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From Transformation to Transcendence

Presidential Letter – Newsletter October 2021

From Transformation to Transcendence

Hello dear EARTh members,

Regression Therapist Victor ChireaIt’s been almost 1 month since the first Online Congress organized by EARTh ended. This wasn’t the only reason why it was different, it was also the most waited event. Initially planned for the summer of 2020, we had to postpone it for one year and then change again the dates for September 2021. Because of the current pandemic period, we decided last minute to organize it online. It was a tremendous effort, especially because EARTh organized the congress by itself, so we didn’t have a local team to organize it (another first). I would like to take this occasion to give thanks to all the people that made this Congress happen, especially to the Board members (Janine, Diba, Gudrun, Aysegul and Rita), the members from the Program Committee where Aysegul was Chair and the members from the PR Committee where Janine was Chair. And a special link who connected the work of all these dedicated people, special thanks to our dear, hard-working secretary Anna Merkulova.

The Congress exceeded all expectations in my view, we had a very good and diverse program, professional presentations and a lot to learn. The opening ceremony had a very touching moment commemorating John   and the closing ceremony had its therapeutic and artistic moments. The General Assembly was a very dynamic event, with a lot of useful feedback from the EARTh members regarding vital issues – a true democratic meeting of open-minded ‘earthlings’. This General Assembly pointed out another need of our association: to meet online and exchange ideas and suggestions on important matters more often. I also take this chance to thank you all for your trust in electing me as the President of EARTh. It is an honor for which I am grateful.  

For me, and I think that for most of the participants also, the Congress was truly a transformative experience. The next step would be transcendence as Trisha Caetano taught us in her workshop. 

If we look to the future, the next stop is the 2022 Annual Convention. I’m happy to invite you all to the magical lands of Romania. I made a very beautiful power point of the next venue. I presented it during the closing ceremony and you can access it through this newsletter. The landscape is absolutely outstanding as you will see from the pictures, the hotels are large and have a lot of rooms so you can come with your family and also stay a few more days to complete your vacation. The personnel is very kind and we obtained a good price and excellent conditions for our group. I hope I made you curious to check out the power point presentation where you will find all the details you need to take your decision. 

I’ll end my presidential letter with a few words of wisdom noted during the workshops I participated in. I mentioned some of them during the closing ceremony, but they are worth repeating:

When we come back home we want to bring something that we didn’t have before, otherwise it would be in vane. Like a bee that comes back to the hive, but with honey. (Hans ten Dam)

One of our responsibilities as Therapists is to peel the lies layer by layer from the Client until the truth reveals. And the second one that brought a smile on my face – We don’t need to take drugs, mushrooms or any psychedelics, we have Regression Therapy. (Trisha Caetano)

If you want to change something, you have to become one with it. (Martin Roesch)

I wish you all to be in good health and make your good disposition a top priority. Also, remember to stay connected. Together we are all better!

Warm regards,

Victor Chirea

President of EARTh

Verified publication:

Athanasios Komianos
Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) & Certified Regression Therapist (CRT)
