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2016 EARTh Annual Convention, Elatochori, Greece.

Home to the Muses: How to Be Inspired by Nature, Arts and Archetypes in Regression Therapy.9muses

Elatochori, Greece, July 9-17, 2016

Pre-Convention Workshops

  • Hans TenDam (The Netherlands) CLEARING THE CHANNELS OF INSPIRATION: How to be inspired and how to become inspired.
  • Vitor Rodrigues (Portugal)  Awakening Transpersonal Psychotherapy

Convention Workshops

  • Tulin Etyemez Schimberg (Turkey) Social Panorama of Archetypes
  • Dorothy Neddermeier (USA) You need to be out of your mind to commune with Nature: A Healing Technique.
  • Serge Szmukler-Moncler (France) Unveiling Psychic Footprints: Hypno-Archaeology, a new tool to uncover Missing links.
  • Nassos Komianos (Greece) The Box of Self-Treasures:Unlocking Self-Treasures & Latent Potentials.
  • Heike Bettendorf (Spain) Body Colours
  • Jeffrey Greimann (Austria) Using Music in Regression Therapy
  • Willemijn Luyendijk (The Netherlands) Creative Writing
  • Aasha Warriar (India) The Shadow of Gods and Goddesses
  • Marion Boon (The Netherlands) Your Personal Sound – Voice. Vibration and Identity through incarnations.
  • Dave Graham (UK) Dissolving Blockages, Discovering Inspiration.
  • Anita Groenendijk (The Netherlands) Past Lives as your personal Muses.
Keynote Lecturer: Vitor Rodriguez (Portugal): ‘Self-Scanning and Regression Therapy’

Image gallery of the 11th EARTh Annual Convention at Elatochori, Greece.[page id=”5250″]

HOME TO THE MUSES: How to Be Inspired by Nature, Arts and Archetypes in Regression Therapy.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”


Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne were deities that gave artists, philosophers and individuals the necessary inspiration for creation. They were considered protectors of the arts, crafts and sciences.

Hesiod reveals that they were called Muses or Mousses in Greek, as the Greek word “μους” refers to growth and initiation. The commonly used words music and museum also derive from them.

Nine Muses, Giulio Romano
Nine Muses, Giulio Romano

“Sing to me oh Muse”… Homer asks the Muses both in the Iliad and Odyssey to help him tell the story in the most proper way, and until today the Muses are symbols of inspiration and artistic creation.

In painting the Muses are usually presented as ethereal women with divine beauty, holding laurels and other items depending on their faculty.

enneaAccording to Greek Mythology, two Muses invented theory and practice in learning, three Muses invented the musical vibrations in Lyre, four Muses invented the four known dialects in the Greek language – Attican, Ionian, Aeolian and Dorian – and five muses the five human senses. Seven muses invented the seven chords of the lyre, the seven celestial zones, the seven planets and the seven vocals of the Greek Alphabet.

As Muses inspire we have to analyze the word inspire. It actually means having the spirit within us. Nature could be the source of inspiration. In its most potent expression it could resemble enthusiasm. Another Greek word meaning having the god within. Is enthusiasm a state of temporary possession by the gods? Is the Spirit shortly residing in the human body to express itself? And where does art spring from? Is it an inspired “download” of a preexisting idea already existing in the world of the spirit, or is it a birth of new concept?

What about music? Is it the mother of sciences as Pythagoras was suggesting or is it an expression of harmony in the world of the senses as Plato would say?

What of therapy? Was the use of music in the chambers of Asklepian Shrines accidental? Of course not. We clearly know that patients were awarded musical recipes for treating mental illness, long before modern science rediscovered the method of music therapy. Pindar praises Asklepeios, that he cures all diseases with songs while Theophrastus used melodies of Phrygian sound to “reduce pains”.

What of arts therapy? We know that artistic expression in all forms has therapeutic value today. It is that special effect that creativity is offering a sense of release and bonding to the community. “It is the effort of the invisible to make itself visible in this world’.

Finally, how could we embed the archetypal features of the Mythological Muses in modern psychotherapy? How could the Muses wake up within us? How could they become our compass to health and happiness?

The answers to all the above questions will be dealt in our next convention. Hope to see you there.

Therapy is also an art, regression is also an art. With all our knowledge and understanding, there is always an element of intuition. Each client is an individual, a world on its own, in many subtle ways different from all other individuals. So therapists have to be subtle. What is more, in our field knowledge and understanding are young and incomplete. Many aspects of our work are controversial, even among ourselves.

In such a hazy, opaque field with so many insecurities and with all the small and large  differences between individuals, we need often something extra feeding into our understanding and our intuition. We call that inspiration. Inspiration usually comes in unexpected moments. We can’t force it, but we can open ourselves to it and we can receive it graciously when it comes.

On a larger level we may even see our whole field as the result of an inspiration. There may be a ‘muse’ of regression therapy.

Who is the mother of the Muses? It is Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. And the daughter that is closest to what we do is, Clio, the goddess of history. A museum is originally a place where the muses are worshiped. For us, not the histories contained in books, but the history inside our minds, the history we help people to correct, to straighten, to unblock.

When Mnemosyne is the true goddess of our field, her daughters not only inspire us, we help people to become more inspired. In inspiration the mind opens and the energies flow. With each client healed, the world becomes more musical.

The next Annual Convention of Regression Therapy is thus an opportunity to find out what inspires each of us, how we can foster our own inspiration and how we can foster the inspiration of our client. Inspiring work, that stuff we do. So get ready for inspiring workshops and inspiring encounters. And see yourself, for a change, as a living, breathing, humming museum.

And by boosting inspiration, we prepare the grounds for the next World Congress – on creativity.

To come in the mood, some creative suggestions for our convention on inspiration:

  • A lecture in the form of a poem (only questions in proper metre will be considered)
  • Listening to five pieces of music to connect to five different lifetimes
  • Making a colorful drawing or painting of a meeting of your major subpersonalities. (Your stepmother is not one of them.)
  • A demo session entirely humming and singing (les parapluies de Cherbourg)
  • All the attendants of a workshop will receive a small envelope with an aspect, element or event of contemporary life. In a group meditation one half goes a couple of lifetimes back, till they contact a lifetime that will give its comment on the topic that is in the envelope. The other half goes a couple of lifetimes into the future and does the same.
  • Participants find their strongest source of inspiration and where that contacts the body; then the main block of inspiration and where that is in the body. And then some interaction.
  • We just share our most inspiring life moments.
  • A workshop without a topic or program, only with the objective to be as inspiring as possible.

All Presentations will be done in the ENGLISH Language

Saturday 9th  & 10th  July 9:30 – 13:00 and 14:30 – 17:00

Lunch offered at 13:00 – 14:15

Pre-Convention Workshop A.

Awakening Transpersonal Psychotherapy

Vitor Rodrigues, PhD

Vitor Rodriguez2The theme of awakening is ages old in the world of Spiritual Traditions. The powerful metaphor of awakening to a new state of being, consciousness and perception has been around. Buddha means the awakened one; Christ at Mount Tabor became someone different through transfiguration, obviously accessing something new. Being reborn (for instances after a shamanic death), being resurrected, are common themes. They have been connected mostly to Spirituality, not really Psychotherapy.
So why awakening and how does it connect to transpersonal psychotherapy? We assume that there are degrees of awakening. Also we assume that a parallel might be traced between our normal dreams, considered to mainly be products of our normal, “vigil” self, and our ongoing life as a dreamy product of our deeper, higher self. So we assume that, as long as our main identification goes towards our human, bodily self, we are dreaming as higher selves. Indeed we may work systematically on our “life dream” and our “life dream episodes” as dreams from our higher self – and so we trace a parallel with dream work. Even methods that work very well with dream work can be adapted to work with our ongoing, “wordly” life. Then some new insights pour in, and some meanings to this life of ours may suddenly appear.

Awakening Transpersonal Psychotherapy (ATP) works on our normal identity and points of view producing a detachment from them towards something else. So the whole human drama becomes not so… dramatic. Our identity is progressively redefined. Real important events may be suddenly unexpected ones. “Life nightmares” and “life happy dreams” find new meanings and become less troubling. The whole issue of spiritual development can also be tackled differently as everything in our lives can be understood as a movement towards a new state of being. Past Lives become past life dreams from the awakening self. Working on them becomes another area for ATP: again, like in regular dream work, one dream connects with another… One life dream connects with other life dreams.
Our workshop proposal aims at giving participants a general vision about what ATP is, how it works, and how they can bring it back home to their personal lives and their practice as psychotherapists. It includes demonstrations and practices for this purpose. We will be working with real life episodes of participants using procedures of ATP and its basic concepts such as awakened dream, awakened day fragments, clariconscious dream, life dream evolution, life dream nightmares, daybreaks, dream arrow…

The really new thing is that ATP proposes a systematic methodology for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development based on the idea that we are deluded and wrongly identified with the temporary personal self. It assumes that our deep identity is different from it while being the fountain of all “big” human inspiration (our “personal muse”) and of all best human endeavours and achievements. It assumes that we can deal with our ongoing life as a dream from our higher Self in a parallel to the way our personal self has dreams. It assumes that we may use “normal” dreamwork to work with the hidden meanings of our personal self and we can extrapolate a lot from this sort of approach to work with our ongoing life episodes, working on them as dream episodes from the higher Self. Then we may work past and present life episodes as dreams from our deep Self and through this find a lot of hidden meanings to our life. We may also resort to hypnosis, meditation, guided imagery, regression, while restructuring meanings and finding new ones and neutralizing the impacts from traumas. We may work on our personal self’s misfortunes and achievements as “nightmares” and “happy dreams” from the higher Self. And we may assume that perhaps indeed our life is “orchestrated” and everything has a meaning – that might be unveiled through ATP. Besides, the real important moments and the really meaningful ones might be a lot different when we look at them from the personal self perspective and from the higher Self. So ATP is a methodology to get more and more into this perspective while dealing with our ongoing life episodes (dream episodes from the higher Self) or even past lives (clustered dream episodes from the higher Self).

The trainer

Vitor Rodrigues, aged 55, married, is a Psychologist, owning a PhD in Psychology, and a   Writer. He published seven self-help manuals, one ironic novel on consumerism, two essays on human stupidity (quite ironical also), a Sci-Fi book (the only one available in English through Inner Vision Press and with the title “Invasion of the Earthmen”), a book on Psychic Defence, another one on something like regression therapy stories. He taught at Portuguese Universities for 17 years (at Lisbon, Evora and Faro) and was the President of the European Transpersonal Association, 2004-2009, and of the Portuguese branch of the Portuguese-Brazilian Transpersonal Association, 2003-2009. He is also the Vice-President of the European Transpersonal Psychology Association. He is a Psychotherapists since 1984, working with Regression Therapy since 1995. He resorts to Meditation, Hypnosis, breathing exercises, some body work, and became an expert in Psychic Defence as a necessity. He lectured and delivered trainings in many countries until now.

Pre-Convention Workshop B.

CLEARING THE CHANNELS OF INSPIRATION: How to be inspired and how to become inspired.

Hans TenDam

1. Understand the sources of incoming inspiration.
2. Understand the energies involved.
3. Be able to find blocks of incoming and outgoing inspiration and resolve them.
4. Be able to widen the channels of inspiration.
5. Reach into old and forgotten inspirations.
6. Have two uncommonly lively days.

Experiences will be shared about particularly inspiring regressions and about regression with creative artists. Inspiration will be considered as a process where information and energy are directly interwined.
A new methodology will be demonstrated that takes personification and energy work a whole step further by introducing non-verbal and strictly non-visual experiences of sensing force-fields. This will be introduced as the key to true inspiration. Inspiration may work in presence, in art, in words, gestures, music and every other creative product, even in the written word.
I will start with a lecture to introduce the subject, do a few demos and take it from there. I will try to do a wrap-up at the end. The rest of the program is open and very experiential.

Hans TenDam graduated in psychology and pedagogy at the University of Amsterdam. He has been management consultant since 1970. Being interested in reincarnation, he stumbled into past-life regression therapy and found he had a knack for it. He wrote many books, a.o. Exploring Reincarnation and Deep Healing. He started the WCRTs and EARTh. He has been board member of IARRT and of EARTh. He has been educating regression therapists since 1983. He works in Dutch, English, Portuguese and German.

School’s Leaders Meeting

Free Day for Participants

The day is free for the participants so a probable visit to the seaside will be scheduled.
Final arrivals for the convention

Opening Night Ceremony 19:30-22:00

Tuesday 12th July 9:00 – 13:00 and elaboration in afternoon (14:30 – 16:00)

Two Parallel Workshops

Workshop 1. Dorothy Neddermeyer (USA)Dorothy

You Need To Be Out Of Your Mind To Commune With Nature – A Healing Technique.

Workshop Subject:  Animal Medicine

Purpose and Mission:  How to incorporate animal medicine into the regression process, thus, rekindling the fires of wonder toward the animal world and nature.

Many ancient myths and stories speak of a magical time and place in which there were no boundaries between humans and animals. Animals and humans spoke. Wild and tame had no meaning. The divine revealed itself in Nature.

The natural world and the animals within it speak to us every day, by their appearances, behaviors, movements, and characteristic patterns. When we know what to look for, we can use them as omens–not in a superstitious sense but in the development of true prophecy and higher perspectives.

Everything in nature has a purpose. No matter how odd it appears or how strange it behaves, there is some purpose. We may not understand it all, but how often do we understand the behaviors of those we know or are around. People have a tendency to dislike that which they don’t understand. Knowledge eliminates prejudices and misconceptions.

As practitioners, we have an obligation to our clients to have a large tool box full of tools. Animal medicine and understanding their medicine is simply another tool.

Bio: Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D.,. Metaphysician, Certified Hypnosis Practitioner and Certified Past Life Regression practitioner, Author, Speaker and a recognized authority on bridging Science and Human Potential. She is Past President, International Association for Regression Research and Therapies, Inc. and Past Board of Director, Arizona Holistic Chamber of Commerce. She facilitates clearing emotional/mental blocks, limiting beliefs, anxiety, depression, fears, PTSD, and Bi-Polar.  You can live the life you desire.


Workshop 2 – Tulin Schimberg-Etyemez (Turkey)tulin_120

Social Panorama of Archetypes

Archetypes are universal patterns of behaviour. By the help of archetypes, we better understand ourself and our patterns in our past lives, our place in the world, our life purpose.

With the awareness of your archetypes, you can transform your life. This workshop will help to the participants to discover main archetypes affecting their daily behaviour patterns which is coming from their main past lives. NLP (nero linguistic programming) has a technique called “social panorama”. Participants will learn how to use this technique with regression therapy when they work with their clients’ archetypical behavioural patterns which is causing problem at the current life.

 Bio: Tulin Etyemez has a Board Certification with IBRT as a level IV Past Life Regression Therapist. Tulin obtained a B.S. degree of Geological Engineering from the Middle East Technical University in 1996. Studying earth science gave her a different perspective to understand the material world better. Besides of being a regression therapist, she also works as Clinical Project Manager of a pharmaceutical company.

During her early years at the university, she got interested in spiritual teachings. First, she became a member of Ankara Spiritual Investigations Society in 1992; a member of Metaphysical Investigations and Scientific Research Society (MISRS) in 1997 and a member of Foundation for Spreading the Knowledge to Unify Humanity (BILYAY Foundation) in 1998. Now she is the vice president and board member of Bilyay Foundation and also of MISRS.

Tulin gives lectures on spiritual psychology, inner development for more than 16 years, on such topics as regression therapy, consciousness studies, self-awareness, survival after death, holographic paradigm, human energy field and medicine, healing, parapsychology, paradigm shift in science, near death studies, life after death etc.  She is also the chief editor of the monthly Spirit and Matter Magazine (in Turkish).

She was certified as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner of Median Therapies in 2007 by The Association for the Advancement of Meridian Therapies (AAMET).

Tulin was one of the organizers of 1st Istanbul Parapsychology Conference in 2005, where she met regression therapy. She was trained by Jeffrey Ryan and Janet Cunningham in 2005 and 2006 and received certifications for Professional Regression Therapy Level I and II from The World Regression Institute. She acted as assistant to Jeffrey Ryan and Janet Cunningham for other regression trainings in Istanbul during 2008.

Tulin is one of the founder members of The European Association for Regression Therapy (EARTh) which was established in August 2006 ( She is a board member of EARTh Association and she organizes Annual Conventions of EARTh every year.

Workshop 3 – Serge Szmukler-Moncler (France)

Unveiling Psychic Footprints: Hypno-Archaeology, a new tool to Uncover Missing Links.”

serge-150x150Regression therapy is mainly used to help people to cope with personal issues related to either psychic and physical troubles or personal growth. But hypnotic regression can also be used for other purposes that are more related to scientific issues, like history, archaeology or scientific applied research. Sometimes, archaeologists find items they don’t identify the use because they have a partial knowledge of the living art and ideas of the local population at the considered ancient time.

Hypno-archaeology is a growing field. The principle is to have people linked to a given place or period of time undergo regression hypnosis and get details about the ideas, thinking and art of living of that time and place.  It is fascinating to have ancient places described in terms of organization and management or for example Queen Elizabeth I expressing personal thoughts like explaining her complex relationship to her lovers as a Queen and the way she relates to her people going to war against the Spanish Armada.

In the medical field or in physics, inspiration a required to push forward new ideas, new concepts and new models.

Inspiration happens while the researcher hits an alpha-state, like great Archimedes in his famous bath tube suddenly shouting Eureka!.

Instead of waiting for inspiration to come, the researcher can actively go after inspiration by entering an alpha-state through hypnosis.

In this case, the client is asked to move forward through time and describe what he/she sees happening in the field of medicine or technology.

The aim of the workshop is therefore to show exemples of what has been gained through Hypno-archeology and then to apply that it to a workshop attendant and see the information that are coming out of the session. Often enough clients feel deeply connected to special time and places. Regression will then reveal hidden problems or unexpected special gifts connected to that time and place. Such a session will provide healing or boosting effects and a better understanding of this attraction.

Bio :  Serge Szmukler-Moncler graduated in Dentistry and Physics, he is presently running a Consultant activity and is an appreciated lecturer worlwide. He is ex-Associate Professor in Stomatology and Maxillofacial surgery, University of Paris VI. He is involved in Regression Therapy since 2002 and was trained by Drouot P in France. In 2010, he received a degree in Medical Hynosis from Paris University. He is a contributer and consulting editor to the International Journal of Regression Therapy. His focus of interest is to confront science and regression therapy from the point of view of the philosophy of science while addressing its theoretical and practical implications on the medical and psychological level. He works on developing new creativity methods applied to archeology and scientific research.

Open Discussion of Members on our next Movie Project.


Wednesday 13th July  9:00 – 13:00 and elaboration in afternoon (14:30 – 16:00)

Workshop 5. Nassos Komianos (Greece)Komianos2

The Box of Self Treasures: Inviting inspiration to become part of your life. 

“I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”

Henry David Thorough, Walden

All of us have an artist within us, a persona that deviates from normalcy and a subliminal self who has access to deep and unlimited resources. In this course we will focus on the ability to use more of our physical structure (body, heart and brain) by employing our mental, psychic and spiritual capacities to retrieve latent talents and dormant faculties. The theoretical part will provide the evidence that our human abilities can exceed by far our average, day by day, “common sense” knowledge of what we are really capable of doing. It will bring evidence about the physical and mental extraordinary exceptional experiences of geniuses. It will provide us with anecdotal evidence of such realities and its transmarginal permeability. The second part of the workshop will focus on specific practices and will provide guidelines of how one could provide exercises for the development and growth of our transcendental, metanormal capacities by inviting inspiration, flowing along our dream life, and doing long-term homework.  It is planned to be a full day workshop while a handout with highlights and exercises for home use will be delivered to the participants.

Bio: Nassos Komianos is Certified Hypnotherapist & Certified Regression Therapist and as of July 9th 2013 he has been elected as the President of the Earth Association for Regression Therapy. He was born in Kifissia of Athens in 1964. In 1981 he left for the US in order to study psychology at the University of Oklahoma. It was there in 1983 that he had his first encounter with hypnotic states. However, he soon lost interest in a science that was actually not studying the psyche. Then he swifted to sociology in my quest to understand social behavior and moved to Virginia. In 1985 he graduated from Old Dominion University.
In 1986 he returned to Greece were I took over a family business. In 1990 he was acquainted with the Silva method and got trained in more seminars on the trance states. In 2000 he was trained formally in hypnosis in Athens, by Burt Goldman a Silva Method presenter. From there he started experimenting with friends till the time he decide that this would be his future profession. When accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) as a Certified Hypnotherapist, he moved to the island of Corfu where he professionally practices since 2004.
He is member of the Earth Association for Regression Therapy (EARTh) since 2007. In 2009 he joined the Board of EARTh and became the Vice President of EARTh. In 2013 he was voted as the President of EARTh and he successfully served till June 2015. Finally his a Certified Member of the International Board for Regression Therapy (IBRT).


Workshop 6. Heike Bettendorf (Spain)heike_bild2         

Body Colors

Clients are often just present in some body parts. Without being connected to the whole system, there is missing energy and the client is not centered in the body.

Pain, disorientation and helplessness are just some of the consequences.

Exploring with colors the different body parts on the front and the back is a technique

developed by me to retrieve lost energy and connect again to the own body and system.

This can be applied in Regression Therapy for adults and children.

“Body colors” can be used

  • As an induction, exploring and than start a session from that.
  • After a lot of sessions to complete the therapy.
  • With a client who is overloaded with expectations and interpretations of other therapies.
  • Just being curious or as “shopping list”

The participant of that workshop will first explore the colors in movement and their vibration. Then they will start painting with water colors.

While the colors will be related to body parts, there is room for surprising discoveries:

  • We find weak parts of the body, and body parts that have lost their energy or place.
  • We find parts to which we have lost the contact
  • We find parts that do not belong to us or have temporarily filled in and replaced the weak spots.
  • We find different or extended areas, who belong to incarnations with extraordinary
  • We find the difference between the front and the back of our bodies.

A session will be connected to what we have found. Each retrieval and understanding is a gain in energy for our entire system.

The participants will work together in groups of 3 or 4. From the beginning to the end of the workshop they will participate as client or as therapist.

Bio: For 30 years Heike was working in bodywork, bodytraining, aquagym and aquabalance. Since 2012 Regression Therapist by Tasso International
The mode of therapy she uses is Regression Therapy in combination with bodywork and body training.
Especially with: Accident Trauma Release (ATR) in case of physical ailments and effects after surgery accidents and injuries.

Two two-hour Afternoon Workshops 

Workshop 7 (14:30-16:30). Jeffrey Greimann (Austria)jeffrey

Using Music in Regression Therapy

This is going to be an interactive session, with much individual and group participation–not just a few individuals or select groups, but everybody!

We will:

  1. Establish the advantages of using music in Regression Therapy,
  2. Explore many kinds of different music we can use,
  3. Identify important recurring musical characteristics,
  4. Experience first-hand the benefits and influence of this music, for both the client and the therapist
  5. Take turns being composer/performers and listeners, and experiencing the power of music as heart-to-heart communication, beyond words
  6. Give our everyday minds a break, and let our light shine through singing, playing  and dancing.

Open Ears = Open Hearts!

I would like to invite everybody to bring along any favorite easily-transportable musical instruments– small drums, rattles, bells, chimes, bowls, and anything else that sounds interesting and fits in your luggage.  Of course, that includes the musical instrument most precious and closest to your heart– your own voice.  (If you have a critical opinion of your own voice, please do bring your voice along anyway– just leave the critical opinion at home!)  We will also be using our mouths, hands, feet, and various other resonating body parts, so even if you don’t bring anything else, you’ll have a choice of creative musical opportunities.

Workshop 8 (16:45 – 18:45). Willemijn Luyendijk (The Netherlands)2012 EARTh AC Kleve (24)

Creative Writing

Participants will see that there’s another way of gaining information about either their own past lives or the past lives of their clients. Other than doing therapy sessions. As therapists we’re used to get our information from the intake. The client tells what the problem is. The therapist listens and asks questions to get into the details. Then a session follows where the therapist leads the client into the past and asks questions.

We can also achieve that by writing. In this workshop participants will find out about the benefits of writing. And how they can apply it with their clients.

Workshop outline:

  1. Knowing more details when writing solo.
  2. Therapist points out possible past lives from the written text of a client. There will be an exercise in groups of 2.
  3. Other writing ways of finding out more about past lives, like writing together.
  4. Writing healing realities, using a turning point in a past life.

Bio: Willemijn Luyendijk (1965) is from The Netherlands. When she was 14 her grandfather, a vicar, died and in his bookcase she found a book by Raymond Moody: ‘Life after life’. At the same time she had a religion teacher who was a catholic priest. And he told the class not only about world religions but also about paranormal activities. Since then she is interested in religion and spirituality. After high school Willemijn studied theology for 2 years and psychology for only half a year and then figured out she wanted to work with people, not study about people. So she took simple administrative jobs to pay the bills and studied in the evening hours. Wanting to be a past life therapist, she decided that it was best to start with some general knowledge. So for 3 years she studied psycho social therapies, which contained a module of half a year Medical Health Knowledge. After that she attended the School for Reincarnation Therapy (SRN, The Netherlands) and got her certificate in 2005. Since then she has a practice at home for regression therapy. And still also a part time office job, working with people with financial problems. In her spare time she’s writing a book, based on her own past lives.

BBQ Night and Party 20:00 – 23:00

Thursday 14th July  9:00 – 13:00 and elaboration in afternoon (14:30 – 16:00)

Workshop 9. Aasha Warriar (India)Aasha

The Shadow of Gods and Goddesses – an Indian Perspective


There is a saying “Physician heal thyself”. Every therapy is a transformational experience, not only the client but also for the therapist. It can be a deeply moving – sometimes even frightening experience, for the therapist especially when we are supposed to be rock solid, supportive, kind, cheerful, humble, sweet and nurturing at all times; and our own shadows are stirred instead.

Therapy is about nurturing and helping to achieve some clarity about the self. It is a channel of inspiring and guiding the expression of the inner self that is in a process of healing and integration. The therapist plays various roles during therapy viz. friend, guide, support, mentor, observer, etc. for the client. These roles are driven by the impressions of the archetypes we resonate most with – therefore, carry the gifts as well as potential problems of.

In the convention session, which is majorly, but not only ‘therapist-oriented’; we will access and seek to heal and integrate long forgotten parts of our soul.

I will be using music and mudras (symbolic hand gestures in yoga or dance) as used in ancient India to actively bring up memories. The ability to channel anger and power with love and grace can easily be activated to attract creativity and abundance.

The workshop is activity and movement based and can be used for clients or groups of people wanting to experience a shift in soul energy.

 Aasha is a founder- director of the Clover-Leaf Learning Academy Pvt. Ltd. (CLA) and the Asian Reincarnation and Theosophical Seminar (ARTS)

Certified Regression Therapist from Tasso Institute (Netherlands) and Inner Child Integration Therapist from the Earth Association of Regression Therapies with Trisha Caetano; both recognized by EARTh, Netherlands.

She is trainer for Transpersonal Regression Therapy with TASSO, Netherlands and for Life skill workshops with IPARRT, Netherlands. She is also a committee member with EARTh for accreditation of Regression Therapy.

She has a certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy from California Hypnosis Institute, Irwine, California. Her basic education has been in Physiology and Genetics from Mumbai University.

She has authored a book on past life cases in India titled From Mediocrity to Madness.

She has presented her research “Cellular Rhythms – a new paradigm to healing and integration” on healing through music at the World Congress for Regression Therapies – 5 held at Portugal in October 2014.

Workshop 10. Marion Boon (The Netherlands)      Marion nov 2015

Inspired by the Sublime
Connecting with the Talent of Sound Expression
on Voice and Identity – Your Personal Sound

This workshop will tap into ‘Silent Voices’ and ‘Invisible Sounds’ through incarnations connected to your individualized soul background. We will focus on tracing Frequencies of Voices that may be waiting for a new sound. What is there in you, what potential is waiting for you to be found, what was silenced, and lingers around your spirit and under your skin? What is the reason it is still to this day not expressed or suppressed?
Firstly we will trace charges on the physical instrument your voice is: vocal cords, muscles, tongue, throat and air flow. Then we will extend the investigation to the very sound of voice. There is no secret in true sound. When and how does it sound best? We will regress to trace a talent, and reactivate it. The afternoon elaboration time is very suitable for further investigations on previous lifetimes and details you found in the group sessions. This workshop aims to find Conscious energy opened up in the Sublime, in order to clear the path for your present incarnation to empower expression in sound or silence. To respect lost ‘voices’ from earlier existences, in or without a body, human or non-human, and inviting them to express, while we listen to them. Out of Body parts may tune in, the resonance of Soul Backgrounds can be felt. Participants are invited to join, voice a wish, sound through and speak up in sharing.

Sublime moments are gifts of inspiration.
The shock into the Indefinite of Creation, is like an instant Higher Self intervention:
Mystics look for it – Artists hope for it – and some get Taken by it.

Aware Connection with Creation composes mystic moments. Spontaneous, deliberate, or as a shock. Timeless. They do not last, they enlighten. Instant inspiration can be the result. Or being lost. What happens there? In regression therapy we tune in to the personal sound of our client, guided by core questions for healing. The body indicates and resonates, with  earlier trauma. When regression is done properly, transformation starts. Would it not be great to feel the supporting frequencies of empowerment more consciously? There are more voices than the ones expressed by the client. Telepathic tuning and ellyptical consciousness informs the guiding therapist, that there is something more behind the presented issues. The Source of Selfconsciousness sounds through. What will it bring you? Would you be ready for it?
In this workshop we use the phenomenon of Tuning in Together, with sound and silence, in order to find the Sound of authenticity.

Please evaluate!

Marion Boon

EARTh recognized trainer teacher, IBRT certified therapist IPARRT practice international Trainer for Tasso.


Two two-hour Afternoon Workshops 

Workshop 11 (14:30-16:30). Dave Graham (UK)

David GrahamDave

Dissolving Blockages, Discovering Inspiration

This workshop is presented within a shamanic context, using the sound of a drum to help guide the process, a representation of fire (a candle if indoors, though preferably a small fire in a place of nature) to assist with potential change and also working with the powers of the directions of earth. The first part of this workshop invites participants to go inside to address ‘blockages that you are ready to let go of now’. For the purposes of the workshop, the exercise is then directed to breaking up and releasing the energy. Attendees are then invited to connect with the ‘essence of who you are’ within the heart. From there, they can then focus on the inspiration that is seated there and the exercise is continued to connect with how that might be applied in real life

Workshop participants can gain insight into their own blockages and get in touch with their own inspiration and how it may be applied in their own life. Participants can also use elements of the workshop to apply within their practice in helping clients to become aware of their blockages and how to let go of that energy, either with or without the shamanic context.

I graduated from the Past Life Regression Academy in 2008 and have attended EARTh conventions regularly since 2009. I have also attended post graduate courses and workshops from the Past Life Regression Academy and Tasso since that time.

Workshop (16:45-18:45). Anita Groenendijk (The Netherlands)anita_groenendijk_120

Past Lives as your Personal Muses

In this workshop I will show in a demo how to make contact with the sources of creativity, and also how to get and work with a longitudinal view of a theme throughout the lives.

This technique can also be used to find the lives that are all connected with a theme, and if those lives have been worked with in other pastlife regression sessions, to get the last missing details, so the client can have a clear picture or understanding of the connection between all those lives.

Those who already have been to smaller or larger workshops by me, can use this workshop to practise and deepen their techniques. If you havent been to any of my workshops, I will teach you how to use the technique.

After the demo and the learning how to use the technique, the participants will work with each other to either find one or more pastlives about their creativity, or lack thereof. Or, if they have a theme that they have worked with a lot already, this technique can be used to find some missing links and help to see the whole picture.

Bio: “I have studied the Dutch method of regression therapy in SRN (graduated) and Tasso (attended). Since graduation I attended many related workshops.
I also have attended many kinesiology workshops and I am an official Touch for Health instructor. For several years I have done intuitive awareness trainings to develop more energy awareness and empathy. Also I have given many workshops, mostly about the method of Bodywisdom Regression I developed.
Regularly I give lectures about pastlife therapy and about the Life between Lives regression.
Mode of therapy I use a combination of the Dutch school methods, without hypnosis, but a direct bridge to the cause of the problems. I have made a connection with the very fast and effective way of asking via the body for information about emotions, but also the past, biographical and transpersonal. I call it Bodywisdom regression, and it uses muscle testing. In one or two sessions we can go to the core of the problem, remove blockages and retrieve lost soul fragments.

DNA Healing with Universe Frequencies 9:00 – 10:00

Keynote Lecture 10:15 – 11:15

by Vitor Rodrigues (Portugal)

Self-Scanning and Regression Therapy

Tensions and tension patterns might be both the manifestation of ways to be a personal ego and of emotional and energetic trouble. Of course we all have some ideas about that but here we will discuss a systematic way to use: muscular scanning of facial muscles, striate muscles and smooth, deeper inside body, muscles; energy scanning of the energy body, astral and even mental. Such self-scanning procedures can uncover both the means and effects of psychic attacks (such as implants, dark spots, streams of negative energy, energy attachments), the presence of entities, and a lot of connections from both short-term and long-term past. It helps diagnose trouble and immediately find ways to solution – since the way we diagnose is straight away connected with the way we heal.

TRANCE DANCE 11:30 – 12:45

with Tulin Etyemez Schimberg


Verified publication:

Athanasios Komianos
Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) & Certified Regression Therapist (CRT)
