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2018 EARTh Annual Convention, Baarlo, the Netherlands

Victor Chirea and Adina Rădulescu

The Thin Line between Normality and Psychopathology

Subtitle: Regression Therapy applied to severe cases of psychopathology (Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Identity Disorder and Anxiety Disorders)

by Victor Chirea and Adina Rădulescu


The thin line between normality and abnormality/psychopathology when it comes to the health vs. pathology of the self is quite hard to draw; there are a few criteria that still define normality even when there are psychopathological symptoms involved: the individual is aware of one’s own self and the reality around himself/herself; even when being confronted with difficult emotional states of mind, the individual maintains a sense of self-control and does not consciously try to cause harm to himself/herself or others; when being faced with different degrees of pain, anguish and suffering, the individual still maintains a natural tendency to look for solutions that may bring comfort, alleviate pain and discharge the emotional burden that drains his/her physical and emotional energy. In other words, ‘sane’ people who experience psychopathological challenges still have personal resources to look for their own good, still have a sense of purpose and the necessary motivation to turn their personal challenges into something bigger than the human misery.

I. Basic concepts of Psychopathology and connecting them with Regression Therapy

It is very important to have the ‘know-how’ when you want to work with patients with severe psychopathology. This is usually covered in at least 2 year Master’s study followed by practice, but we’ll try to cover the most important elements. What we won’t be able to cover during the workshop days (due to the time limit) we’ll make it available in our handouts for later study. We’ll design our materials on different degrees of knowledge so that the information will have a wide spectrum and be of great use to the experienced regression therapists and also to the students and trainees that are just at their beginning in their psychopathological practice using regression therapy.

Briefly the points that we are going to approach:    

  • What is the difference between normality and abnormality/pathology.
  • What is a clinical case and what is still subclinical.
  • Differences between the psychopathology of a child and that of an adult.
  • Brief classifications of disorders – with a focus on what we want to detail later.
  • How to understand and use DSM in general and DSM-V in particular.
  • How to read a diagnosis.
  • How to do a clinical interview.
  • Contra-indicators: how to know your limits of competence and intervention. When is proper to do a regression session and when it’s better to use different approaches or even refer the client to a different specialist.
  • Bibliography for further readings.

Everything will be presented in the context of Regression Therapy making crossover connections between the clinical language and what we use in Regression Therapy.

II. Severe cases of Psychopathology

A. Psychosis – Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders

Mentioning briefly what we are going to present:

  • Definitions, classifications, characteristics, symptoms, differential diagnosis and criteria of monitoring the respective disorders (the onset, the length of the psychotic episode, evolution, remission).
  • The stage of the disorder that the client is in when he/she comes for a regression session. Indications.
  • What is the etiopathology (the causality) behind these disorders.
  • How we work with such cases – interview, techniques from psychotherapy and regression therapy.
  • Contra-indicators – when not to work with such cases.
  • Case studies presentation.
  • Findings from the ongoing research – Working Regression Therapy with Severe Psychopathological Cases.
  • Demo session and group exercises.

B. The Dissociative Identity Disorders and Regression Therapy

This part of the pre-convention workshop will focus on the psychopathology of identity – namely, how one’s identity is temporarily ‘confused’, ‘lost’, ‘split’, ‘fragmented’ or ‘dissociated’ as a result of severe trauma/s in the present life, which may also function as the trigger for other similar traumas from birth, early childhood or past lives.

Types of dissociative disorders:

Theoretical reference will be made to the symptoms associated with different types of dissociative disorders:

  • Dissociative amnesia;
  • Depersonalization/derealisation disorder (the feeling of being ‘out of body’) and
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder (DSM-V) which is actually better known under the term Multiple Personality Disorder (DSM-IV).

Other points to be addressed:

  • The risk of misdiagnosing these identity disorders; they may be mistaken for or associated with other comorbid conditions like bipolar disorder, panic disorder or schizophrenia.
  • The present existing forms of psychiatric and psychological treatment specific for these disorders and their limits.
  • The approach of regression therapy in dealing with dissociative identity disorders.
  • Case study presentation.
  • Demo practice: ‘identity therapy’ related exercises: ‘body-work’, ‘self-grounding’, self-actualization exercises, self-realization exercises, the work with ego states.

These exercises are focused on strengthening the sense of the ‘I’ when dealing with clients with dissociative identity disorders or with early stages of these disorders. These exercises are meant to ground the client, strengthen his/her sense of identity and establish a good therapeutic alliance with the therapist, before the regression therapist may proceed with the first sessions of regression therapy.

III. More common cases of Psychopathology

Anxiety Disorders – Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Phobias

Anxiety Disorders include: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobic anxiety disorders (specific, social phobias and agoraphobia).

Briefly the points that we’ll address:

  • Definitions of the disorders, characteristics, symptoms and types.
  • The difference between fear (which is normal in certain circumstances) and anxiety.
  • The general symptomatology and charges.
  • The DSM-V criteria for Anxiety Disorders, Panic Disorder and Phobias.
  • How to understand the client that has this psychopathology.
  • Way of working with Anxiety Disorders, Panic Disorder and Phobias – Psychotherapy and Regression Therapy.
  • Specific tools and ways of intervention in crisis.
  • Demo session, the explanation of the techniques used and Q&A.

Depending on the context and participants’ interest, we can give priority to certain themes and leave other themes only for the handouts.  

About the presenters:

Victor Chirea is a psychotherapist, specialized in Gestalt Therapy and a Certified Regression Therapist, member of Earth Association for Regression Therapy and currently part of the Board and of the Research Committee. After graduating Electronics and Telecommunications, he started his second specialization – Psychology. He continued his studies with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychological Counseling and he also graduated from the Department for the Preparation of the Didactic Personnel. Shortly afterwards he published a book on Regression Therapy – Soul Fragmentation. Consequences and the Reintegration of Lost Parts.

His therapeutic approach is holistic, combining scientific information and research data with spiritual approaches. In his pilgrimages, he reached different spiritual centers in India and Tibet, where he had the privilege to meet enlightened masters. He studied and practiced Buddhist meditation techniques guided by Master Tanpai Rinpoche Acharya. During his free time, he practices Ki-Aikido for physical health and peace of mind.

Currently he’s involved with his own private practice as a therapist and he is also a trainer, preparing future regression therapists, at the Romanian Institute for Regression Therapy, that he founded in 2016.



Adina Rădulescu is Associate Professor, Ph.D. at the Faculty of Letters within Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania, teaching English and Anthropology. At the same time she is a psychologist and a certified psychotherapist, having her own private practice. She has a Master Degree in Psychopathology and Psychodiagnosis and her Ph.D. thesis is on Romanian folklore and anthropology. Her research studies, articles and books focus on various fields: medical, psychological, psycho-linguistics, psychological anthropology and neurosciences. Her latest book is called Psycholinguistic Constructs of Translation Processes (2015). Her academic perspective is that interdisciplinary research may provide new holistic views upon unsettled issues. Maria Angelina Pereira

Using Psychopathology to Improve Outcome in Therapy

Psychopathology is the study of mental disorders. The word “psychopathology” comes from the Greek logos – “the study/knowledge of”, pathos “suffering/diseases” and from psyche “soul”. Psychopathology encompasses the origin, development and symptom manifestation in cognition and behaviour of mental dysfunction. It can be divided into descriptive and explanatory psychopathology.

The disorders are identified and classified into categories for clinical, epidemiological, research and administrative reasons. But, this identification and classification is surrounded by controversial issues –cultural, social, individual and categorical limitations.

Nonetheless, understanding psychopathology is understanding the way mental distress presents itself in individuals. Understanding the manifestations the individual presents is understanding the person in front of us. We do not need a “label”, but we need to recognize symptoms and signs which will only be possible if we are aware. «We only see what we know» (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe).

The advances have been made in understanding the causes of human suffering can lead to the development of an empirically based model of psychopathology, that can lead to more advances in therapy.

I will be presenting Psychopathology with examples of Clinical Cases, focusing on the following objectives:

  1. Why and how are mental disorders classified?
  2. Which disorders are often seen in therapy?
  3. What dangers must I notice and what is fundamental I do?
  4. How do I distinguish Psychosis from Spiritual Emergency?
  5. Why and which disorders are contraindicated in this therapy?
  6. How do I treat an individual with the diagnose of Psychoses or Schizophrenia?
  7. What am I doing to protect myself from “psychopathology”?
2nd July 2018
3rd July 2018
4th July 2018
5th July 2018
6th July 2018
Saturday 7th July 2018
10:00-13:00 9:00-13:00 9:00-13:00 9:00-13:00 9:00-13:00 9:00-18:30
School leaders meeting Hans ten Dam. Dark dungeons, golden cages Diba Ayten Yilmaz Freedom from addictions Anita Groenendijk Depression and HSP Pinar Gogulan Digging the Unknown Autism – The Black Hole Milton Menezes How we can treat OCD using PLT Janine Booij How to work with PTSD Ronald Duchateau Regression and energywork for people suffering from disorders Heike Bettendorf Embodiment – interaction of the psyche and the body Tour to the south of Limburg
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:30-16:00 14:30-16:00 14:30-16:00 14:00-15:30
Tülin Schimberg Etyemez How to Combine “Fast Phobia Technique of NLP” with Regression Maarten Wiegmans splits in the soul by other beings Anita Groenendijk discussion on depression Pinar Gogulan Discussion on autism Anja van Lierop Dementia: what lies beneath the forgotten Isabel Berendsen The damage caused by psychopaths on an energetic level Marion and Tulin Special closing workshop
16:15-17:45 demo 16:15-17:45 collegue get together 16:15-17:45 demo 16:15-17:45 collegue get together 16:15-17:45 demo 16:15-17:45 collegue get together 15:30-17:30 closing ceremony
18:00-19:00 dinner 18:00-19:00 dinner 18:00-19:00 dinner 18:00-19:00 dinner
19:30-22:00 19:30-22:00 19:00-23:00 20:00-21:00 19:00
General Assembly BBQ Party Night Panel on Psychic Defense Dinner at de Berckt
In the mornings we will have 4 hour workshops and in the afternoons we will have more time to talk to each other, more time to discuss techniques, more time to interact and more time to do demos.
This means that in the afternoon the slots are not workshops, but possibilities to discuss, show techniques quickly, elaborate on those and learn from each other!

Tuesday 3-7 9:00-13:00

Hans ten Dam (Netherlands)

DARK DUNGEONS AND GOLDEN CAGES How to help people leave mental prisons

A mental prison is made of one or more conclusions about ourselves, people in general or the world we live in. Such conclusions I call postulates and those that directly or indirectly define our self-image, I call character postulates.

The workshop, after a short introduction, will almost exclusively consist of exercises in small groups and common evaluation afterwards. Participants will learn:

  • how to identify character postulates
  • how to explore their consequences
  • how to find their origins
  • how to deactivate them. All character postulates are recursive: they operate also in the therapy situation. As long as they are not deactivated, they complicate or even inhibit solution and healing.Postulates are the bones of what psychiatrists call personality disorders. Many of those are outside the scope of regression therapy, but some are inside. The workshop will help participants to appraise feasibility in individual cases. To find the origins of postulates involves regression. To deactivate postulates who have started as pronouncements by others involves personification. Working with postulates is especially effective with clients who are more present in their mind than in their body. It requires somewhat similar therapists.

Tuesday July 3,  9:00-13:00

Diba Ayten Yilmaz; (Turkey)

Freedom from addictions

In this workshop, we are going to talk about addiction to alcohol, smoking, food, sweets, drug etc. and about dependent personality. Addictions is a very common problem amongst my clients. Most of my female clients suffer from problems in their relationships with their partner. Over the years working with dependent clients, I have developed a shortcut method which provides fast and effective results.

An addiction is a captivity. Overcoming an addiction brings freedom to the client.
I categorised addictions into two main types; the first type is called “addiction to a substance”, the second type is called “dependency to a person”.
The “substance” in the first type of addictions can be one or more than one of the items such as; smoking, food, sweet, salt, drugs, alcohol, adrenalin, media, internet, power.

In the workshop, during the morning session, I’m going to give some case study examples about the addictions and the dependent personality and also my findings about the ones who has no ties with anyone.

Addiction has several layers which the therapist should check during the therapeutic process. Therapist should go through the depth of the human soul to search the origin of an addiction. Regression therapy is a great way to go to the depth of the soul.
Some clients may suffer from minor addiction issues whereas some of them may suffer major addiction issues who have both types of addiction as mentioned earlier (addiction to a substance and dependency to a person).

Being overweight is directly related with the food addiction and is getting a bigger problem around the world. The person should understand his/her actual problem hidden underneath the food addiction in order to overcome the issue of being overweight. In some cases, it appears as sweet addiction and in some cases it can be all kind of food. These addictions are related with a conflict which is in the subconscious of the person.

For that reason, the therapist should ask specific questions to the client to understand his/ her daily life and what is beneath his/her addiction. We also should check the secondary gain of the client.

She has graduated from Past Life Regression Academy in UK as a regression therapist.

She has a Foundation Level of Hypnosis Certificate from PLRA. She has also been trained and got a certificate in Life Between Life Regression Therapy by Linda Backman. She is an Approved Trainer by PLRA (Past Life Regression Academy), an IBRT Level III Certified Regression therapist and also has a certificate as a Trainer by IBRT. She is working as a full time regression therapist since 2005. Diba’s background is Mechanical Engineering and also has a diploma in Social Work and Counseling. Diba worked as Andy Tomlinson’s Assistant Trainer and supervisor for his Turkey training modules between 2006-2007. And with Andy Tomlinson’s encouragement she has started to give Past Life Regression Therapy Training in Turkish in September 2007 in Turkey. She is the founder of Radianced School and got her own Center in Turkey. She now serves as an EARTh Board member and chair of the EARTh College Committee.Tuesday 3-7 14:30-16:00 Short workshop-demo slots


Maarten Wiegmans (Netherlands)                   

Splits in the soul by other beings

Getting rid of charges and soul energies of other beings by a combination of constellation and regression techniques. 


In this workshop I will explore in detail  the process and consequences of representing other beings, and bearing their charges – like family members, friends, aborted, deceased or disappeared brothers or sisters, or even beloved animals. We explore in detail the results and survival strategies of the traumatised person, and we will offer a way out.

Carrying charges of other beings are different from attachments from these other beings, though there can be overlap in terms of ‘soul energy.’  In most cases,  ‘representing parts’ of a deceased of disappeared person can be seen as a form of soul energy. Thing is, that guild feelings often play a part, for instance, survivors’ guild wit holocaust survivors.

By making constellations of the larger (family) system of the client, the deceased person(s) who he or she is representing, are made clear. Also, the most important consequences and charges for the client will be represented. For instance: depression or deep sorrow. The constellations – which I can guide by real persons (or even by small puppets) will help to gain clear insight as to whom the original charge(s) belong, which are splitting the clients soul.

Further miscarriages, abortions and concealed or hidden system members will get their right place in the system. E.g. it can turn out, the eldest son was not the eldest. Like in the case of Vincent van Gogh, who was born exactly one year after his deceased brother Vincent – on whose grave in the church garden with his name and birth date, he used to play. Adolf Hitler, the only surviving boy of three is another example. Not seldom, the surviving child got the name of the deceased or one of the deceased, with all the consequences for the soul and survival techniques of the client.  Other examples include:


  • Girls who were supposed to be boys or vice versa;
  • Sons or daughters of celebrities, whose well known parent works as a ‘shadow’ over their right place in the system;
  • Adopted children;
  • Family members who represent war victims of victims of murder, accident or disappearance;
  • Unwanted twin children, as only one baby was expected.


Consequences of these so called disorders in family systems in terms of DSM-labelled problems, can be far-reaching. In my practice, these techniques have had very positive impact with depression and diverse officially diagnosed psychic diseases, like obsessive-compulsive disorders, trauma and stressor related disorders as well as schizophrenia spectrum, bipolar disorders.


Therapeutic approach:

First phase

In the first phase, examples will be given and techniques will be thought to give these lost souls their right place in the system, if necessary, generations back. After that, the consequences of this representation will be experienced by the client. In this constellation phase, we will see and interpret the effect of this on the client. One of these techniques is, to temporally withdraw or take out the person, to whom the original soul energy belonged, and get him or her in place again.

Second Phase

In the second phase, we will very practically discuss and explore techniques to work with the client in regression, by evoking the soul energy that originates from one or more other beings. We explore the crucial moments, which made the client bear the charges/soul energies of others. E.g. if the client had a deceased brother, and in the fist phase it turned out that the parent didn’t mourn or even denied what had happened, this brother will be given a place. So sorrow of grief can belong to the parents. We help the client to make this grief known to himself, to the parents, work it through – if necessary, by some mourning ritual – and after that, return it energetically to the parents. Underlying negative convictions  that came along with the splitting of soul energy, are explored and released as well as survival strategies.

Then , we complete the process by representing the deceased again in the system of the client, not only in child phase, but also as the person he or she would have been today. In my experience, all clients experience in this phase, the character of the deceased or hidden soul. They can take their place again where they belong, but the client will explicitly exchange the soul energy of person he or she was representing.

Third phase

In the third phase, a number of specific and practical therapeutic interventions will be given, through which the deeper ‘flow of love’ will return. These interventions in the third phase  can very directly lead to a catharsis and have u huge and lasting impact on the client.

You will receive handout with practical therapeutical tools and techniques. In the second and third phase, short demo sessions will take place with the audience directly.

Love to see you,

Maarten Earth/ NVRT (Dutch Organisation of Reincarnation Therapists)July 3, 14:30- 16:00.
How to combine “Fast Phobia Technique of NLP”  with Regression.

Fast Phobia Technique made NLP famous in the past. It is very simple and mostly works with phobias with known sources. This technique can also be used to reframe of traumatic events and relationships. It can reduce affect of the trauma. We usually combine this technique with regression. It is very good reframing technique. It is also called “movie technique”.

Tulin has a Board Certification with IBRT as a level IV Past Life Regression Therapist and DMP (Deep Memory Process) Practitioner.

Tulin obtained a B.S. degree of Geological Engineering from the Middle East Technical University in 1996. She was certified as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner of Median Therapies by AAMET; trained by Jeffrey Ryan and Janet Cunningham (The World Regression Institute) in regression; trained by Roger Woolger and Juanita Puddifoot on DMP; trained by Juanita Puddifoot and Leo Rutherford on shamanic journeying.

She is the president and board member of Metaphysical Investigations and Scientific Research Society (MISRS) and a member of Foundation for Spreading the Knowledge to Unify Humanity (BILYAY Foundation).

Tulin is one of the founder members of EARTh. She was board member of EARTh Association between 2006 and 2011. She is at the Programming Committee and she organizes Annual Conventions of EARTh every year.

She was appointed as the chair of the organization committee of the Fourth World Congress for Regression Therapists, which held in October 2011, in Turkey.

She is teaching regression with her colleague Resat Guner at Unicorn Transformational Studies.Anita Groenendijk; (Netherlands)

Depression and HSP


This workshop will have two parts

In the first part, I, Anita Groenendijk will talk about depression, an affliction which seems to happen more and more. Many of the people who have depression or depressionlike symptoms, are highly sensitive. I will make a distinction, which is artificial, but helps in order to talk about it, between biochemical depression and energy-drain depression. Of course it often happens together.

I will explain how the farmaceutical industry has portrayed depression, as a neurotransmitter imbalance in the brain, and show and talk about medication that is used and supposed to relieve depression symptoms. Alone in the Netherlands there are a million users of  anti-depressants, and this number is on the rise. In other countries this number is even higher, see the picture I have added of a couple of years ago.

Also I have investigated alternative biochemical explanations, more connected to what happens in the guts. I have done a  thesis-research about doing regression with people that use psychofarmaca. In this research I have done literature study, and interviewed regressiontherapists and teachers, and even an ex-employee of a pharmaceutical company who had been involved in testing antidepressants. I have made a set of recommendations how to proceed when your client uses psychofarmaca. This list of recommendations will be available in english soon.

Energy-drain depression and HSP.

What I have noticed in my practice, is that often what seems like a depression, is not really a biochemical depression, and often medication does not help, only makes things worse. Most of my clients are Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP). Because they have trouble to protect themselves from too many stimuli, from sound, visuals, information, energies, their energy drains quickly. Also they are usually filled with attached energies from others, or resonate more with others than their own frequencies.  In order to replenish their energies, they need to regularly withdraw and be alone for some time, or spend time in clear nature, and clean themselves energetically.. If they don’t do that, their system goes in energy-saving mode, which has symptoms like depression. They don’t feel like doing anything, seeing anybody, lack initiative, even energy to have joy in their life and of course they have trouble finding a nice job or clients etc. Also they can often to others feel like energy-drainers, which is normal, since energy flows from high to low…

There can be several reasons why they are so unprotected, usually because of energy-draining and aura-disharmonizing emotional blockages. Which can be healed by regression and energy work.

In my workshop I will do a session with a participant who recognises herself or himself in my talk, I am sure there will be, since our field attracts a lot of HSPs. I will use the muscle testing technique to quickly get to the deepest available cause of the aura-disharmony.

If there is time, I will teach a simple technique to ”close the aura”.

The second part will be a discussion on this subject Wednesday afternoon.

Anita Groenendijk, www.pastlifetherapy.euPinar Gogulan (Turkey)

Digging the Unknown; Autism – The Black Hole

Autism – the conflict of today’s world. Science has recorded the number of children with autism that has increased for the last 10 years. Some scientists argue it is a neurological disease with no actual remedy and some claim it is the result of the vaccination children have been forced to have. Some scientists who were working on the research team claiming the vaccines are causing autism have been found dead mysteriously – all accidents?

What is autism? How can we help a child with autism? This question has become more personal to me after my child was diagnosed with very mild autism.
How do we find the root cause of autism?

I have helped numbers of families with autism, speech disorder and learning disability applying the basic tools of Recall Healing and combining it with Regression Therapy.
We have some kids who have completely recovered and some improved.

In this workshop, I will first explain the basic principles of Recall Healing:
Project Purpose
Time Line
Family Tree Syndrome
Cycle of Autonomy

I will explain how the automatic brain works, and how it programs a disease.

I will also explain the principles of Germanic Medicine by Dr. Dyke Hamer and Dr. Claude Sabbah.

In this workshop, we will focus on autism, however I will also give examples of eczema, allergy, bronchitis, nail biting, conflict with mathematics, calculus, why a child cannot learn simple calculations – to clarify how the human brain works and how we can apply basic Recall Healing Therapy techniques while working with children and their parents.

My professor Dr. Renaud always says we are all a little Autistic. And finding the Autistic in you, will certainly help you to work with children diagnosed with autism.Thursday 5-7- 9:00-13:00

Milton Menezes (Brazil):

How we can treat OCD using PLT considering the roots of traumas, the character traits that are presented there and the influence of attachments.

People who deal with OCD seem to be prisoners of their own suffering.
Most of them will repeat their rituals many times PER day, for years. These invasive thoughts produce a high level of anxiety that will be relieved after the ritual and all kind of compulsive behaviours.

OCD is a challenge for the traditional Psychology.
In PLT we can help these people to find the roots of the problem.

We understand how people develop this psychopathology along their past lives. How the soul lets it be a prisoner of itself because of some unsolved difficult issues.

Beyond the traumas, we can consider another approach for this problem. We’ve had identified some relevant points in almost all cases of OCD. Some structures that by being repeated result in this disease, in a kind of unbalance in the inner of our mind and brain.

Besides identifying the traumas related to the symptoms, we’ve found out that clients usually have deep guilt in their consciousness. Many of them have the pattern of Prepotence, when they “believe” that something much worse will happen if they don’t do anything special, some ritual, some thoughts, etc.
Beyond that, we always consider the influence of “presences”, the attachments, stimulating the mental process as in the inner thoughts as in the compulsive rituals.
This approach has been used in these last 15 years with a great level of success in our clients.

In this workshop we will show a comparison between the traditional explanation for OCD from the Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy and the PLT approach. We will demonstrate how past life experiences can be much more efficient to understand the OCD and its details.
After the theoretical issues, we will hold a demonstration with some of the participants who have or had some OCD symptoms. We intend to demonstrate not only the efficiency of Regression Therapy finding the traumas but to help our clients to identify and transform the main character traits related to their problems.
After the demonstration session, we will discuss the ways and the experience of many clients with OCD in my work life experience in PLT.

Milton Menezes has been conducting Training Programs in Brazil with more than 400 former therapists. He is a Certified Member of EARTh and his Training Program is Certified too. Milton had held more than 8.000 regression sessions in his work experience.
He wrote three books in the field of PLT.
He is an economist and a psychologist. He also holds a Master degree in Psychology.
He was the chairman of the 3rd World Congress for Regression Therapists from EARTh in 2008 in BrazilJanine Booij (Netherlands)

How to work with PTSD

We help many of our clients discover the root of their problem with regression therapy and help them release the charges that are connected to the event in the past.

But sometimes clients come to us that have experienced trauma in their current life, are very aware of the trauma, but are having trouble to leave the trauma behind. They can experience flashbacks, nightmares, hyperarousal (like having trouble sleeping or concentrating) or negative changes in beliefs and feelings. These can be signs of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


In this workshop we will talk about the differences between Post traumatic stress and Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how we can work with people that have PTSD.


  • What is PTSD?
  • What is happening in the body during PTSD? (fight, flight, freeze/surrender-effect)
  • How can we work with people that have PTSD?
  • How do we avoid re-traumatizing the client?
  • When and how can we use regression therapy?
  • What other tools can we use?


You will learn:

  • To adapt regression therapy techniques in a way that is useful for these clients.
  • You will learn some additional techniques that are helpful for clients that aren’t ready (yet) to go through the experience fully.
  • Techniques demonstrated and practised are: focusing & working with body-awareness, changing mental images and working with the part of the client that is still stuck in the trauma.


Additional information for the program committee:

For Tasso I gave a 2 day workshop on Trauma and the Body. In this workshop I will use some of the information and techniques used in that workshop, and some new discoveries.

I will talk about and demonstrate some of the theory and methods of trauma-experts Peter Levine, Babette Rothschild and Bessel van der Kolk and of course some of my own invented methods/adaptions.Isabel Berndsen (Netherlands)

The damage caused by psychopaths on an energetic level

An exploration of the dynamics between psychopath and victim and the damage that results in, on an energetic level. Providing a suggested protocol on what to look for and how to address it when dealing with this damage in our clients.

During this workshop we will look at psychopathy from an energetic point of view. It is quite unlikely that as therapists we will encounter a psychopath for therapy. However, the results of their handiwork we encounter more and more frequently while working with clients and possibly in our own lives. The nature of Regression Therapy makes it a very useful tool to deal with this. This workshop will help you by suggesting what to look for and how to deal with what you find.
I’ll share with you the information I’ve gathered working with clients who have been a victim of a psychopath. This information includes, among other things, the energetic nature of a psychopath, the dynamics in a relationship with a psychopath and what type of damage is most common and why, followed by some practical tools on how to proceed efficiently and profoundly in your own sessions with clients regarding this topic. The practical part will contain some exercises and a demo. Participants will receive (by email) an extensive hand-out and step by step guide to use during a session.

I’ve been working as a therapist since 2001 and as a regression therapist since 2014 having graduated from the Tasso Institute. I currently work as a supervisor and mentor for homework groups for both the Dutch and the International part of Tasso. My special interest goes out to what goes on at the subconscious and energetic level which has resulted in both my workshop on Night-children and this workshop. Apart from being a member of the Dutch organisation NVRT, I’m also a member of EARTh and of EARTh’s Research Committee.Anja van Lierop (Netherlands)

Dementia: what lies beneath the forgotten

 I will discuss the outcome of my research about dying in this life; especially how we can help people with dementia, their families and their nurses.

We will be:

– Sharing knowledge. Found in books, and obtained by talking to specialists in this field

– Translation to RT

– Practical exercises that everybody can apply in daily life

It’s all in process/progress: it isn’t measured information yet!Heike Bettendorf (Spain)

Five basic perspectives of the body and how they affect the relationship to oneself, to other people and to ones surrounding.

 When people think, feel and act, they do not do it like disembodied ghosts – the body is always a part of us and mental experience find´s its expression in externally visible body events.

In the Embodiment Theory, one imagines the connection between everything that can be understood as a physical event and the psychic system as an interaction. One can act on the other and vice versa. In turn mind and body are embedded in the wider surrounding. The concept of embodiment asserts, that without this embedding the mind can not function intelligently. The connections between mind and body and the surrounding are interactive.

So embodiment is seen as the implementation of a concrete emotion in a person’s body.

When we think of most of the areas of psychopathology they usually go hand in hand with a discomfort or a lack of connection with the body. It seems, that there is not only an increase of mental disorders, but as well an increasing number of bodily disorders like neck-, shoulder-, back pain, hip joints, knee problems, foot problems etc.

And if it is like this – is there a connection?

Like the tissue of a piece of cloth, which can be stretched straight and diagonal in different directions, 5 basic patterns and perspective of aligning the body and bones can be identified and how this influences the relationship to the self and the surrounding.

The alignment of the bones and body is vital and important not only for the bodily functions but as well for the mood of the person.

In this workshop the participants will explore in several group sessions five different perspectives of aligning the bones and extending the body:  to earth, the universe, the female/male side (Yin-Yang), the past and the future. Participants will experience when they where perfectly aligned and when they have lost this alignment and how this affects:


– the feeling for the self

– the feeling of having access to your own energy reserves

– the relationship to others and the surrounding

– the way of communicating with each other

– the connection to animals, plants, earth

After each group session the experienced sensation will be shared (depending on the number of participants in small groups). If needed we do a session to each other or a demo session – I need to be flexible on the results in the group sessions.

If necessary I offer to each aspect a short and easy meditation/body movement.

The participants of this workshop will get a helpful overview of patterns and movements in the body and the relation to the self-perception which can be useful in their practice. Normally, we are born with a perfect alignment and ease of the body and lose it by imitation, adaptation and self limitation.


Heike Bettendorf is Regression Therapist since 2010 trained by Hans TenDam and Marion Boon,Tasso international. She is specialized on the body-mind connection and offers Body Training and Regression Therapy in her own studio on Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.

Heike is member of EARTh and a recognized trainer.

www.heikebettendorf.comRonald Duchateau (Netherlands)

Regression and energy work for people suffering from disorders

Dissolving emotional charges happens in the energy centre in the abdomen. This energy centre in the abdomen is an autonomic nervous system. Which is actually physically and biochemically connected in a multitude of ways with our brain which means the state of our intestines can literally change the way our brains work and behave. In fact, approximately 90% of serotonin (which is one of our moodregulators)  is actually produced in our belly, and only 10% in the brain.

In 2001, while experimenting with regression techniques, Ronald and Jan Jager found this energy centre and have since then build techniques to further explore this new energetic realm. In 2006 Jan went on to explore in a other direction, while Ronald proceeded with a team of regression- and emotive therapists to develop Emotive Therapy. What they found were several emotional blockages that differ from each other in such a way that there was a need for a whole new set of  rules and techniques to unlock them. Which, after 17 years of research resulted in a processtherapy of 9 sessions: Emotive Therapy.

As Ronald is also a psychiatric nurse who works on a psychiatric ward,  he developed a technique based on the Emotive Therapy that can resolve so called ‘bottleneck’ emotional blockages which have already ended a psychosis, a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a panic attack and agoraphobia. This technique he calls the ‘six minute method’.

In the workshop he will talk about his experience with people who are in a psychosis, and also, how he has helped some of them with the ‘six minute method’. He will explain how Emotive Therapy can  also help people with severe psychopathology.

He will do a short group visualization to find and experience the energy centre in the abdomen, which is central in the therapy. Also, he will do a short demo session to show his technique, and help the demo client to release a stuck emotional charge.

Ronald Duchateau is a psychiatric nurse, working in the crisis nightshifts. He has a lot of experience working hands-on with people with all kind of psychopathology.  He has observed people in all kinds of states of delusion, psychosis, deep depressions, suicidal tendencies.

He is also a trained regression therapist since 1999. He saw that sometimes regression did not completely solve the behaviour of clients. They had to keep doing therapy sessions that were cathartic, but with little lasting effect in the life of the clients. He has since then developed a method, based on regression, and also on dissolving emotional blockages in the here and now.  He calls it Emotive Therapy. Since then, he has started the School of Emotive Therapy. He has trained more than 20 graduated regression therapists to use the Emotive Therapy as a process therapy or as a technique to be used in regression sessions to release emotional blockages.

Verified publication:

Athanasios Komianos
Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) & Certified Regression Therapist (CRT)


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