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Trisha Caetano



Trisha Caetano received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Oregon and continued her studies at Portland State University. She studied ClientCentered Therapy under Carl Rogers at the University of California and has a background in Regression Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and Psychosynthesis.

Leader, Educator, Trainer
Trisha is internationally known as a pioneer in Inner Child Integration and Past Life Regression Therapy and has done trainings for medical doctors, psychologists, psychotherapist and healers in numerous countries. She was twice elected President of The Association for Past Life Regression Research and Therapies Inc., a world wide organization of professionals from 23 different countries with over 900 members. The organization was focused on using past life regression therapy as a professional, therapeutic tool in healing. Prior to her presidency, she was the director of the only training program in the world to certify therapists in past life regression therapy. She was on the four member training team for the first medical training done by Brian Weiss in the United States.

Inner Child Integration Origins
Trisha began to explore the benefit of regression therapy in 1982 and was a pioneer in helping develop Past Life Regression Therapy to become a professional paradigm in healing. As she developed these methods with other professionals, it became clear that many areas of the psyche needed to be explored, including the present life womb and childhood traumas. She applied the regression techniques to the present life. Knowing we are multi faceted and multidimensional beings, no one method can heal on all levels. Exploring these aspects became obvious. As Trisha explored, developed and continued working with in her own training program, integration of other modalities were incorporated. The multi-dimensional healing of Integration Therapy is now a world wide professional training program.

Honorary Life Membership
In Europe, the prestigious international organization for professional regression therapists, the Earth Association for Regression Therapy, EARTh, has bestowed on Trisha the Honorary Life Membership award for her world wide contribution to regression therapy.

International lectures, trainings, workshops
Trisha has traveled extensively for 35 years doing presentations and trainings in England, Japan, Australia, Portugal, Turkey, India, New Zealand, The Netherlands Germany, Dubai, Kenya, Singapore, the United States and now Russia.

Businesses and Professionals
International companies have hired Trisha to do lectures, seminars and consulting, often doing trainings in communication and conflict resolution. She has also done professional training workshops for businesses.

Presenter, Speaker, Professional
Published in professional journals, newsletters and magazines internationally, Trisha has been featured on national and international television and radio programs. She is known as a vibrant and knowledgeable presenter, educator and trainer in the fields of interpersonal and transpersonal development.
She brings energy, humor, insight and empathy to her work. Trisha continues to travel internationally, lecturing at conferences and universities and training professionals in Integration therapy and multidimensional healing.

Inner Child Integration Therapy Training
Trisha Caetano, Director

Inner Child Integration Therapy

We now know that denying, discounting, forgetting or coping with painful experiences does not resolve trauma or the resulting reactive responses. The mind has programmed the somatics, feelings, emotions and conclusions from these experiences. The body is prepared to respond immediately and unconsciously to stimulus that is similar to the trauma.

What starts as a subconscious survival program, too often results in illogical, immature or destructive behavior in adult life. We lose conscious choice because we no longer know what we really feel or want. Whole parts of who we are become locked into the trauma of the past.

Regressing to the traumatic experiences reactivates the repressed emotions and trapped energy frozen in the trauma. A skilled therapist must know how to locate the trauma and help release this energy from the body, express and heal the emotional response and reframe the mental conclusions.

The focus of the method is contacting, releasing, healing, integrating, Being.

We are multidimensional, conscious beings with many levels of awareness, ego states, patterns and life events active at any given moment in time. We also have an innate drive or instinct towards wholeness, integration and balance. When the physical, spiritual and emotional levels are not in harmony because of trauma, abuse and dysfunction, states of imbalance and disease are created.

Integration work allows the therapist to move a client to explore deeper parts of the psyche. The process allows the client to understand their inner myths and the emotional and attitudinal patterns that unconsciously influence their physical, mental and emotional behavior. Because these life scripts or beliefs, problems and patterns are repeated on many developmental levels, we approach resolution in many ways. It can be necessary to work at various age levels, the present, the past or prenatal levels. The mental, emotional and physical levels often need to be explored to relieve symptoms. Therefore, various therapeutic models need to be used.


Inner Child therapy is concerned not only with the alleviation of symptoms, but focuses on the attitudes, patterns and coping mechanisms that create the behavior and mind sets that cause the symptoms. The mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels often need to be examined to understand and release the cause of behaviors, beliefs or symptoms.

Significantly, learning how to work ‘beyond therapy’ on multidimensional levels of the conscious and unconscious allows us to become all we can be, reach the fullness of who we truly are as a soul. It allows us to live life fully, using conscious choice and expanded awareness.

A primary focus of integration work is to help the individual live a more integrated and balanced life style, to live in the present and to participate in the creative process that gives meaning to each moment of awareness.

The training program

The Inner Child Integration training program is for members of the healing professions. It is an in-depth, experiential training program. It includes lectures illustrated with case study material giving insights into the process of both the therapist and client. As a student you learn practical therapeutic methods, experience group processes, practice with other students, roleplaying, voice dialogue, study groups and demonstrations. This method of training allows you to feel, do, see and understand how Inner Child Integration work becomes a powerful tool for accelerating the healing process for yourself and your clients.

You will be trained to help another person go deeply into their own experience, using respect, safety and compassion for the person. You will learn to sense the energy of the client and move into the flow of their process to assist them with their healing. It is the other person’s session and the power of their healing is within them. A responsibility of a therapist is to help them see and become who they truly are.

A basic theme is to do your own work so you can stay in your center, connect with the client, and at the same time allow the client their own, total experience. Healing and protecting your own inner vulnerability, you can protect the vulnerable inner child parts of the other person during the process. The greater variety of skills you learn, the more you are able to help yourself and then your clients integrate into wholeness.

This is a two year training program. The first year focuses on learning the Inner Child techniques, experiential processes, information and practice for your own healing as you acquire basic tools . The second year focuses on developing your skills and healing ability with advanced Inner Child techniques and integrating other therapeutic paradigms to create a multidimensional flow in the therapeutic process.


• to provide professional methods and techniques to develop in students the high levels of competence and responsibility required to do professional therapy
• to assist each student in their own healing process
• to maintain high professional and ethical standards for trainers and students
• to bring students to a level of performance which demonstrates understanding and application of the principles being taught
• to work toward understanding and resolution with any problems
• to offer opportunities for continued education, supervision and support after graduation
• to inspire in students the respect, compassion and honesty needed to help people explore the depths of their own pain and the heights of their own expanded awareness
• to understand that the trust another person places in you when they choose you to help them on their path, is a deep honor and their process is to be respected

Trisha is internationally known as a pioneer in Inner Child Integration and Regression Therapy, and over the past 30+ years has trained medical doctors,
psychologists and other professionals around the world in her unique approaches to therapy, including The Netherlands, Japan, India, Kenya, Singapore, and more.
Published in professional journals  and magazines internationally, Trisha has been featured on national and international television, radio programs,
and has delivered numerous keynote speeches at professional conferences in numerous countries spread across 4 continents.
Her innovative methods are designed to achieve fast, effective results by helping people to heal and release the emotional
patterns that unconsciously influence their present physical, mental and emotional behavior in negative ways.

Mode of Therapy:
Multidimensional, Integration Therapy

Numerous professional journals and public publications in the United States, Japan, Netherlands and Singapore
Book on Integration Therapy published in Japan

U.S.A and The Netherlands