“Beyond Guilt and Shame: Helping people to Unlock their Inner Resources”
- Athanasios Komianos & Andromache (Greece) – Hypnoscopesis: Integrating ancient Greek techniques into regression therapy
- Trisha Caetano (USA) – Sexual Issues and Regression Therapy
Convention Workshops
- Marion Boon (The Netherlands) – Guilt and Shame from the Shadow into the Spotlight – A spiritual Detox.
- Juanita Puddifoot (UK) – BEYOND GUILT AND SHAME: Applying Shamanism, DMP and Psychodrama.
- Marc Van Hecke (Belgium) – Non-verbal regression therapy with babies and young children.
- Diba Ayten Yilmaz (Turkey) – Shadow of the Victim
- Sueli Simões, MD, CRT (Portugal) – Finding and Integrating Shadow Characters from Past Lives in DMP.
- M. Reşat Güner – Tülin Etyemez Schimberg (Turkey) – Getting beyond Guilt and Shame: Integrating NLP-techniques with Regression Therapy
- Christoph von Keyserlingk (Germany) – Survivor´s Guilt and its Solution
- Hans TenDam (The Netherlands) – Guilt and Superiority: How people build their own prison and stay there
Keynote Lecture: Cultures of Shame and Guilt versus a Culture of Forgiveness and Gratitude by prof. Mário Simões (Portugal)
Prevailing talk-therapy is ineffective, because it does not probe the deeper layers of our consciousness and does not face the shadow side.
Almost three thousand years ago, people could have lucid dreams about the root and the solution of their problem; initially in caves and holes in the ground, later in shrines and temples of Asklepios. Priests interpreted their visions and dreams if necessary.
Nassos Komianos will show why a session may take place at the top of a mountain, on a beach, or within a cave. Urban dwellers cannot easily find their way even in a stylish office. Running water, the surf of the sea, the smell of rain-soaked earth, natural dance with sounds of original music, may bring us in contact with our inner self. Many disorders afflicting our clients are due to alienation from the natural environment.
This institute will introduce you to this ancient form of therapy. After a general presentation, we will go into the woods to have an imaginative tour towards healing. An ancient ritual will bring some of you in touch with your core problem. They will face incubation. The others will attend. All will be participants in the healing process. We close the day with a visualization in which we ask Hypnos and Oneiros to come to our sleep and offer us insights.
The next day we will share our experiences. The institute will provide examples of how to incorporate this technique into your own practice.Sexuality has been stigmatized by religion, society and cultures. Judgment and misunderstanding, pain and compulsion go through many sexual issues. As therapists we must transcend judgment and opinion in both ourselves and in our clients. Most important, we must have the skills to assist clients heal their sexual issues from the past.
This two-day pre-conference training is designed for professionals. It will include group interactive process, role-play, group imagery, boundary and communication skills, lecture, demonstration and specific bodywork methods to help the client release body reactions resulting from sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is an extensive subject and the training will be designed to meet your needs as a therapist. You are encouraged to ask questions in your areas of concern.
There will be extensive handouts in English. Depending on time, as many of the issues below will be covered:
• Focus on practical and specific methods and tools you can use in your private practice with clients and their sexual issues.
• Show a multi-level approach to work with body sensations, misidentified emotions and mental beliefs your clients have regarding their sexual feelings.
• What defines sexual abuse, how do you recognize it in your client?
• Specific methods to access and process repressed emotion, body sensations and memories
• False memory syndrome
• How to understand the multi-level impact of incest on the client. How to work with and heal the experience in both the client and in the family
• Confronting the abuser
• Different stages of healing sexual abuse
• How to NOT re-traumatize your client
• Respect and boundaries in working with the client’s experience
• Working with trans-gender, homosexuality, transvestites, sadomasochism, compulsive masturbation, sexual addictions and pedophilia in regression therapyIn this workshop we will address experiences on Guilt or Shame, that reside in the shadow of our being. A group session will lead participants to a part in the shadow that is ready to step forward into the spotlight of your attention today. When we examine the causes and consequences, we will pay attention to the mental aspects, programming the present from the past and we will address the physical storage of this issue – mostly one organ. To bring the spotlight to this part in need, will bring relief and insights. Addressing the deep tissue memory is a side-effect of this exercise.
After the group- session, one participant can be demonstration client. Possibly some others may be invited for a short session to the core of this shadow-issue. Participants will be aware of the fact that they are joining in an exercise that will bring issues into the light that you will later need to attend to personally.Deep Memory Process (DMP) has been Roger Woolger’s way to explore our past lives, our childhood and the residues from our ancestors that can be negatively affecting us.
In our present lives we have been conditioned to squash or hide our ‘bad’ behavior, thoughts and emotions. That unconsciously programmed us to believe that parts of us are unacceptable and therefore bad and shameful. The next step is to be punished and made to be ‘good’. This cycle becomes so engrained that we are unaware of the impact in our adult lives.
This workshop shows how to help clients find and explore the shadow parts of themselves that keep them play out restrictive patterns from their childhood, their past lives and their ancestors. We will use a Shamanic Medicine Wheel to identify these parts, the Deep Memory Process to resolve and transform them, and Psychodrama to really embody the process.Guilt and shame may already be imprinted in the etheric body of babies. Prenatal or early childhood trauma may restimulate past-life trauma. Or the baby may carry charges of a parent. Often, people only begin to work at such issues when they are adults.
This workshop shows how to reach the emotional, mental or physical charges of early trauma in babies and very young children. Working directly with the energetic residues by non-verbal communication gives amazing results. Kinesiology, non-verbal ‘yes-no’ communication finds the trauma charge; energy work heals it. We work directly with the child, not remotely.During a regression session, most clients go to a past-life which they were Victim. This workshop will show how to search for the Shadow part of the Victim. Most people prefer to stay in victim mood because they do not want to confront with their life in the dark (shadow part). The role of the therapist is being a mediator for the client to see his/her past-life in shadow. While working with victim and shadow past-lives client starts to understand ownself from a bigger perspective. Then it’s possible to balance and integrate Victim and Shadow parts of the client. The participants of this workshop will learn how to find the Shadow part and integrate both parts. During this workshop Diba is going to give case studies from her work. And she will do a demo session with a volunteer. This work helps the client to resolve the Victim mood of the client.Shadow projections betray themselves as visceral emotional reactions towards people, things or situations, often with strong criticism and blame. They indicate that the shadow may be at play.
These shadow images, as Jung put it, “challenge the whole personality.” They are hard to own and require much remorse and re-evaluation. By diving into these affects, while acknowledging their source inside us, we may face the projected contents of our personal unconscious that may appear as past-life characters. The integration of the Shadow requires conscious awareness. Once the Shadow has been befriended and integrated, the experienced Self expands and unfolds.
Shadow work has deep implications for healing for a world bent on seeking scapegoats and disowning its own guilt.
This workshop will explore trough group exercise aspects of the Shadow and show how to use them as inductions to past lives. The Deep Memory Process (DMP) in Shadow Work will be demonstrated. We will discuss how to manage deep past-life guilt, remorse or shame. This may need longer work. Integration strategies will be discussed and exemplified.NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a developing field since 1972, offering practical models of human mind and unconscious. NLP is a toolbox which can be used successfully in the field of therapy, formed by modeling the methods of eminent therapists like Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir and Fritz Perls.
One of the important presuppositions in NLP is that there is a part behind the unwanted behavior, driven by a positive intention. Most NLP practitioners assume these ‘parts’ which are responsible for unwanted behavior are formed within the current life; they ignore ‘parts’ from past lives. However, some parts and limiting generalizations within us have been learned not in this life but in others. That is, limiting generalizations can be carried from one life to others. Also guilt and shame may cause powerful limitations through many lifetimes. In NLP, there are various practical methods to deal with these limiting generalizations and to reframe problematic states such as guilt and shame.Survivor’s guilt was first identified during the 1960. Similar conditions were recognized among Holocaust survivors and later in survivors of traumatic situations. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder IV (DSM-IV) survivor’s guilt was removed as an independent diagnosis and redefined as a significant symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Repressed survivor’s guilt may surface in different symptoms. It it is regular issue in regression therapy. Therefore it is very useful to be able to recognize it.
This workshop demonstrates how to resolve the guilt feeling with four examples:
1. A man who got sick as soon as he was driving in a car.
2. A woman who had very heavy tinnitus.
3. A man whose mother died when he was very young.
4. An Israeli ballet dancer could not accept her body. All her four grandparents survived Auschwitz.
A fifth example will show that survivor’s guilt does not necessarily occur.Guilt is an antidote to superiority, but the wrong one. To be responsible is the golden mean between being irresponsible and feeling guilty. Guilt is the cancer of conscience. In guilt we are our own cop, our own prosecutor, our own judge, and our own jailor in our own mental prison. And the sentence has no term.
As a a child we may have been sternly judged by a father, a mother or a teacher, and we internalized that judgement. Or we died in guilt and remained so afterwards. This is what this workshop is about: some souls cannot forgive their own mistakes, crimes and misdemeanors because they they think to highly of themselves.
This workshop gives examples of such mind-sets and their resolution in regression therapy. It explains how people turn gold into lead – and how to reverse that. It is not about forgiveness, but about understanding. It is about restoring humanity – or finding it for the first time. It will contain a group session and either a demo or an exercise. (If this doesn’t meet your expectations, don’t blame the teacher. It’s not his fault, but yours! Teachers are blameless, as teachers are superior.)Prof. Simões shall discuss different cultural attitudes to shame and guilt and how
to deal with them in the context of regression therapy. He shall present examples
from transpersonal and positive psychology
Mário Simões holds both an M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychiatry. He is a Professor of
Psychiatry and the Sciences of Consciousness in the Faculty of Medicine at the
University of Lisbon. He is also the director of post-graduate Courses in Clinical
and Experimental Hypnosis at the same faculty, a permanent member of the Organizing
Committee of the Symposia “Behind and Beyond the Brain” of the Bial Foundation of
Porto, Portugal. His professional and scientific interests include psychopathology
of consciousness, altered states of consciousness and experimental parapsychology.[page id=”2328″]