JULY 2011
By Hans TenDam
We are not afraid to die. After all, there is something called reincarnation. And apparently we are not afraid to publish. Many of us did. You will know that people like Morris Netherton, Roger Woolger, Andy Tomlinson and yours truly published. But other members published also, and you may not know that. If I look at our member list, I know at least the following people published books or articles (or movies) about regression or therapy: Milton Menezes, Charlotte Muthesius, Ulf Parczyk, Ingrid Vallières, Marianne Carolus, Athanasios Komianos, Wendy Gillissen, Maria Clara Leitão, Mário Simões, Dorothy Neddermeier, Janet Cunningham and Trisha Caetano. When I list all those names, in alphabetical order, it is even more impressive.
Trisha Caetano
Marianne Carolus
Janet Cunningham
Wendy Gillissen
Athanasios Komianos
Maria Clara Leitão
Milton Menezes,
Charlotte Muthesius,
Dorothy Neddermeier
Morris Netherton
Ulf Parczyk
Mario Resende
Mário Simões
Hans TenDam
Andy Tomlinson
Ingrid Vallières
Roger Woolger
Diba Ayten Yılmaz
And I am sure the list is far from complete. Do you know what these and other people wrote about? We should have all their publication listed on our site, including links to where the books can be ordered or where the articles can be found. The easiest place is on everyone’s personal page. May impress your clients as well.
The secretariat will mail you soon to submit information as complete as possible about your publications. We will include publications in all languages. It would be nice if for both English and non-English books, you will provide one paragraph in English with the contents. And the more links, the better. After all, most writers like people to read their stuff.
An other thing is that we asked people to list and rank order the for them 12 most influential books in this field. You can find the result on our forum. The top 12, also in alphabetical order, are:
1. Carol Bowman – Children’s Past Lives
2. Winafred Lucas – Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals
3. Morris Netherton – Past Lives Therapy
4. Michael Newton – Journey of Souls
5. Michael Newton – Destiny of Souls
6. Hans TenDam – Deep Healing
7. Hans TenDam – Exploring Reincarnation
8. Andy Tomlinson- Healing the Eternal Soul: Insights from Past-Life and Spiritual Regression
9. Helen Wambach – Reliving Past Lives: The Evidence Under Hypnosis
10. Brian Weiss – Many Lives, Many Masters
11. Roger Woolger – Other Lives, Other Selves
12. Roger Woolger – Healing Your Past Lives: Exploring the Many Lives of the Soul
So those books everyone should read. But to me, the interesting thing was that the respondents mentioned altogether more than 150 books they considered influential on their work. Many of them I didn’t read or even didn’t know existed. So we will ask people who collaborated and mentioned a book that no one else listed, to write a short review about it for the EARTh Newsletter to recommend it to colleagues that probably don’t know it.
By the way, probably the most outlandish book about our field, was recently published by Nassos Komianos, your Vice President. Outlandish, but very scholarly. Find out what REAR* means. You will either flock in great numbers to his workshop at the World Congress, or stay away as far as you can. Nassos makes us other writers seem quite normal. Thank you Nassos!
* Rapid Entity Attachment Release