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2007 EARTh Annual Convention, Istanbul, Turkey.

“Building Bridges”735Bahçeşehir-Üniversitesi1

Pre-Convention Workshop 18-20 August

  •  Roger Woolger and Hans ten Dam: Integration

Workshops Istanbul, 20-24 August, 2007

  • Marianne CarolusBetween Creation and Completion (Reincarnation Therapy: its Role in the Development of Man)
  • Ulrich KramerTowards a Scientific Approach to Regression Therapy
  • Mário ResendeFalse Memories in Psychotherapy and Regression
  • Mark WentworthColour and Regression
  • Alice CabralRegression Therapy with Children
  • Tina Lee-UreSpace Rehabilitation Technique
  • Andy TomlinsonTraining the RT-trainer
  • Anita Groenendijk – Using Body Wisdom for Clearing Up Unclear Regressions
  • Professor Anil Singhal and Professor Achala SinghalBridging Modern Medicine & Regression Therapy; Research Implications
  • Barbara BachmannDifferent Kinds of Behaviour from Past-Over Entities
  • Talia ShafirTracking Spirit Through the Body
  • Jan Erik SigdellThe Healing Power of Reconciliation
  • Diba Ayten YilmazGuiding a Past Life Regression with Spirit Guides
  • Marion BoonThe Tango of Life and Death in Body and Soul Identification


Saturday 18th of August, we will start with a unique event: A 2 1/2 day workshop given by Hans ten Dam and Roger Woolger together. The theme of this Summer School is Building Bridges and that is what they will do: building bridges to meet each other and to integrate perspectives.

This workshop will deepen your understanding of regression therapy as you hear them both speak on different topics related to integration, and as you see them both working and reflecting on their own and each other’s way of working. A 2.5 day mixture of talk, demo’s and discussions led by facilitators trained by respectively Hans and Roger will give you a new perspective on regression therapy and lot’s of food for thought, as well as joy and laughter. Website Hans TenDam:, Roger Woolger: .

Their workshop will start on Saturday morning 18 of August at 9.30 am and last till Monday afternoon 1.00 pm.

The 3-hour workshops below will be presented at the Summer School. The precise schedule for the workshops will follow later. New proposals are still welcome!

The Original Trauma shows not only the Start, but also the Direction-Indicator for the Individual Development. Is there a Connection with ancient Myths and with the History of Evolution of our Planet, and if so, what kind of connection?

I will show some lines from the Now-and-here-Problem and Processing back through Past Life Patterns to the original Trauma. Our first Life-times on Earth. A Group –visualization will follow, with possibly a Demo. This spiritual development may show spiritual evolution laws. I will tell some ancient Myths, Creation Myths and a few Greek Myths, and with help of esoteric Wisdom compare and interprete Planet-Evolution and Spiritual Evolution of Man, show the Connection and make clear the Role of Reincarnation Therapy in a larger social context.

You will experience and understand your active Role as a Therapist, as well as Trauma and Destination of your Clients in a larger social context.

About Marianne Carolus

During my medical Studies in the ‘Sixties’ I chose for Anthroposofy (-al Med. ) and became active in it (gave Workshops, organized Conferences etc. ).

Since 1995 (Training with Hans ten Dam) this work became roots and bottom. By now the 24 years of esoteric Studies are quite well integrated with 12 years Past Life Therapists Experiences.

My medical work was partly psychiatric, partly general and mainly in Schools, advising Teachers and Parents and loving and learning from Children. I have a family with children and a grandchild. Website:

Is it all love and light in the spirit world? Are they all “good” out there?

How reliable is a channelled message? How many lives did you have? Are there possibly people with no past lives at all? Does everybody have spirit guides? Is there really a difference between people and angels? Where do we come from as beings? Is your client usually the bad guy or the good guy in a traumatic incident? How can you find out?

Are we as regression therapists working on the basis of “objective truth”? Or is it all merely subjective? Are we suggesting our own pre-conceived ideas to the client, our own belief systems, or are we permitting him to explore his own reality without any interference?

Most of you will have run into these questions in your practice. Could you answer them? And if so, can you be certain about your answer? In this workshop we will discuss these subjects and exchange viewpoints, with the intention to establish a scientific approach in regression therapy.

Ideally, a truly scientific system, be it in physics or in mysticism, would be based on observations only. Anyone should be able to verify the underlying rules, laws and theories by his own observation. Ideally, a truly scientific system would enable people to see things for themselves. It would not be based on beliefs or hearsay. It would not use suggestions and religious or ideological indoctrinations as a method. It would not make people see things they wouldn’t see by themselves.

In this workshop we are going to investigate to what extent regression therapy can possibly approximate the standards of a truly scientific system. As a starting point the lecturer is going to present his own way of working, and the forum is invited to contribute their personal experiences and observations. This way, in free discussion and by comparing viewpoints, the theme of the workshop is going to be explored.

Also the “mindwalker” is going to be demonstrated, a galvanic skin response meter (GSR) used by the lecturer. It enables a therapist to stay online with the mind of his client throughout the session whilst the conversation flow continues uninterruptedly.

About Ulrich Kramer

MindWalking is the result of 30 years private research into mental phenomena. It was developed by Ulrich Kramer on the basis of his studies and experiences. Born 1948, he graduated in clinical psychology at the university of Munster/Germany, and then studied (in Germany as well as abroad) Roger’s client-centered therapy, hypnotherapy, transpersonal psychology, yoga, meditation, aikido, kinesiology. Since 1985 he has been practicing independently in Germany. He is internationally active in personality development and management coaching.

Publications: “The Narrow Path”, a guideline for proper management (1995). Two books on the subject of MindWalking: “Im Internet der Seelen” und “Aus fernen Welten” (2003). “Lebenserfolg”, a book on successful life and business management (autumn 2006). Also papers at various scientific conferences (see papers). Website:

Colour is a useful and abstract medium to help clients enter into a different time and space, be it this lifetime or another one.

At times, for some people to put feelings or a recurring pattern into words can be difficult, and as therapists we stand the chance of losing the richness of the story by the client dissociating from the body into the mind. Quantum physics recognises that everything is made up of condensed or frozen light; therefore by using the visible light spectrum in therapy, we are causing affect at the deepest level possible. Colour and light offer a powerful bridge into the emotional life of the client and by exploring this world using the rainbow spectrum we can assist the client to go directly to the origin of the symptom. Using Active Imagination, Body Awareness, and by learning to moving psychic space, we can begin to integrate colour into our everyday practice. Colour is a silent yet powerful language of the Soul.

This workshop will be mainly experiential so that you may experience for yourself how each colour lives within and what stories they reveal to you.

About Mark Wentworth

Mark Wentworth lives in Lisbon, Portugal and has been working and studying personal development for 20 years, his background is based in Colour Psychology, Deep Memory Process and Shamanism. Mark is the founder and principle of Colour for Life, a training school for transformational colour therapy and personal development. He is the creator of Dynamic Theatre, bringing together a unique blend of Psychodrama, family constellations and Shamanism. Mark is also trainer and assistant to Dr Roger Woolger. Website:

Children are closer than adults in the line of memory to the origin of previews soul experiences mysteries.

Similar to adults children can remember their past soul experiences: in some cases in a spontaneous way, in other cases using regression therapy work. In the wworkshop, different techniques will be explored that can be used to induce regression in children (cognitive/emotional/imaginary bridges to unlock unconscious soul experiences). Also,the steps to be taken during the regression itself will be discussed (an adaptation of Deep Memory Process framework). Case reports will be presented to illustrate differences between working with children and adult subjects and applications and limitations of
the technique will be discussed.

About Alice Cabral
Alice Cabral is a clinical psychologist since 1996.
She has a Master degree in Developmental psychology, is a Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapist and a Hypnotherapist/ Regression Therapist. She graduated in the complete training of Deep Memory Process – Roger Woolger; and in TRVC – a Portuguese training for hypnotic regression and has attended the Hans Ten Dam workshops in Portugal. She has been working with children as of 5 month’s old to wise children of 83 years old! She has worked in a clinical setting on an individual basis, in a school setting while working with groups of children, and has been training parents and teachers communication competences to be able to be a better guidance to their children.

I will first be introducing the subject of personal space and the understanding of space and mass in general. The idea is that if personal space can be an expression of how a person is feeling or what they have experienced, can space be contracted and expanded at will? Conversely can another cause a person to lose their space and if so, what could the effects be? Will be discussing this. In this context personal space is seen as a space, which is not dependent on the physical universe.

The hypothesis is that the individual can create personal space and that this can be done using regression therapy to re-instate space that has been lost through trauma, whether physical or emotional. Exercises will be used to show how we can create and un-create space.

We’ll then look at the concept of space as a mass, be it likened to a lump of coal, which is denser until it is burnt when it becomes ashes – this is physical mass in conversion – ashes to ashes known from time immemorial. What holds solid objects together is energy. Mental mass can be the result of a traumatic incident and whilst we are locked into this most recent incident, often we achieve the unintentional triggering of earlier unseen incidents making resolution difficult. Mental mass is held together by the energy of the emotional trauma including pain, sensation and attitudes.

How you will benefit

The Therapy that you will be shown and have the opportunity to practice consists of a regression technique, which is designed to discharge the mass in the unconscious. The goal is to convert this mass into an energy flow, the mechanism being bringing it into the conscious for resolution.

SRT is an additional step. It must be stressed that this is additional, as the SR will not work until the trauma is discharged. Clients often report a return, a feeling of being back on track following SRT.

This is a simple, effective, proven technique that empowers the client. It works for accidents, shocks and emotional trauma where the client has emotionally as well as physically withdrawn.

It is easy to learn, easy to apply and aids any regression therapy without changing the nature or modality employed.

About Tina Lee-Ure

Tina Lee-Ure came into the therapeutic profession following a serious illness but having had a fascination with psychology since the 1970’s. Tina trained in 1997 with the equine behaviorist Monty Roberts and took her work out to troubled horses. She was soon asked to help the people who owned the equines and within 4 years, her equine practice declined and she was working exclusively with traumatized people.

She now works with Regression, Spirit Release, Soul Retrieval and Life Counseling with a leaning towards body trauma. She looks forward to sharing this modality with you. Website: To improve the training skills of regression therapy trainers and those wishing to teach regression therapy
– A review of the different ways that students learn and how this can be built into a training program
– Some of the problems that can occur with students and the ways of preventing it happening, and handling the problem if it occurs
– Training tips for new trainers
– How to build the EARTh Association requirements in a professional regression therapy training program

The workshop includes slide presentation, case study review, a training self analysis, small and large group interactive work.

Hand out notes will be available.

About Andy Tomlinson
Andy Tomlinson has been an international freelance management trainer for 12 years and a regression therapy trainer for 6 years. He is a founder member of the European Academy of Regression Therapy and has been on the Association working party for establishing the certification requirements of regression therapy schools in Europe. Website: wisdom is a way of working, using techniques from pastlife regression therapy, kinesiology and emotive therapy. It is a very quick way of finding causes of blockages, which can be blockages in life, so, as (part of) the problem, and blockages in actual regression sessions. So, It can be used either as a complete therapy, or as a technique as part of a regular session.
In the workshop I want to show the use of bodywisdom which works through muscle testing (from kinesiology) as a very useful tool in sessions. I will explain the background of using body wisdom, explain how it works, let the participants experience and practice the muscle testing, and demonstrate in two short sessions how it can be used. One of the ways it can be used, is as a help with stuck sessions. If a regular session gets stuck, it stays vague or the client seems to resist, does not go deep, or if it seems to go well, but there are no changes, or there stays a feeling that there is more, but what..? bodywisdom can help. We can through the muscle testing establish, whether a: it is a past life of the client, or something else; b: the resistance comes from the client or from an outside source, like an obsession; c: if there is any form of consciousnessinfluencing process like rituals or drugs involved; d: it is part of the actual charges that need working on.
Then we can also through bodywisdom find out if there is anything more we need to know, then find out what it is we need to know, and then, find out what needs to be done. Then we do that.
For demonstrations we will find the demonstration client by asking the group through bodywisdom for the perfect demonstration subject. In the past workshops I have given this has always been very satisfying for the participants, because the whole group participates in choosing the subject. I then want to focus with the client on a (previous) regression that already has been done, or has been touched, but has not been finished. Like past lives, where some charges have been worked through already, but are still not quite finished. In the demonstration we will finish that unfinished regression.

About Anita Groenendijk

Anita Groenendijk, Dutch Pastlifetherapist has developed the Bodywisdom technique, a combination of the best of both Pastlifetherapy and kinesiology, which has very quick and lasting results. She uses this with her clients and also has given classes at several schools. Websites: and we need research to form a beautiful, strong bridge between modern medicine & regression therapy?

  1. Will you like to see regression therapy listed as a part of medical management in medical text books for various diseases?
  2. How many of you will like that doctors refer patients to regression therapists, in the same way as they refer to physical therapist, dieticians, audiometerist & speech therapists?
  3. How is that going to happen? It is a challenge for all of us; but if we put forward our conjoined efforts together, it is a realistic possibility.

Modern Medicine is based mainly on grosser physical, biochemical observations & laboratory investigations.

While regression therapy’s main work is in subtler realm & domain of feelings, sensations, impressions, visions & images of the present life & past lives.

Using the union of yogic anatomy & physiology; as the bridge between the discipline of modern medicine & regression therapy, this vision can be fully materialized. Let us understand & experience the relationship between gross subtle & subtler levels of human existence.

With this understanding & experience let us explore together & find new insights and prove them by clinical research.

Let us explore these different areas in these few hours. Research is the basis of present day medical treatment. So let us contemplate into how to raise regression therapy at par with other Medical & psychiatric therapies.


  1. What is the basic information we will need?
  2. What paradigms to use?
  3. What should be the research designs?
  4. What equipment will be needed?
  5. How we should collect data?
  6. Who will support such research?

Some people know about the fact of being death and don’t agree at all with the situation they are leaving behind at the moment of their passing-over. With a headstrong behaviour and inherent resistance, they try – often successfully – to change and reorganise the life of people they left behind. This topic, an unusual kind of phenomenon, is in the practice mostly not easy to recognise and deserves more attention.

Next to that phenomenon, we will treat the topics of the “Poltergeist” and possessive spirits, taking sometimes influence on very unusual behaviours of living persons.

We will treat too the topic of clearing up of conflict situations and liberating entities, one-by-one or in groups. There will be a demonstration.

Barbara Bachmann will talk about her experiences, recounting about some examples of evident manipulation in cases of persons that they don’t agree with the situation they let behind at the time their passed over, going so far to try to “take someone with them”. She will tell about the astonishing case of a loving mother, which already during the time of her passing over tried to find the right wife for her son and the incredible manipulations she did to full fill her purpose. “Poltergeists” belongs too, to that category. In both cases, entities are aware of their pass- over, but the will to full fill something is stronger than to continue their journey. They still keep completely the personality they had being alive.

About Barbara Bachmann

Barbara Bachmann is a past-life researcher and therapist since 1982. She graduated in History of Art and Sculpture at the University of Barcelona and was also translator for technology and engineering. She is a certified hypnotherapist AGW and was presiding for many years the Board of Examiners for Past-Life Therapists SVNH. She is member/level 1 IARRT since 1984 (former A.P.R.T.) and was director/trainer SGRRF until anno 2000, since then is she director/trainer ECPS. She founded the European Centre for Past-Life Sciences where the ECPS is compiling the first DATA BANK of results and conclusions reached in past-life therapy. She contributed to the first World Congress for Regression Therapists and speaks German, Spanish, Catalan, French and English. Since 2006: member of the EARTH Balloting Committee. Website: past life trauma through the body is an essential piece of resolution, no less important than awakening cognitive awareness. The inevitable failure of the body to support spiritual transformation is the unresolved theme over lifetimes. This workshop will cover the skill of tracking involuntary movement, physical sensation and immobilization. We’ll practice recognizing and encouraging somatic resources and also learn some post-session exercises for stabilizing and reinforcing the integration of spirit and body.

About Talia Shafir
Talia Shafir is a regression therapist and director of the Center for Integrated Therapy in California. She is a graduate and trainer of Dr. Roger Woolger’s professional program of Deep Memory ProcessTM ( Integral Regression or Matrix Therapy). Her background also includes certification in Alchemical and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Trauma and PTSD, and Psycho-Physical Therapy. Talia holds a master’s degree in applied linguistics from Columbia University and is currently pursuing doctoral studies in Somatic Psychology at Santa Barbara Graduate Institute in California. Website: .A final step in resolving karmic connections, which may be involved in personal problems, is reconciliation: That we can forgive and be forgiven.

We usually find in regressions that the client has a few persons in his or her environment, who were part of a personal conflict in the past, maybe as the client’s perpetrators or victims. This can have continued throughout a few incarnations and in more extreme cases even have resulted in a kind of “vendetta”, the one soul (unconsciously for both persons) seeking revenge on the other when they meet again in a new life.

I such a case it is likely that the other soul is to day incarnated to be in some way associated with the client. It will be essential for solving the problem and reach final catharsis that such a negative relation comes to an end. The way to terminate it is reconciliation.

This mutual forgiving (in most cases there is something to forgive for both!) can also have astonishing positive influences on the other person.

For this purpose I use a reconciliation ritual in my work, which I will describe in detail in the workshop, with its background, variations and possible obstacles (and how to overcome them). I also intend to demonstrate it.

My hope is that the participants will benefit from this in their own work, adopting the idea and the process and probably, as time goes on, develop it further in their own ways.

About Jan Erik Sigdell

My long path in regression and regression therapy began with experimental hypnotic regressions in the early 70es. In 1979 I had the opportunity to learn a non-hypnotic technique, which I have throughout 28 years of experience developed further and added to, a continuous growth process, since, of course, we all learn more from nearly each regression we do.

As to my professional education I am a Swedish-born Dr. of Medical Engineering, who as time went on discovered other realities… Website: Spirit Guides; our lifelong teachers, our navigators, our link to Spiritual Realm. Sure it is possible to navigate a PLRT session without having any guidance from Spirit Guides. But containing Spirit Guides into the regression session is absolutely like being in full flow. Every person is a multi-dimensional, multi-layer energy being. When we look at a person we usually see a human being. Spirit Guides can see a person from a wider point of view than us.

The participants of this workshop will have chance to experience;
1) How to feel Spirit Guides;
2) How to hear them;
3) How to separate Spirit Guide’s messages from your inner talks;
4) How to distinguish the signals of Spirit Guides while exploring significant events, turning points, diversions and jumpings of past life;
5) How to put the Spirit Guide’s messages into the right place during a PLRT session;
6) How to guide into a past life that is related with the main objective’s of client.

Tune in with Spirit Guides enables therapist to be much more understanding and to develop deep comprehension toward client’s experiences.

This workshop has been created and also will be conducted by Spirit Guides aim to help participants to conduct a PLRT session to be in tune with Spirit Guides.

About Diba Ayten Yilmaz Dip RT
Diba is Turkish and is also fluent in English. She graduated from the Past Life Regression Academy as a Regression Therapist. And she worked as Andy Tomlinson’s assistant trainer and supervisor for his Turkey trainings. She is a professional member of International Association for Regression Research and Therapies, Inc. (IARRT) and also European Association for Regression Therapy(EARTh). She has a degree as a Mechanical Engineer from the Technical University of Istanbul Mechanical Engineering Department. She is also a qualified Reiki Master, certified NLP Practitioner and trained as a Life Coach. Diba has published many articles in Turkey on past lives, regression therapy and spiritual topics and also has spoken on several radio programs about the same topics in Istanbul. She works in Istanbul and across Turkey. Website: born and preparing for death are most intense periods of life, for soul and body. In a tango from soul to body, the spirit of the child may linger in mothers’ presence, landing in and leaving the prenatal body, until it is time to start the identification with a new body. Incarnation is often experienced as frightening: a soul identifies with a body for a certain period of earth time, with a certain ‘karmic package’. Dying is mostly experienced as uncertainty, you know you leave, but where are you headed? The tango of body and soul is a dance of living and dying, breathing in and out of the body that looses more and more bodyfunctions. For some fearful but for many peaceful, death can be experienced as a relief on the soulside, but as a threat on the body side. The dying person has to learn to stop the identification with the body and renew the – often forgotten – identification with the soul. Death can be experienced as a welcome home on the Other Side.

Provided that death is a logical consequence of life’s nearing end, in natural transition. A sudden death in accident, heart attacks or murder does not provide time for preparation. The tango is skipped and the soul-consciousness needs to fulfill the process of dancing in and out this life on its own. That may need more time. Lingering as a soul after death will end once we take the time to address the deceased. Those remaining in earthly life will learn to help their deceased loved one to say goodbey, to leave this life, to really end it, while the living themselves need to cope with loss, to deal with this death and the emotions it brings.

In this respectfully composed workshop a ceremonial set up is provided for a mourning and goodbey ceremony, in which therapeutical skills are applied and techniques are woven in. Expressing the needed words and feelings, addressing the deceased one for a last time, exchanging thoughts and energies, gives greef a chance to be processed and a memory can start living. Each farewell is the beginning of a memory. Like snow is fresh and beautiful and short in stay, human life is beautiful and sometimes too short in stay. Accidents happen and the living bear and wear the consequences. Participants will learn to accept the happiness of having known the deceased and transform stuck feelings into flowing energy which slowly but surely helps you cope with loss – that on a soul level has a different meaning and different interpretation. Yet it is here and now we live, and this ceremony can offer support.

Participants may bring a photograph of a deceased loved one.

Marion Boon

Marion Boon comes from the Netherlands and owns IPARRT practice international. She is an EARTh trainer. Website:[page id=”2763″]

Verified publication:

Athanasios Komianos
Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) & Certified Regression Therapist (CRT)
