by Hans TenDam
What have these two fields to do with each other? Very little and quite a lot. As I have been a management consultant for almost 40 years, I met many leaders of companies and public institutions. I have met few very good leaders, because those people rarely need external consultants. And I have met few very bad leaders, because those avoid external consultants. With only a few of the leaders I met I have done regressions, but many of my regression clients had leadership experiences, either in this life or in a past life. I think I can sense those when I meet them for the first time. Let me share a number of my impressions and conclusions.
1. Most managers have had lifetimes either as commanding officers in the field, or as priests-magistrates. Or both – rarely in the same lifetime. Both experiences have a distinct flavor that I seem to recognize almost immediately.
2. I have the impression that former military leaders tend to be line managers and former priests tend to be staff managers. When we hear about people who remembered a life in the SS, they are almost all managers, directors, producers, and the like. Or again in the military. (By the way, the really evil ones never will visit a regression therapist.)
3. To succeed in higher general management positions you seem to need to have had both experiences.
4. Financial executives have had priest lifetimes. For a time, I wondered why. Then it hit me: money is intangible, priests have learned to deal with intangibles.
5. In women, priest or priestess lifetimes are more easily perceived than military lifetimes, who have been, of course, almost always male. Still, male lifetimes in women seem to be more easily discernible than female lifetimes in men. In general, men have more difficulty in remembering female lifetimes, than women in remembering male lifetimes. Also psychics see more often male past lives of women than female past lives of men.
6. The fundamental difference in spiritual orientation is between priests and priestesses on the one hand and shamans and witches at the other hand. Lifetimes of shamans and witches, if they have been peaceful and successful, seem to lead in the present life more to independent positions than to management positions, as those experiences are less formal, avoiding order and hierarchy. They don’t like to be bosses and they like it even less to have bosses.
7. In the few cases that I had in which personal coaching and consultancy of leaders included regression work (and other interventions at the energetic level like constellations), the effects were immediate, strong and included shifts in the whole area of responsibility.
8. Business leaders are more open to alternative and spiritual approaches than public managers, as they are less sensitive to public constituencies and publicity in general. As long as they produce results, they have more freedom in the way they go about to produce these results.
9. Commercial people are most open to our work, because they are more intuitive, as they deal more with people and their psychological make-up. Technical people are less open, and administrative and legal people least open. Even when they go for our stuff, they have more problems to enter into full experiences.
10. Within the technical people, like in engineering and ICT, there is a sizeable minority that is very interested in anything psychic. I often found extraterrestrial backgrounds in them.
Please remember that these insights – if that is what they are – should be approached with caution:
• Even if they are all true, you can’t reason backwards: that a legal counsel in a firm will have been a priest and not a military officer, or that an independent management consultant (like me) should have been a shaman. The relationships are statistical: in larger numbers of people, we may find such relationships, but they are not valid for individual cases.
• The people I have met are not necessarily a representative sample of all our clients, even less a representative sample of all people.
If you have experiences that seem to confirm – or to contradict – my experiences, react on the forum pages. I am interested!
And what about board members, especially of therapist associations? The only thing I can say, that there is somewhat more chance of a priest background than in the rest of the membership. The tendency to organize things and other people is not too great in witches.
Fortunately, most of us have enough lifetimes to at least sample the strengths (and weaknesses) of commanders, magistrates, priests, priestesses, shamans and witches. I personally knew priestesses who knew all about bewitching others. Before and outside EARTh of course.