorite part of regression therapy sessions. It is a simple technique where I bring the clients to connect with a spirit animal that can help them with their specific healing. Mostly when working with the body memory, where their energy is stuck in muscles, organs. Spirit animal can also act as a spirit guide for them. These spirit animals are not the same as totem animals, they just come for the session and help heal that specific problem. Their powerful specific energy becomes one with the client. They help with for example freeing the past life body, with physically defending against the past life oppressor, cleaning the wounds or attaching newly found past life body parts. Clients often have various spirit animals to deal with various wounds, they say the animal is real physical. Clients feel super empowered by their energy and often keep their vibes, image and presence even after the sessions. Spirit animal represents to us the part of us that had been asleep. So by bringing these spirit animals into clients’ session they make their own dormant part into life and action once again. And so they themselves re-activate their capacity to defend themselves, or become well grounded in their body for example. Spirit animals are huge self-help aid. They empower, give courage, confidence but also gentleness, overview or peace.
This is my little bundle of techniques and tools I carry around and use and share as needed. They fit with who I am, where I am and what I do on Earth right now.
In my experience and in my practice I see that none of us today’s therapists are novice healers. We all have already experienced so many healing techniques in our past lives, on this planet and elsewhere. At some points of our soul history (not sure how to put the soul eternity in perspective) we have already learnt how to heal with light, sound, plants, elements, various energy bands yet unrecognized on Earth at this time. We’ve done it. Come up with them today and integrate them with who you are today. Regression therapy is only one of them. If it stays alone in our practice, we would not be using our soul potential.
Out of free will of all, for good of all and with harmony with the Universe.