Mário Resende , 56 years old, is a member of the Ordem dos Psicólogos, a degree in Philosophy and a Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, a Transpersonally oriented psychotherapist (, a certified regression therapist (, and trainer of therapists with 17 years of experience. Post-Graduate in TRVC and Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis by the Advanced Training Institute of the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon. Effective professor of Philosophy and Psychology in secondary education until 2006, he is also trained in Biodynamics, Waking Dream Analysis and Active Meditations. He was president of the Luso-Brazilian Association of Transpersonal (Alubrat) in Portugal between 2015 and 2019, and is vice-president.president of the Portuguese Federation of Psychotherapy (FEPPSI) since 2019. He is a father, husband and writes poems when the “muse” wants to.