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An EARTh Research Committee Report By Paula Fenn
This Research Report provides an overview of intentions and findings associated with the EARTh Special Interest Survey. A survey launched in May 2017 by the EARTh Research Committee in order to determine problem areas specialized in by Regression Therapists, and other methods and techniques which they integrate within their practice of Regression Therapy. The survey had a global reach and responses were received from 105 therapists in 28 countries. The dominant countries represented were the USA and the Netherlands.
Members from 27 Professional Bodies completed the survey. The dominant bodies represented were EARTh and the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association. 73% of the survey respondents were female, 27% were male. In answer to the survey question: “What problem areas are you specialised in working with?” a total of 868 answers were received across 52 categories, which is indicative of the wide range of problems which Regression Therapy can attend to. The highest reported problem areas were trauma and anxiety. In answer to the survey question: “Do you combine any other techniques or therapies with Regression Therapy?” a total of 560 answers were received across 79 categories. Most of these categories were self-determined with survey respondents typing into the open section of “Other” their own unique techniques and therapies which they integrate with Regression Therapy. Whilst many of the 79 categories reported are encompassed foundationally as techniques pre-existent within the process and protocols of Regression Therapy, many of these categories are not and it can be interpreted that these integrated alternative methods are unique to the particular style of practice honed and adopted by the person of the therapist. The top 5 highest reported techniques were: Energy Healing, Spirit Releasement, NLP, Dream Analysis and Drawing/Art. The data was collected using Google Forms and a comprehensive Excel database was set up to assist with analysis of the data. Analysis was dominantly quantitative, but a brief analysis of the narrative based qualitative data was also undertaken which was dominantly indicative of the unique premises underlying practitioners’ usage of particular techniques integrated within their practice of Regression Therapy. The data collected was analysed as at February 2019
although the Special Interest Survey is ongoing and can be found here: EARTh Special Interest Survey

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Verified publication:

Athanasios Komianos
Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) & Certified Regression Therapist (CRT)
