By Hans TenDam
EARTh is common, special, wise, winding, on the upswing, a well-spring, nothing, all-pervading.
EARTh is common. It is about ordinary people doing ordinary things – whatever others may think about it. We do down-to-earth things. We just do it.
EARTh is special. It is about special people doing special things. Other people think we’re crazy, crackpots, weirdos, quacks, starry-eyed fools, pretentious nobodies. We just go on doing our work.
EARTh is wise. We know what we are doing and we know that whatever we know, we know only more or less. EARTh is open-minded.
EARTh is winding. It doesn’t proceed on a straight line. There is no master plan. There are no rails. We find our way gradually, trying out things, exploring possibilities. We are unhurried.
EARTh is on the upswing. We are upbeat. We are growing calmly and solidly. We don’t worry about the speed and the length of our growth. We’ll see. We keep it natural. We are not afraid of limits and down-swings.
EARTh is a well-spring. There is energy among us. There is chemistry between us. We are lively. We do and explore and grow in the process.
EARTh is nothing. We are not important. Our work is important, even if it is hardly noticed. We are unknown. We don’t attract publicity, we don’t seek publicity. The darkness protects our growth. This is the dark season, the growth-season.
EARTh is all-pervading. Our work pervades all: mind, soul and body; life and work; the natural and the spiritual; the young and the old; birth and death; the individual and humankind. We touch on everything under the sun.
We are. EARTh is.