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WEBINAR From the drama triangle to conscious choices

April 30, 2024 @ 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Oana Răgălie

From the drama triangle to conscious choices – A tool of awareness to complement regression sessions – „A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation.” Neale Donald Walsch – “Conversations with God”, vol 2. As therapists, we are familiar with the unconscious roles from the drama triangle – Saviour, Perpetrator, Victim – that we or our clients play in our relationships. Moreover, we have seen the bigger picture, many past lives where the clients were either Victims or Perpetrators. Sometimes, in power lives that went bad, in the Saviour role. These dynamics remain with us, in our current lives, and we are playing the roles unconsciously, having the automated pilot at the steering wheel, as the director of the film of our lives. Besides helping our clients to deeply heal themselves through regression sessions, we can offer them a tool of awareness, that they can use day by day, in order to have conscious choices in whatever they are doing. For example, someone who had many lifetimes as a Victim, might be drawn to act as a Saviour in their present life. They might say to themselves “I am doing all this, as I want to contribute to the wellbeing of my loved ones”. As this is true, at the same time, on the long run, they will find themselves frustrated, overwhelmed, too much responsibility on their shoulders, not being able to say No or set healthy boundaries, feeling as everyone is taking advantage of them, looking for validation, appreciation and a fair exchange from the ones they are constantly helping. Which seldom comes. Then the frustration, anger and exhaustion appear. And this turns into a vicious circle of unfair energy exchanges. Been there, done that! This vicious circle can be broken in a single way. Finding out the needs that they are trying to meet by being in the unconscious Saviour role, shining the light of awareness and making different choices, that really serve them. By guiding such a process of making our clients aware of the drama triangle roles and how they can really choose, moment by moment, needs based, we can help them integrate their deep regression therapy healing. And, after all, transform their lives, into ones that are serving them and their soul’s journey. » How can we switch from the roles of the drama triangle which we play unconsciously, out of old dynamics and traumas? » How can we have conscious choices that we are making moment by moment, aligned with our values? Meeting our needs? I invite you to a 2 hour long webinar where we can explore: » what is behind the role of the drama triangle that we most often play in our lives, in our relationships » what needs are we meeting when entering in that role. Even if we do it unconsciously, everything we do, each moment, it’s aimed at meeting our needs. » is there a positive triangle? And if so, what are the roles that we can find there? » how can we break out of the roles and move to a choice that is aligned with our values and needs? » how can we guide our clients to do so, themselves? The webinar is designed to be an experiential one, over 80% of it consists of activities and sharing with the other participants. As I am passionate about the roles in the drama triangle, having deconstructed them myself, in my own life, I would love to guide you in this experience. With tools such as a guided journey for individual introspection and Nonviolent Communication concepts.


About Oana

I am Oana Răgălie, woman, mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend…a human being, on my own souls’ journey of integration and growth. After 10 years spent in the financial and banking field, in sales, business development and strategy, I decided to dedicate myself to my own healing, development and new ways to contribute to the world. In 2017, I have found 2 new paths to get what I was longing for – healing, integration and meaningful contribution around me – Regression Therapy and Nonviolent Communication (NVC). I have been studying and practicing the 2 concepts in parallel, as I noticed that the deep healing, I was getting in regression sessions was helped to be integrated in the day-to-day life by the tools I found in Nonviolent Communication. In 2022 I was certified as an international trainer in NVC, by the Center for Nonviolent Communication from USA. The same year I got the diploma as a regression therapist from the Romanian Institute of Regression Therapy, under Victor Chirea’s training and supervision. Nowadays I am combining elements of the 2 methods when working with clients, either in one-to-one sessions and processes or in workshops. I am passionate about spreading further the precious gifts that I received in my own healing process, to the people who need it. I am currently hosting women circle and my mission is to guide women to find their own inner resources to transform their lives in the way that serves them best, moment by moment.


April 30, 2024
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
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