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Estafet 10 – Video Interview with Athanasios Komianos


Nassos is Nassos, there is no need for introduction :)



All right, so hello everyone, and welcome to our next episode of Estafet. And today we are travelling… Where were we last time? We were in Sweden with Jörgen. And today, Jörgen sent us to Greece, and today, we are with Nassos. Hi Nassos!

Hello Anna, how are you doing?

And welcome. I’m great. How are you?


I’m doing fine. It is good seeing you again and talking to you again.

Great. I’m happy to see you, too. Let’s just jump in right into that and just introduce yourself to our viewers, Your name, where you’re from and a little bit about yourself.

Well, I want to thank Jörgen. He’s a very good friend and I thank him for inviting me over for that interview. He would certainly love to be here in sunny Greece from Sweden, this time of the year. We have summer time here. It’s like summer, it’s not November.
Anyway, I was born here in this city, Kifisia. It’s a suburb to the north of Athens, and I grew up here. I concluded my studies here, and then I went to America, where I studied psychology and sociology, and it was there that I first saw a past life regression in 1983, when I was a sophomore student. I saw this taking place in front of my eyes, and I was really shocked at the time because I had no idea that this can happen.
And this was probably the initiative experience to put the seed into my mind, and drive me eventually. And after many, many, many diversions I  started this profession 20 years ago, I started my profession in Corfu. I didn’t start here in Kifisia. I was in the island, the beautiful island of Corfu, at Corfu town. And that’s where I started as a hypnotherapist, because I was trained in hypnosis and hypnotic techniques, and it was by Burt Goldman.
And it was there that I started this. And I had some acquaintance with past lives during the training. But the original past lives that came through my sessions were the products that convinced me that indeed there is past life and that we have a soul that survives physical death.

And so, do you have any interesting examples actually from any sessions or from that experience, eventual experience in the beginning?

Well, there are many, many, many cases. I have done thousands of sessions, so most of them are fascinating and very interesting. But you know, what stands out usually is the first ones that made impression on you. From there on, you’re not impressed that much, so you tend to forget what happens. Now, I’m in a time where I forget what I did last week. I cannot hold it in anymore, you know. It just goes away and the session is over and everything is deleted from my mind. But the first sessions were really impressive. I think I was convinced about the reality of former lives when a girl, she was about 23 years old, a student at the University of Ioannina, who came to me because her mother insisted she has a session with me, and she had an eye blinking all the time. The nerve was destroyed from birth. So she had a birth defect and I said, “you know, I cannot fix this, I cannot do anything about it, that’s a nerve that has been damaged.” So they said “please, please see her, see her.” I said OK. When I was doing the history taking, she didn’t mention any abnormal behaviour. More or less she was, we would say, in the mean average of every other person. And when she fell into hypnosis, immediately, spontaneously went back into her past life, which was a life in New York, back in the 60s. And she was a prostitute. And she sees herself with a red dress running up and down the street to fish her clients. And as she’s doing that, she’s really depressed. And she doesn’t like that; her pimp exploits her, beats her, rapes her, takes all her money, and she’s also a heroin addict. So she’s messed up, and all of a sudden one day she just opens the window and she jumps off the 9th floor of a hotel room on the street and she falls down with her face and actually that part of the face where the eye was blinking. So she was killed instantly. Well, so far nothing, you know, it’s a mediocre – let’s say – session.
But the point is that about two weeks after our session, her mother calls in and she says, “Nassos, you saved us.” I said “what? How did I do this? I said the eye cannot have stopped blinking.” She says “No, no, forget the eye. Not the eye.” I said “What then?” Well, from a very young age, that girl wanted to wash herself obsessively. You know, she would, from the very moment she learned how to wash herself, when she was four years old, five years old, she was jumping in the shower 8 to 9 times per day, rubbing herself and emptying all the hot water, the heated water from the, you know, collector.” And that would cost them a tremendous amount of money because she would waste all the water and nobody else had water in the family to wash themselves. That behaviour stopped immediately after the first session. It disappeared. So when I heard that, I said, “Come on, why didn’t you not tell me that she had that irrational behavior?” “Ah, we didn’t know that it was irrational.” “Have you heard of any other children doing this eight or nine times a day?” “We didn’t know.” They thought this was bizarre, but they didn’t think it was irrational. So it was that session that convinced me that yes, indeed there are former lives and that with one session you can solve problems of your clients.

Right. So that was inspiring, eh?

Yeah, that was very inspiring, because then I realized that I was doing something very real. Till that time I had doubts because I was a very rational person. I was a leftist. My, you know, my brain was more to the materialistic aspects of reality and not that spiritual. So that was the turning point where everything changed for me, and for my clients.
Actually, you know, every therapist would tell you that his best mentors are his clients or her clients. You know, it’s our practice that makes us better and makes us see things that we cannot see otherwise. So that was one case. Very interesting.

Interesting. Well, so what about, because we all know that you also do spirit release, right? You work with that as well. How actually did it come to that? Because that’s another branch of therapy.

Yeah. Good question. Back then, 20 years ago, I was still, you know, an amateur apprentice. And I was in Corfu in 2003, and I was doing sessions at my apartment when I was living there. I had not opened my office yet, and there comes a lady. She was an accountant and she had three children, married to a wealthy man. But she had problems with depression, and she couldn’t cope with reality, and she was crying all the time, and there was no specific reason why she was crying all the time. So she heard about me, and she visited. She said “I want a session with you.” She came to my place and I do my tricks there to hypnotize her. And whenever, you know, I was having a woman, I usually was using text. You know, I was reading out from a text. So that would be not an offensive, you know, hypnotic procedure, but very friendly, very calm. “So please take a deep breath, relax, enjoy, have fun.”
As I was reading out text, she gets really furious and she says “Would you please shut up and listen to what I have to say?” and I was “Oh, fuck, Oh my God, what is she saying?” No, I was really upset. “What are you? You insult me. Is it me who you were talking to?”
I was really pissed off. But on the other hand I said, “What the fuck is she looking at?” And I said “OK, OK, tell me what you see.” and she tells me that she’s flying over the cemetery of Corfu. I said, “What are you doing there? How? How are you flying over it?” “I don’t know, flying over.” And I say “Go please, to the graves and tell me what you read.” So she goes over a grave and she looks down. She reads out, and it’s her grandfather’s name. And I said “Grandfather? Oh, oh, shit. Is he dead?” Yes, he is dead. “Oh, who is talking now?” And it was the grandfather who was talking and he had possessed her body. So, her grandfather was in her body. I said “What? What?” I had read a book by Shakuntala Modi. Modi was a psychiatrist in West Virginia. She was doing depossesion and spirit release. She was one of the first medical professionals to be doing this extensively. And she was one of the best spirit release doctors that ever walked on this planet. But when I read the book about hypnosis, that was great. But when she went in the spirit possesion, I said “What the hell is she talking about? This is bizarre. This is absurd. This cannot be happening. This is not what should be.”
I said “Why do they have a license for the psychiatrist? She should be dismissed.” So I left the book on the side. Well, when this happened, the incident with the grandfather, I ran all the way back to my bedroom, I brought in the book, started going in and trying to read, you know, “where where the fuck is this?” Because I remember that it said, oh, you know, she was sending people to the Light. So I said, “where’s the Light? Look at the light.” and I was trying to talk to the grandfather of the lady. And the grandfather eventually started looking up and he indeed saw the Light. And then I said, “probably you see some escorts there, some people that are coming to pick you up.” And he said, “Yes, yes, I see them,” you know and he was looking up. She was looking up. He was looking through her eyes, her closed eyes. Let’s not forget that the eyes were closed and that was it. He goes up to the light and then the lady opens her eyes and wakes up. She says “What happened?” and I said “Don’t you remember?” She couldn’t remember anything. She had complete amnesia. But she says “I feel very good now. I feel very relieved. I feel, as if you know something, a burden left. Was I crying?” She, you know, she found all this –  “was I crying?” I said “yes, you were crying.”
“What happened to me?” “That’s OK.” At that time I was not recording sessions. It was, you know, I was still very young to this. But this case also helped me a lot to open my eyes and immediately I read the book of Shakuntala Modi to the end, and then I bought all the books in her bibliography, so I could really master myself into this. And that was how I got into Spirit Release.

And actually, is it normal that the client does not remember afterwards, or in this kind of sessions, or it depends?

It depends. It depends on the depth of the trance, and it depends on the specific conditions there. Most people remember everything, but there are about one maximum 2% of my clients who do have complete amnesia. And mostly those people who have amnesia are the ones who had a very severe experience in their youth, very early youth, and especially individuals who have been raped by a relative, usually. And they cannot- if the rapist is still alive, still around and ready, you know- so they cannot deal with this. If the rapist is the father or the uncle or somebody in their very near family, this makes things very tough for them to deal. So it seems that this protective shield of amnesia is cutting off that part of the personality, dissociates the personality in two parts, at least. So at least, in the memory process, so that this memory becomes engulfed and kept there, safe, out of the way.
But it seems that after we do the session, aggression comes up to them, usually directed towards the person who was the rapist. And eventually, they start calling me and they’re saying “Nassos, Did I see my uncle? And did I mention Mr. Nikos doing such a thing?” When they ask me, I say “yes, of course you did.”
And then sometime within two months or three months, the real memory of the rape comes up, and then, they’re furious. They’re really angry, they’re really upset, and they really want to attack on that person who did these things to them. So, that’s the reason why we have amnesia. It seems to protect ourselves from things that we could not cope with in real life.

Right, very necessary, yeah, in that case especially. So that brings me to my next and last question, actually, about your own memories. So, Jörgen was talking about a bishop and theologist, Athanasius from Alexandria, and he was asking because basically he said that at some point when he was with you or talking to you, he had some sort of a feeling that you might be somehow connected to this person, in whatever way he wasn’t sure. So the question was if you have had any past lives or any notions that you are somehow connected to this person?


– yeah, or any other information.

Yeah, I remember his interview. The answer is no. I have no recollection whatsoever. We do have a common name, Athanasios, of course. He was archbishop back then he was in the First Council of Constantinople, and he was very active. But I have no recollection whatsoever. None of the sessions I’ve done has ever gone that far and this has never showed up. Maybe his vision is OK, I don’t know. Maybe his vision is correct. But for me, I never managed to-you know, to confirm this, it never occurred to me. But Athanasios- in a sense is a Christian name, not an ancient Greek name. It’s a Christian name and it means immortal. So it seems that I was given that name to remind myself always that I’m immortal because all of us are Athanasios actually, we are all immortal. We never die. The essence of us, of ourselves never dies. So in that sense, he is correct, Jörgen. But specifically speaking about that person being incarnated in this time of that era, no, I’m not.

All right. OK. I hope Jörgen is OK with that answer, but any other memories that you managed to remember? Maybe something interesting about your past- through?

Yes, I can tell you I’ve discovered I was a very famous person. I will not reveal who I was and I was a hypnotist back then. That was 250 years before our time. I was also a hypnotist and at the time and I was very famous. My name is very well known. My looks are very, very much alike, as well.


But I’m not revealing this. I keep it as my secret because then it would be ridiculous, you know? But I’ve had a lot, a lot of evidence and a lot of my clients recognized me in their sessions that you are this guy. When one person says that, “who cares?” One second person says that, you say, “oh, coincidence.” When the third person says that, when the 4th person says that. And then when other people around you tell this, then you confirm it. And then I had personal experiences as well that reminded me of this. So yes, I was a famous person.
You will learn that after I die.

Seems like it was useful. You have transferred the skills to this life of the profession.

But in the afterlife, go to a Ouija board and I tell you who I was.

OK, I’ll do the session.


Anna: All right. Thank you, Nasos. Thank you so much. So as we come to a close, I would like to ask you who will be next in our Estafet’s journey and who will I interview next?

Yes, there is a very dear, very dear colleague. Of course he rejected me. I was his roommate and he went away the first night because I was snoring. I- OK, I forgive him for this.

It was where?

In Estonia, back ten years ago, I think it was- Hans and Bert Smit and myself sleeping in the same room. Hans didn’t have a problem. Bert walked out. So anyway, Bert is a medical doctor. He’s a pediatrist, and he was also a very good doctor who took care of me when I got sick in Ireland in 2015.

Anyway, I think he’s one of the best persons. We have wonderful persons in EARTh, but he’s one of the best ones. And even though we have talked a lot, I’ve never had the chance to ask him how did he become a regression therapist from a pediatrist? I mean, he’s still a pediatrist, that’s where he makes most of his money. But he also is in love with regression therapy, and I would like to hear his story. I never had the chance to hear it.

All right. I’m also very curious to find out that.


That means I’ll be going to Netherlands next time, in the very near future.

Yes, because you were too many times in Portugal. You were- too many times.

That’s true!

Yeah. You like the sunny places, I see. But now I sent you back to the Netherlands.

That’s all right. I already have some other plans for after Netherlands, so I’m although it’s also cold there too, but it’s all right. I’ll have to deal with the cold. All right. Yeah.
Thank you so much. Nassos.

Thank you for all the wonderful work you’re doing, not only Estafet but for EARTh you are very precious and thank you very much for everything.

Thank you, Nassos. It’s my pleasure and I will see you guys next time, this time in Netherlands, so watch out for the videos in the newsletter and on our website.




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