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Circles of Completeness by Pavel S. Gyngazov


“This book, Circles of Completeness, comes out four years after the publication of my first book, The Roads of Lives. Like the first book, it is the result of many years of my experience as a regression therapist. Thoughts and observations I described in The Roads of Lives still remain fundamental for me, so you can find them in the new book: eternity of the Soul, harmony of the Universe, immutability of karmic laws, and human freedom to make a choice and bear responsibility for it. However, this book is far from being a wordtoword repetition of what I have already written. The constant analysis of regression sessions has promoted me to a new, deeper level of understanding. This book introduces some new concepts and describes the updated principles and the improved session technique.
The difference can be seen even in the book title. If The Roads of Lives focused on a series of incarnations on the life path of the Soul, Circles of Completeness aims to describe the final stage of the session – the afterdeath, when everything that has not been completed during the lifetime finds its completion. This is the stage when clients recognize both psychological and psychosomatic sources of problems penetrating multiple incarnations to eliminate any incompleteness in relations with significant people. All this determines the gestalt completion and brings peace and harmony to the client’s life by releasing the previously subdued creative energy.”

Pavel Gyngazov