Conceptual Delimitations
Soul Fragmentation
Soul Division
Self Aspects: the Soul, the Spirit and the Ego
The 6 ‘bodies’ of the Self: physical, emotional, mental, astral, etheric, causal
On Karma
Types and Causes of Soul Fragmentation
Types of Soul Fragmentation
Causes of Soul Fragmentation
Unexpected Deaths Occurring Instantaneously
Emotional Denial
Unbalanced Relationships with Strong Emotional Attachment
Soul Fragmentation – Related Psychopathology
Neurosis, Psychosis and Personality Disorders
Multiple Personality Disorder
Multiple Souls in One Body
Attachments, Obsessions and Pseudo-Obsessions
Bipolar Personality Disorder
An Integrative Example of Regression Therapy
Soul Reintegration
The Process of Forgiveness and Release
Past Life Therapy
Timeline Healing Technique
Special Places Contributing to Soul Reintegration
Book excerpt
One of the most common ways in which soul fragmentation occurs is by denial. Faced with a very intense experience, which goes beyond the Self’s normal capacities of integration, most of the time the soul chooses to cope with this situation by splitting off the traumatized part and then avoiding it intentionally. As time goes by, this aspect of the Self is forgotten and repressed in the unconscious and, at the death moment, the soul will not be aware of its repressed parts whose manifestations have been denied. Thus, the healthy aspect of the soul will be heading towards the light straightaway, leaving behind, in lower astral realms, the suppressed soul parts which do not have enough energy to rise up to higher vibrational realms.
About the Author
Victor Chirea is a psychotherapist, specialized in Gestalt Therapy and a Certified Regression Therapist in Past Life Therapy, member of Earth Association for Regression Therapy. He continued his studies with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychological Counseling and he also graduated from the Department for the Preparation of the Didactic Personnel. He held personal development workshops with a focus on assertive communication, relaxation methods and techniques, the therapeutic effect of stories. In his pilgrimages, he reached different spiritual centers in India and Tibet, where he had the privilege to meet enlightened masters. He studied and practiced Buddhist meditation techniques guided by Master Tanpai Rinpoche Acharya. During his free time, he practices Ki-Aikido for physical health and peace of mind.
Additional Information
Author: Victor Chirea
Translated into English by: Ruxanda Georgescu
Proofreading: Adina Rădulescu
Cover Design: Andrei Chirea
Technical Editing: Cristian Fulaș
Publisher: Gestalt Books, Bucharest, 2014
ISBN: 978-606-93668-5-1
Number of pages – 137
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