Hi, Thanks for looking at my page. My name is Janine Booij and I live and work in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
I studied Transpersonal Regression Therapy at Tasso Institute, with Hans ten Dam. I also followed workshops of a.o. Roger Woolger, Morris Netherton and Trisha Caetano.
Transpersonal Regression Therapy involves Regression Therapy (this lifetime and prenatal/birth experiences), Inner child work, Past Life Therapy, soul regressions, aura exploration, energy work and spirit releasement.
I combine Regression Therapy with other disciplines, like: counselling, bodywork, Gestalt, massage and healing.
I work with clients with all kinds of problems, both emotional and physical (somatic/psychosomatic).
My site is in Dutch, but I also do sessions in English and Italian.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them. You can contact me by e-mail ( ), phone ( +31651816412) or we could make an appointment for a Skype meeting (Skypename: janine.booij).
I’m looking forward to hearing from you and may be working with you!