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The 0 point – Maintaining Inner Balance and the Middle Way

Presidential Letter – Newsletter March 2022

The 0 point – Maintaining Inner Balance and the Middle Way

Hello dear EARTh members,

Regression Therapist Victor ChireaBy now, you might have already got used to my ‘dynamic’ style of writing the Presidential Letter. I wrote about transformation, transcendence, polarities, being grateful and the flow of giving and receiving. Today I would like to address a rather ‘static’ topic because I feel there is too much movement in the world at the moment and very few are concern with maintaining what we have already gained but can sometimes easily lose – inner balance. 

I have always been interested in experiencing the ʽin-betweenʼ and what is in the middle at the contact point. Maybe that’s why I was intuitively attracted towards Gestalt Therapy, and Aikido, and Buddhism. Four months ago, I experienced what I could call a transcendental state of consciousness during one of my personal regression sessions. I have had many interesting experiences until now, but I consider this ʻthe cherry on the topʼ. Being a therapist, I immediately transformed my experience into a method that I’ll have the pleasure to present in September at our next convention in Romania. Long story short, that session was for me like an inner reset, followed by the reinstallation of a new software. I could experience a state of consciousness that I now call the ʻ0 point energyʼ, being inspired by the science of the quantum matter at the temperature of 0 Kelvin, meaning a space of infinite potentials.

So, back to reality. We are all aware about the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and we all have different strategies of coping with it – some are running and going to the mountains, some are getting involved into humanitarian actions, others are blaming the other party or they are turning the outside conflict into an inner one; it is clear that we have diversity. Personally, I chose to experience the middle way and not take sides. At the same time, not taking sides, it may appear as if we are choosing not to get involved, but there is another angle to it: actually we choose to maintain inner balance and meditate on peace; and from that state if we feel to act, the effect of our actions will be multiplied. We choose to maintain a good, positive vibration and spread it around us, in a world dominated by fear and panic. This may bring some balance, be it with our friends, family members, clients or whoever may need it. 

Probably you noticed that you got more and more clients during the last 2 years of the covid time and this will continue as the outside conflicts are related to the inner ones. But isn’t it how therapy goes? We know it – the acute trauma takes place in our childhood. Because we can’t deal with it at that point, in order to keep going, we use our defensive mechanisms and make it chronic. Then, we start therapy and we reverse the process – we go from chronic to acute and then the healing follows. The world was in a chromic state for some time and now it becomes more and more acute. This means the healing will follow for sure. We know that the healing process is not easy, but there are always resources along the way, so we can stay positive. So now it’s time to start using what we have learnt and prepared for, for us and for the ones that ask for our help. 

Now a few words about EARTh. Things are going quite well with our association, we are getting new members and maintaining the balance of around 300 members. The committees are very active and working hard – we have new research projects, the PR Committee is working to update the website, the Program Committee is doing a great job with evaluating the workshops proposals and organizing the AC 2022 program, the webinars continue as scheduled. In the EARTh College Committee, we have been working for the past months to make it easier for schools to apply to our association – we want to bring clarity and simplicity. The ‘legal’ branch of EARTh is stable, the Financial Committee handles with grace the tasks that come and in the Bylaws Committee there is a new wind of change because we are working on updating the Bylaws. Thank you committee members and Chairs for all your efforts, time and good results! 

As for the Convention in Romania, everything is going smoothly. The organizing team in Romania that I coordinate works closely with the committees and we manage more parallel strings. We prepared a very nice tour for you and we also want to be sure that you’ll have a nice travel experience from the airport to the venue (you’ll find more details in this newsletter). Another good news is that my effort to obtain discounts and benefits for our association is starting to materialize – I managed to obtain some sponsorship for the beverages and the hotel management offered all EARTh members unlimited free passes to the swimming pool during the period of the convention (previously there was only one free entrance per person). So, don’t forget to pack your swimming suit! There are many other surprises that we are preparing for you and can’t wait to welcome you to Romania! 

At the end of March, we are planning to have our Board winter meeting in Romania to work for EARTh, but also check that everything goes as planned with the venue.

As you can see, our association is also changing and for the better! If you have ideas or want to contribute, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here for you!

Warm regards,

Victor Chirea

President of EARTh

Verified publication:

Athanasios Komianos
Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) & Certified Regression Therapist (CRT)
