Research on ‘Primary Dysmenorrhea’
with Regression Therapy
Indication: Primary Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Pain)
Inclusion Criteria: Female clients with Primary Dysmenorrhea from age of 18 to menopause.
Investigation: gynecological examination and/or ultrasound… Client’s doctor evaluation should be primary dysmenorrhea.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Inflammation
- Chocolate cyst
- Endometriosis
- Using contraception
- Hormonal spirals
- Secondary Dysmenorrhea
Prevalence: Dysmenorrhea is estimated to affect 70-93% young woman.
Symptoms: Discomfort may begin the day preceding and continue during the initial 24-48 hours of menses.
Problems outside dysmenorrhea: Nausea, Weakness, Diarrhea, vomiting, depression, headache, dizziness, tension, constipation, perspiration, muscle cramps, bloating, cold sweats, hot flashes, fatigue, Muscle stiffness
Pain can be cyclic, acyclic, and/or accompanied by urinary or bowel symptoms.
Measurements During The Research:
- Scale of Pain level (before the menstruation, during the menstruation)
- Scale of Quality of Life (before the menstruation, during the menstruation)
Frequency of the Measurements (Collecting the Scales) During the Research:
- After the doctor check (receiving the doctor’s written opinion); during the first visit of the client to the regression therapist; after receiving the signed informed consent.
- After the first menstruation of the female client.
- Six menstruations after to see the continuation of the effectiveness of the regressions.
How to find clients:
- Connecting with previous clients.
- Sending emails to the previous clients.
- Facebook, Instagram announcements for the research.
- EARTh website / Facebook /Instagram announcements, leaflets.
- Instagram / YouTube /Facebook live talks of the research group about the research and the topic.
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