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2019 EARTh Annual Convention, Marienthal, Germany

Annual Convention 2019

Annual Convention 2019

The Aftermath of War– Resurrection and Completion

EARTh Association for Regression Therapy is happy to announce the theme of the Annual Convention July 13 – 19, 2019 in Germany. It will be:The Aftermath of War – Resurrection and Completion. Please register for AC 2019

We would like to welcome you to register for the Annual Convention 2019
Abbey St. Marienthal, Ostritz, Germany (near Dresden).

You can find detailed travel information* further down.

Mentioned prices are indications – they may change according to date of purchase and taken route.  

Let us know if you want to attend the pre-convention and/or convention, if you want to join the tour and let us know what dates you want to arrive and leave. Thank you!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: In case of cancelling up to 10 weeks preceding the Annual Convention a 80% refund will be given. Between 10 and 6 weeks preceding the Annual Convention a 50% refund will be given. Refunds will not be given within 6 weeks preceding the Annual Convention.

Preliminary Time table:

Friday July 12: Arrivals for pre-convention workshop, check-in time 14:00

Saturday July 13 & Sunday July 14: Pre-Convention workshops 10:00-17:30

Monday July 15: free day for participants and School leaders meeting 10:00-16:00

Monday July 15: Opening night Annual Convention 17:30

July 16 to July 19: Annual Convention workshops, discussions, demo’s etc. 9:00-17:00

Friday July 19: Closing, noontime.

Saturday July 20, 2019. One day optional tour.


Saturday 13 July and Sunday 14 July 2019
9:30-13:00 Christoph & Chanda von Keyserlingk ‘WHO AM I ?” Hans Ten Dam “ In the Deepest Pit”
13:00- 14:15 LUNCH
14:15-17:00 Christoph & Chanda von Keyselingk Hans Ten Dam


16 July 2019
17 July 2019
18 July 2019
19 July 2019
Saturday 20 July 2019
9:00-13:00 9:00 – 13:00 9:00-13:00 9:00-13:00 9:00-17:00
Marianne Carolus theme: “Dimensions of war – Integrating war” Anita Groenendirjk theme: Collective war energies Kai Tschanter theme: Victims and Perpetrators -How to free yourself from endless Karmic Circles Ruxandra Bulzan Theme: Healing Trans-Generational War Energy Imprint Victor Chirea theme: The Primordial War Timm Christophel theme: War – A Necessary Evil for Soul Growth? Tulin Schimberg & Research Committee : Special presentation and workshop by Tulin Etyemez Schimberg on Myoma followed by Research Committee preesentation Optional Tour of Gôrlitz and Polish side
Lunch Lunch Lunch Sc
14:30-16:00 14:30-17:30 14:30-16:00 14:00-15:30
Marianne Carolus continue Anna Merkulova – theme: Inner Battles – Conflict within Kai Tschanter continue MARION BOON : Freeing the Souls of the Battlefields Victor Chirea continue Barbara Gajecka theme: Perfecting the MAN and DIVINITY in him CLOSING CEREMONY
16:15-17:45 Colleague get together A brief illustrated talk of Dr. Jan Verbeek Wolthuys on his remote session experience on his wife and healing terminal disease, followed by colleague discussion 16:15-17:45 colleague get together 16:15-17:45 Panel discussion: Fatherless Generation Moderator: Marion Boon 15:30-17:30
18:00-19:00 dinner 18:00-19:00 dinner 18:00-19:00 dinner
19:30-21:30 19:00-23:00 20:00-21:00 19:00
General Assembly Party Night with Theme : Flower Power
21:30 Special Eclipse meditation

The price per day of the hotel includes:

Overnight stay, 3 meals, coffee and tea break twice a day (all other beverages are for own cost), WI-FI, tourist tax.

Hotel: all rooms are basic and have an ensuite bathroom (shower, toilet, sink).

All prices are in Euro

Hotel: all rooms are basic and have an ensuite bathroom (shower, toilet, sink).

Hotel price sharing 61,00 per day
Hotel price single 95,00 per day (A Few Rooms Left)
Partner price 61,00 per day

Price of the convention:

Super early bird till 31-1-2019 early bird  till 31-3-2019 regular price
pre convention members 180 190 200
pre convention non members 205 215 225
convention members 150 165 180
convention non members 170 185 200
optional tour 20-7-18

(minimum 30 participants)

55 for members
60 for non members/partner
combination pre and AC 25 euro discount
workshop presenters 90 euro discount

Day tour to Görlitz, Poland

We will have a day trip on Saturday July 20th:  We will start the day by departure from Marienthal at 9:00 a.m. for a city tour of Görlitz, the most easterly town in Germany and for many the most beautiful. Perhaps not surprising when you consider the town has over 3,500 architectural monuments spanning 500 years. Most have been lovingly restored and are a real visual treat for visitors. Among the grand old churches, mighty fortifications and ornate facades, there is a wonderful, vibrant and friendly town just waiting to be discovered.Görlitz is in fact split into two parts – the eastern section in Poland is called Zgorzelec – yet the visitor is unable to sense a division between the two. We also pass over to

Zgorzelec to visit and have lunch (Zurek, Bigos, Piroggen). After a city tour we return to the German side and look at the imposing Dome of Hall of Fame or Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Hall. We will have leisure time in Görlitz to see the city and the lake around 16:00 hrs.

You can find more info on Görlitz here:

Ballet starring Anna Merkulova

Our dear member Anna Merkulova has a ballet performance in Dresden before the convention. The show dates are: 11 july at 19.00 hours and 14 july at 14.00 hours.

The show is called Ein Sommernachtstraum. In English: Midsummer Night’s dream. It consists of two ballets. First ‘Dream’, a classical ballet based on Shakespeares’ story Midsummer Night’s dream. And second is a new neo classical ballet ‘Four Seasons’ on Vivaldi’s music Four Seasons. Anna will be dancing in the first ballet.

Get an impression of the ballet through this trailer:

For those who arrive earlier for the pre-convention and/or convention Anna is happy to help you arrange a ticket for the performance. Dresden is about 1,5 hrs away from Marienthal and all who wish to see the show need to consider the trip as well. This trip isn’t organized by EARTh, so you need to arrange your own transportation. If you wish to see the performance, please contact Anna by email: DEEPEST PIT

Preconference institute with Hans TenDam, July 13-14, 2019

Typical for wars is that the darkest and most intense personal experiences blend with collective events and collective energies. Sometimes with demonic influences. Examples:

  • Collective deaths by floods, earth quakes, bush fires
  • Large ships going down in storms or in naval battles
  • Dying in battlefields
  • Burning, pillaging, raping and killing whole villages or cities
  • Public executions, mass executions, gas chambers and body pits
  • Massacres
  • Dying in bombing raids, firestorms, or in a nuclear explosion.

Usually, clients experience these events as victims. Or they are powerless bystanders. And sometimes they are among the perpetrators.

Examples from sessions will be given. Participants may bring examples from their own practice and those will be discussed.

The program will include one or two group sessions, a number of demos and exercises in small groups. Although we will deal with personal experiences in this area, the aim is to prepare the participants to work with clients. It is, however, difficult to help clients with such experiences if we haven’t explored our own.

Morning day 1

A general introduction in the subject. Exchanging examples from personal experiences as client or as therapist. Listing common themes and questions. The aftereffects of horror, dismay and dread. The challenge for therapists.

Afternoon day 1:

Our deepest war experiences as individual soldiers or warriors. Evil, fear and lust.

Morning day 2:

Our deepest victimhood of wanton collective violence. The dynamics of collective shock.

Afternoon day 2:

How to resolve the residues of non-human evil.

Hans TenDam (76) is an experienced therapist and international teacher, he is Tasso institute director in the Netherlands.He wrote a.o. Exploring Reincarnation and Deep Healing and Transformation. He started the World Congresses for Regression Therapists and was one of the founders of EARTh.from AIR © Dresden – Ausbildungsinstitut für Regressions- und Reinkarnationstherapie Dresden

Title:   WHO AM I ?

Subtitle: Experience the mosaic of a personality and the advantage of reuniting it

The Indian sage Ramana Maharishi (1879-1951) called the question “Who am I?” the only important question.

If you ask yourself this question, you can find out what you identify yourself with, your name, your profession, etc. Soon you will find out that all these are only parts of you or roles you play. Who and where is the part, which keeps everything together? Or otherwise what does incarnate into this life? Can you define yourself as a soul and what is a soul? As reincarnation therapist do we really know what or who are we giving therapy to? There are a lot of theoretical concepts but no clear universal answer.

In this workshop we intend to experiment with these questions, to give you an experience about yourself and to come closer to yourself and the mosaic that you are. It is our nature to have dark sides and we tend not to look at them or show them to the world. But without knowing our own shadows we will have difficulties as therapist to lead our clients through them.


A wise man once said, “Peace is nothing but the preparation for the next war.” This convention is about war and what it does to us. Therefore we want to look with you at the peace and war, which are constantly going on inside of us. It often happens in our unconsciousness. There is a voice, which wants something and there is another voice, which wants something else. If we can start to become aware of it, we will recognize the bigger picture of the mosaic and by integration or healing of the opposites we will be able to move freely forward in life.

In these two days we will be using these three methods

  • A method, which originated in California called “Enlightenment intensive” (created in 1960’s by Charles Berner) which consists of questions and answers, while two people sit opposite each other in a group.
  • Constellation work

In this case we use multiple-part-constellation where the representatives stand for various parts of a person to experience them or clear them.

  • Regression

into a moment where we experienced already a time when we were comparably whole.

Not to remain in your head and thinking but to stay in and deepen your own experience we invite all the participants to create their own scripts of the workshop.

The intention is that you find some of the demonstrations and exercises from the workshop useful in your own practical work.


Schedule of the workshop

Day 1 morning – talk about our concept and group exercise (Christoph)

Day 1 afternoon – case studies and demo, and partner exercise (Chanda)

Day 2 morning – feedback for partner exercise and special techniques (Chanda)

Day 2 afternoon – case studies and group exercise (Christoph)

Workshop presenters:

Countess Chanda von Keyserlingk, born in 1971, living in Dresden

After she studied mathematics and software development in Leipzig she learnt Reiki healing, different approaches of shamanism, Aura-Soma, methods of massages and spiritual healing with the shamanic Ron Lavin.

During many years of self development she took regularly sessions in Past life therapy in the methods of Dr. Morris Netherton and learnt family constellation from Sneh Victoria Schnabel and Matthias Varga v. Kibed.
She studied Buddhism and Vipassana Meditation under Ajahn Tong in north of Thailand, and became a certified Vipassana teacher at What Doi Suthep Chiang Mai.
Back in Germany she developed the study program for reincarnation- and regression therapy at the AIR Dresden together with her husband Christoph.

2006 she became a founding member of EARTh association in Frankfurt (Main).

She enlarged her methods of therapeutically tools with EDxTM from Fred Gallo.

Besides her teachings and doing regression works with clients in Dresden she is studying states of consciousness at the Monroe Institute in Charlottesville (USA).

She is a tournament chess player and lives together with her husband in Dresden.


Count Christoph von Keyserlingk, born in 1941, living in Dresden, Germany.

He grew up in an anthroposophical surrounding as third generation.

He studied history, psychology, sociology and political science.

He started his self-development with Prof. Karlfried Graf Dürckheim, Dr. W. Büntig, Jeru Kabbal, Prof. Claudio Naranjo. He went to India to stay with Osho for six years. He studied past life regression therapy with Wadud and Waduda in Poona (India).

Back in Germany he opened his own office for regression therapy and later he changed the office name to “Reiki-Zentrum Dresden”, because the term Reincarnation was practical unknown at that time in east Germany. To deepen his abilities in regression therapy he got certified by Dr. Morris Netherton as a reincarnation therapist. He studied constellation work with Bert Hellinger and guided a study group in Dresden for constellation therapist over 5 years. Forced by a client with Multiple Personality Disorder he attended several courses with Michaela Huber – the German specialist for Multiple Personality Disorder.

2005 he started his own school for Reincarnation and Regression therapy “AIR Dresden” with his wife Chanda.

2006 he became a founding member of EARTh association in Frankfurt (Main).

Christoph is still teaching and did several workshops at the EARTh annual conventions. He does work in Dresden in reincarnation therapy and constellation work.Convention Program, Day I, Tuesday 16 July 2019

“Dimensions of War – Integrating War” 
by Marianne Carolus (Netherlands)
9:00-13:00 & 14:30-16:00

9:00-10:30 Theory

1) There will be an overview about 50 sessions I did where war played a role; what can they tell about the affects and aftermath of war?

2) A few representative sessions with 3 interesting cases I will work out to show different kinds of working with clients and karma with war as the cause of their suffering.

3) There will be given a perspective to find dimensions of war. With help of my experiences and Anthroposophy, I will try to show a structure and perspectives to accept war as a part of life. which opens ways for integration.

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-13:00 Practice: Group Journeys and exercising

4) a group journey “Dimensions of War”; short break to notice; and report
and/or a group journey “Crystal rock”; short break to notice; and report

5) Training and exercising ‘Lobsters’: the first one is demonstrated; the others will be supervised and guided by instructions.
Lobster is a variation of the ‘collapsing anchors’, a helpful tool. There will be possibility of exercising twice in small groups and pairs.

13:00-14:30 Lunch Break

14:30-16:00 Continuation of practice / Demo/Conversation

Continuing the morning program and/or a demonstration: If anyone is found after the group journey or the exercises who is suitable client for a demonstration, this will be done. To accept and integrate your own war and aftermath. If there is time: Conversation

About Marianne Carolus:

I am 70 and living in the country. At the age of sixteen I had a traffic accident with a near death experience. This and sharing a hospital room with two psychiatric patients changed my future. I decided to study medicine and psychiatry. Soon I found anthrosophical psychiatry. I have a family and was a school doctor for Waldorf Schools.

Since 1995 I learned regression therapy, mainly from Hans Ten Dam. I published about it from 1999 till 2012 many articles in Info3, a German Magazine, and the book: “Wie Schicksal spricht”. Workshops followed in European countries. 2004-2012 I gave a 3-year training called Evadio, for Past Life Therapy in Bad Wimpfen, Germany, training some German groups and a group in Romania, Bucharest. I am a founder member of EARTh. 2013 I started a group about fairy tales. Fairy tales include the spiritual and soul world and in this way I can work with people who not yet want or believe in Past Life Therapy. in Kassel, Germany, I gave workshops in an anthroposophical context.

Collective War Energies: Cleaning up connections with war debris
by Anita Groenendijk (Netherlands)

16 July 2019 9:00-13:00

There is a layer around the earth with all the war memories and fragments and energies, specifically from Europe WW2. It is a dark grey layer, and many people are connected to this layer, through either their own past life or death then, or experiences from family members, or even through energies in the house or area they were raised as children. And often a combination from this. This connection gets triggered through being at places or with people who have unresolved war energies or connections with them themselves. Also by watching images from the war.

It is important of course to work through the personal, transpersonal and family experiences in the war. And if needed we will do that in demos in the workshop. I am sure also other workshops will approach these experiences and ways to work with them. The way I work, with the body wisdom I can do several demonstrations.

In the workshop I want to focus on what to do after war experiences have already been therapeutically transformed, but somehow there still is a reaction. Often the war still triggers energy drain, gives too much bad feeling. In that case we need to find the connection with the collective energies, and check if the reason those connections get triggered are still there.

Depending on the group energy that is at the workshop we can also do some group work on releasing either personal connections of the attendants with war energies, or as a collective transform some of the collective energies. or both.

Inner battles. A conflict within
by Anna Merkulova (Germany)

We all have experienced situations when our manifested reality does not match our inner wishes and desires. What we want to do or have does not happen no matter how we try. There can be many reasons to this. Contradicting beliefs, influences from our family lines or even our life plan, that differs from our present thinking and wishes and of course past life traumas.
I would also like to explore a topic of Hidden Gain behind such situations and how to solve this with help of regression therapy.
Another topic is how our own inner resistance and conflicting beliefs can manifest in the body and how our body can help us to find the under lying reasons. As a dancer who works with the body on a daily basis , i have been many times in situation when my body pointed me towards my own resistance inside and with help of regression i was able to solve that conflict within. I have learned that our body is there to help us progress and evolve and we just need to learn to read the signs and understand it. I would like to share the knowledge and my own experience as a professional dancer and a therapist on this topic. That would be useful for all, specially those who work with professional athletes and or dancers., people who are very aware of their bodies and share some ideas on how to help people to learn to get in touch more with their bodies.

Workshop subject

Finding and resolving inner conflict. Tools and ways to discover the hidden conflicts and inner contradictions with the help of body.

– inner conflicts caused by contradicting believes, family trauma, past life trauma etc.
– Hidden Gain. What do we get out of not getting what we want in life
– our body as a tool to discover our inner resistance. Offer some ideas on how to work with the body or get more in touch with it.
I would like to share personal stories from my life or from my work with clients and also to have an open discussion with those who attend.

Anna Merkulova
Born in Donetsk, Ukraine, Anna is a professional ballet dancer.
After finishing her studies at the Ballet Academy in Donetsk at the age of 17, she proceeded with her professional dance career. She has traveled the world and have lived in a few countries where she was employed as a professional dancer ( Estonia, USA,Denmark and Germany).
Upon arriving to Germany Anna has discovered Reiki healing and Regression therapy, which she used extensively throughout her professional career to help her deal with variety of issues (work related injuries , self esteem, personal relationships, personal development etc.).
8 years journey as a client not only helped her move forward in her profession, it also helped her discover regression therapy in depth on a personal level.
In 2016 she became a student at the Dresden School of Regression –
Ausbildungsinstitute für Regression- und Reinkarnationstherapie.
And became a student member of EARTh
In 2019 graduated as a Regression therapist and became professional member of EARTh association.

Victims and Perpetrators – How to free yourself from endless Karmic Circles
by Kai Tschanter (Germany)

9:00-13:00 & 14:30-16:30

 This workshop is about the phenomenon that victims and offenders are bound together energetically in an endless circle until rising consciousness allows one or both to get out of it. If we know some of our past lives we may discover a pattern of some victim PL that look quite similar like being punished, tortured, humiliated, imprisoned or killed by mighty perpetrators (a karmic knot). On a deeper, often more unconscious level we find one or more perpetrator lives having abused power in a special way. A karmic connection becomes obvious. But often there is not ONE reason for it all. It is rather a circle or a pendulum swinging for and back between victim and offender side. How could we help the client to get out of these charges and blockages and free him-/herself towards a normal lucky life?


In my workshop we examine this circle of victim-offender-dynamics (VOD).

On a current life level there are life events and biographic situations of suffering in violent family situations, mobbing in school or at the working place or violence in marriage. In clinical practice typical signatures can be found for the victim-side like fear, withdraw, avoidance, blockage, feeling exhausted and powerless. On the offender-side we find often guilt feelings, anger or accusing patterns. The longer the VOD-circle runs in the background (over many lifetimes) the more these characteristics are intermingled. Perpetrators have also been victims and victims search for revenge and become offenders. Both are mentally imprisoned in narrowed and fixed enemy images.

On a past life level we find typical situations like middle-age scenarios of being accused at a tribunal, being tortured or burnt as a witch. Typical connections to present life problems are exam- or authority-anxiety, chronic somatic pain, heat sensations or skin problems. Nowadays battle between school medicine doctors and alternative medicine practitioners can be a repetition.
Immediate past lives can belong to WW II or holocaust scenarios. Souls that return to earth only after a short afterlife-time have typical characteristics that I will discuss (“quick returners”). I also found some typical phobias and symptoms of souls that died in the holocaust (“the holocaust syndrome”) like eating disorders or specific phobias connected to the experience of deportation, selection and dying in the gas chamber.
On a deeper level there are lives of abusing magic and spiritual powers or failed initiations in real ancient times e.g. Egyptian time. And invisible forces behind abusing the sorcerer or high priestess. Basic Karmic laws will be mentioned in this context of PL Examinations.

Healing the victim-offender-dynamics

The participants will learn some healing methods for the VOD. In a regression session we support transformation by a) reliving and catharsis going through the PL story, b) by some specific short transformation processes in the afterlife sequence and c) by finding connections to present life and acting in a new way. Some of these special transformation processes are discussed. The victims could restore their body, find back their loved ones, collect their Out-of-body-parts and lost-soul-parts, get rid of additional karmic attachments and/or heal their inner child. The offenders should face what they have done, connect to their own innocent part (e.g. in their childhood), face the power or the ideology behind that may used them like a puppet, get rid of an obsession, undo vows, take over responsibility and learn their lesson. In general they should re-humanize. An energy exchange between victim and offender is a MUST.

We try to find the “Point-of-Awakening”, this special moment, when the perpetrator realizes what he is doing and that he is harming another human like himself. This can be a doorway to step out of the VOD-circle to a third neutral position by understanding that nobody can ever win this game. Personification can be used for eye contact between victim and offender. Sometimes old soul contracts can be found and resolved. It is a kind of undressing the roles, a mature self-responsible decision to act now in a different way making a creative contribution for the future and the transformation process of humanity in our times.

It is planned to do a demo according to the topic of the workshop and (if time allows) small group exercises to the mentioned healing part in the regression session.

Kai Tschanter
is a german psychologist, regression-therapist and family therapist with more than 20 years of experience in psychotherapy. After being employed in leading positions in psychosomatic clinics and a suicide prevention center he is now working in his own practice in Würzburg (Germany) both with official psychotherapy and as a regression therapist. He is certified EARTh-member and graduated at Tasso international 2013. He is a teacher at the new german Tasso Institute.



Healing Trans-Generational War Energy Imprint.
by Ruxandra Bulzan (Romania)


The experience of the various wars has had a significant impact on individuals throughout history. These experiences have left their mark on the psyche both for those who have participated directly on battlefields and those who have witnessed those times. Fear and pain associated with countless wars have left a strong energy footprint for souls. This energy has been worn and transmitted over the centuries at a trans-generational level. Thus, even today, when most people in the developed world have been blessed with the avoidance of war experience current life, many of us are caring into ourselves that energy that has been taken over, inherited from the family and nation we have chosen to come now.

We can heal and release this accumulated energy footprint along generations, both with regard to the ancestors and the offspring.


– What is the trans-generational war energy imprint

– How the war energy imprint is being transmitted through generations

– Most common issues that have been carried from war’s experiences

– Healing and releasing trans-generational war energy imprint

– Demo

Ruxandra Bulzan is a clinical psychologist, certified hypnotherapist and past life regression therapist, president and co-founder of Romanian Association of Hypnosis and Regression Therapy. She has a full time practice in Bucharest and lead more than 2500 private sessions and more than 150 group processes with over 5000 attendees. Since 2015 she teaches hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy as a Regression Academy trainer.




Midweek, plenary gathering conducting the Ceremonial Workshop to Track and Trace, Find and Free
by Marion Boon (Netherlands)


The Souls of the Battle Field

Les Ames de la Grande Guerre – Die Seelen der Schlachtfelder   

Some places, such as Battle Fields of War, touch us deeper than other locations. We feel around us an intensely present environment, even somewhat mysterious sometimes. How can this be? How can we explain this really and what could be the cause? How does this influence us? What kind of emotional charges are hiding there at the Fields of Intense Memories? What presences have remained at the Battle Fields that pull our attention and touch us in the heart?
One can imagine that at Battle Fields, where close combat fighting occurred, many vital human beings have found an early death. Friend and foe all clinged together in a massive concentration of power and deep endless despair. Their souls have only partly left, leaving behind intense energies, right there at the spot.

In regression sessions we found a variety of fragmented, wandering and clustered souls, that were hindering a person, a family, a village, or haunting a house. Still partly individually connected to the present incarnation, hugely covered by part of a bigger ‘cloud’ of consciousness, that is hardly conscious. Programming of the last days of life still continues (I can’t leave without my comrads, I have a vow, I committed to this army) while the energy has become almost unreachable. Clients through whom we find such souls, come with suicidal thoughts, lethargy or severe depression. While farmers indicate that the geographic location has ‘never been the same’ after the battle took place on that field. In France, the former agriculture land is now forest, with the dead burried in.

We find layers of soul and conscious energies, in the levels of presence at location. We encountered the seemingly powerful resistance of a group of interwoven souls. We also found the souls of the searching loved ones, the mothers that did not give up even after death, the lovers that linger and loose themselves in the thick presence of all these undead souls. In the Bremen gathering of 2018 we found layers of the dead young people’s energies, hopelessly sunk into the soil… and Mother Earth herself gave them back… You will learn how to work with all these aspects, to bring the Souls of the Battlefield finally toward awareness, understanding and to accomplish the end of a life long lost.

I invite you to join and experience how we will use the POWER of the GROUP of participants at AC19 to free souls in and around the Conference area, the bigger location including the city of Dresden of which I presume you know the recent history. What we find and address, will involve more than the latest devastations. History is clustered on intensity and not chronologically. Incidentally we may find a Roman army that is still hanging around. We aim at a refreshing cleansing for the Now and the future, for peace and liberation of all stuck soul energy, in order to free the souls and help them on their journey toward further development.

This is what we do for each other. And for the living people of today…!

Please come and bring your presence to this ceremonial workshop. Experience and share. We have scheduled this happening in the midweek so every colleague can be present. I share the information and set up of this beautiful, intense workshop with all of you who wish to take it on. This is a life force retrieval, a collective soul healing and an intensely rewarding (educating) spiritual effort.

Marion Boon through IPARRT practice is specialized in workshops for many layers of society, and this specialty ‘Souls of the Battle Field’ is a very needed activity for many places in the world. I started this in 2012 as preparation for the WW1 remembrance (1914-1918 was 100 years ago)The Primordial War
by Victor Chirea, CRT (Romania)
09:00-13:00 & 14:30-16:00

The purpose of this workshop is to explore and heal (as much as possible) the moment when war began (was introduced at the soul level) for each of us.

  • There is a very first moment when the inner battles or the outer battles began. Which was first?
  • And what exactly happened at that moment?
  • What was the main trauma and how did each soul experience that?
  • What was our first reaction at the soul level?
  • How did our newly created mind manage? Were there any Postulates or fixed programs created?
  • How did this affect us on our personal path?
  • Was this from the beginning of times or was it created at some point?
  • How was our connection with the Source, or with the soul family affected?
  • How spread was this first war in which we were involved? Was it at universal scale, at planetary scale or only isolated in our Soul?
  • What is still affecting us in the present?
  • And how can we heal our wounds from the primordial war?


These are a few questions to start with. We are going to explore this in therapy and discussions.

War means polarization. War means battle between two opposed forces. The primordial opposing forces are light and darkness. So, it’s very possible that while we explore and heal this primordial war, we’ll encounter cases related to working with light and dark energies, attachments and also to the primordial trauma – how we experienced our first birth from the sources.

We’ll have time to explore and discuss about the already known theories regarding the Primordial War. We have the view of the religion and the esoteric theories (for example New Age) and we also have the information we get from Regression Therapy, for example extraterrestrial past lives.

There are many theories and many views. We don’t need to search for the ultimate truth; instead, searching for our subjective truth, for our own experience of war would bring many useful insights that could dissolve our inner and/or outer conflicts (if any). Each participant will gather the information that he/she needs. Hopefully, we’ll try to stay impartial, not judge and take all as an exploring Journey.

Apart from this primordial exploration of the beginnings, we’ll also talk about what we encountered during the demo session and the main aspects that are part of a war.

All wars have a start, a main point and an end. All wars include trauma and loss. But, at the same time, after each war there is rebirth and transformation. So, we’ll also talk about the ‘positive aftermath of a war’ – there is a lot of Karma created, but also energies from the past are transformed.

Another aspect is what I call ‘the cloud before the war’. You can feel when war is coming as you can smell the dark, heavy pressure dropping before the storm. There are interesting aspects about this, because this ‘cloud of war’ follows us from the past life to the present one. During the workshop, we’ll explore what we can find inside such a cluster.

Here is what I consider to be the main benefit of participating in this workshop: if we can clear the initial war traumas and conflicts, this would implicitly lead to solving/diminishing the present life’s inner/outer conflicts. Dissolving the primordial war patterns is like cutting the weed from its roots. It’s very efficient and we don’t have to do many regressions taking each war and conflictual situation, just the first one. Of course that each of us will go as deep as our soul development permits, each in his/hers own rhythm, so that the integration will be gentle.

The structure

– we’ll start with the theoretical background on war related themes and then I’ll present a few case studies from my own private practice to help broaden our views.

– there will be a guided group journey (20-30 minutes) in which we can explore how the primordial war started for us, process, heal the war traumas and integrate the healed parts within the present personality.

– there will be pair-share and group-share about what we experienced during the Journey and possibly some small interventions or clarifications.

– after the small break there will be a demo session (about 1h and a half – 2 hours) to work with the participant that needs it the most.

– questions & answers on the demo and on the theory presented.

– after the lunch break we have another 1 hour and a half for the elaboration of the workshop. This part is dedicated to the participants needs – we can have Q&A, we can bring more clarification on some aspects, have more sharing or do more practice – another demo session or small therapeutic interventions.

This workshop has an advanced work topic; yet, due to the way the information and practice will be covered, everybody will benefit.

About the presenter:

Victor Chirea is a psychotherapist, specialized in Gestalt Therapy and a Certified Regression Therapist, member of Earth Association for Regression Therapy and currently part of the Board and of the Research Committee. After graduating Electronics and Telecommunications, he started his second specialization – Psychology. He continued his studies with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychological Counseling and he also graduated from the Department for the Preparation of the Didactic Personnel. Shortly afterwards he published a book on Regression Therapy – Soul Fragmentation. Consequences and the Reintegration of Lost Parts.

His therapeutic approach is holistic, combining scientific information and research data with spiritual approaches. In his pilgrimages, he reached different spiritual centers in India and Tibet, where he had the privilege to meet enlightened masters. He studied and practiced Buddhist meditation techniques guided by Master Tanpai Rinpoche Acharya. During his free time, he practices Ki-Aikido for physical health and the peace of mind.

Currently he’s involved with his own private practice as a therapist and he is also a trainer, preparing future regression therapists, at the Romanian Institute for Regression Therapy, that he founded in 2016. He has just recently been certified as an EARTh trainer for workshops on advanced topics.




War – A Necessary Evil for Soul Growth?

by Timm Christophel (Germany)

9:00 – 13:00

Do we learn in life before we feel pain? It happens, but not often. Why should that be different in soul life, that is from a perspective across lifetimes? I suggest that it is the same here. Our soul learns and grows from pain, too. It’s just human, after all. Or so we think.

What is the great or not so great human predicament that produces the most pain? It is war, of course. Doesn’t it follow from this, that war must also be the greatest occasion for learning? We just need to look at modern technology to prove the point. There would be no Internet, nuclear energy, or space flight without the groundwork of the “defence” industry.

In summary, we got our theory, which we will explore in this workshop: war should be a great opportunity for soul growth. And if we talk soul growth, we will also need to talk karma and dharma.

I would like to explore this theory with you in at least one group regression session. We will go back to a past life where war played a determining role. And we will then explore the role this war experience played in shaping your soul growth. I will then offer you a live demonstration session to explore this question even further. Finally, we will hear what insights we can gather together and how they can help us in helping our clients.

When we explore war, karma, and soul growth together, we may come across what is a touchy subject in contemporary society: the good side of aggression. Astrologically, the aggression principle is symbolized by Mars. And Mars has a bad rep these days. But, there obviously can be a good side to aggression, if it is used for the right reasons.

A striking example of this is Hans TenDam’s “fuck you” finger, which is a symbolic and also energetically powerful way to set a boundary. And we all know the more archetypal example of a mother protecting its child – even with violence, if necessary. Aggression is used to protect life. A way of doing something “bad” to protect something that is even more good. A “necessary evil”. Peace is a positive, but the right fight is also.

A sane society embraces aggression and aims to turn its most aggressive members (predominantly men) into virtuous knights. Somebody needs to contain the psychopaths, after all, and love alone won’t do. But the Mars principle expressed on its highest level is the slaying of one’s own ego. And what catalyzing experiences can a Knight on that level reap for his soul? We may soon find out.

“You will go to heaven if killed, or you will enjoy the earth if victorious. Therefore, get up with a determination to fight, O Arjuna.“
– Krishna, Bhagavad Gita (2.37)

Workshop outline

  1. Presentation of the theory and foundational knowledge
  2. Group session
  3. Live demonstration.

Timm Christophel’s regression therapy teachers include Jan-Erik Sigdell, Claudine Bonnet, Marion Boon and Hans TenDam. He is also trained in NLP (Bernd Isert and Tom Andreas), constellation work (Matthias Varga von Kibéd and Insa Sparrer), hypnotherapy (Stephen Gilligan), and hypno-systemic consulting (Gunther Schmidt).

Timm can trace his Huguenot family roots back to the 16th century Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in France, when his ancestors flew and got a new home in Prussia, where they settled, deeply thankful. Loyal, and by then a fully German descendant, his great-grandfather proudly served in the German emperor’s elite guard regiment in Potsdam. Timm lost his two grandfathers to World War 2.

Timm has a deep thirst for knowledge, and a willingness to achieve it on a shamanic path. In his work with clients he is most called to topics of self-realization, finding meaning and purpose in life, eliminating boundaries to growth, dealing with emotions, accessing love, and transforming relationships.


Perfecting the Man and Divinity in Him.
by Barbara Gajecka: (Poland)


 1) Everyday improvement

Maybe it is every day thing, that we think we could do better, that we are guilty or we are ashamed  or have sinned because of what we have been taught, because of what was put ones into the subconscious mind. It was put there and we believed.  Inner conflict, fixations,  complexes or guilt can cause any kind of discomfort, any kind of illness.

Then I would  like to share the beautiful cleansing/balancing/ harmonizing/ forgiveness  process of Ho’oponopno, that makes possible to reprogram our subconscious mind regarding even past life’s.  Very old  knowledge about thinking and breathing, speaks not only about  subconscious mind  but about conscious and super conscious mind as well and how they work together. I will share the background of the telepathic channels and aka-sha.

Regarding guilt feelings of war survivors or how to resolve the inner battles that are still alive in one’s subconscious, Ho’oponopono process is great help for everyday improvement.

They  told me, that in the old time, people use this process daily, so they remain connected to their purpose of life. I am doing this too and it works for me as for my clients and they relations. This technique was used too during the birth in order to cut the navel cord, and free the baby from the emotional and mental discomfort or beliefs  (DNA) of the ancestors. Afterword’s it is possible to prove the results by energy testing.

It is effective to do even “before “ you have a need for it: before session with client, family meeting or new job.

It must emphasize the fact that the Ho’oponopono was a family – related problem-solving technique, as a sum of prayers, discussions, arbitration, contrition, restitution, forgiveness and releasing.

Morrnah K. Siemeona, as a pioneer, has created a modern version of Ho’oponopono which can be performed by a single person.  The harmony and balance can be restored regarding;
– Family issues, in between individual, any groups.
– Various inconveniences, addictions and karmic issues
– Conception (miscarriages, abortion, farewell to unborn children)
– Liberation from bad influences on houses, land, objects, persons and entities , our practice room
– To get rid of negativity, stress, anxiety, guilt, frustration, and regret and accomplish the dream.

Depending of need in the group we can work with one of the issue.  (it will take 2 hours)

2) Perfecting the MAN and DIVINITY in him part 2.

 For many years, my question was: how to bring together: my Individual Memory, my Family  and Memory Bank of Humanity, that will give a clear answer: WHY I am here.

I thought, it must be easy answer to my question. And I needed answer that is easy to understand for everyone.  In a dream came the diagram I shared in Baarlo last year. The diagram shows the individual DNA line from the beginning of time and what generations healing is about. I hoop we can see it in a session too how ancestral war effects on the current generation. I will share the experiences of war victims from the perspective of  Poles-, Dutch- or Germans client.

3) Instant healing

In a few words I will explain how we can use Time Line to heal recent and old event instantly. Then we can practice the instant healing of the past on mental, physical and emotional level.  (it will take a hour)

About Barbara.
I’m Barbara and I love my profession because it works.


A long time ago, for about 7 years I had been having headaches and they were linked in with other symptoms. I searched for solutions through the regular health care and also from books about ancient healing techniques from Hawaii where the “cleaning of the unconscious mind” was discussed.

To my huge surprise, after the second regression therapy appointment, I no longer needed medicine to curb my headaches. I started to trust my intuition and with two feet firmly on the ground, my problems became challenges. The world around me was the most beautiful place under the Sun.

I was fascinated by the possibilities that this form of therapy had and in 1996 I graduated at the SRN in Utrecht. This encouraged me to study even more, searching for curing techniques that would work better and faster such as interview and conversation techniques, massage, nutrition, herbs, kinetics, exercise, music and many others.

I love working with my clients, giving courses and workshops. Furthermore I read extensively and travel to learn from the best. To discover new places and… enjoy life





A Special presentation By Tülin Etyemez Schimberg and the EARTh Research Committee

“Battle To Be Born “


This special workshop consists of two parts.  The first and main part will be a workshop by Tulin Schimberg, who will tell about 4 clients that healed their myomas after one session with regression therapy. Myomas are benign tumors in the uterus, that can cause a lot of discomfort, and often lead to operations, and even hysterectomy. There always was trauma that had to do with babies, both in the present life and in past lives. She will explain and share her way of working, both the techniques she uses during the sessions, and a visualization that the lady clients have to do every day after the session. Also she will give a demo.

Tulin is a well known and experienced EARTh member who teaches in her own school the Unicorn foundation. She has given several successful and interesting workshops on diverse topics already. She blends in wisdom from various approaches, like shamanism and NLP into her regression work. To be in her workshops is always very inspirational.

The second part (30-45 minutes) is an explanation by the Research Committee how we can use this ‘Tulin method’ for research, and an invitation to participate in this. We would like it if member therapists use this method, and invite clients to do sessions with their myomas, and to give permission to use their anonymized echo-pictures where the size of the myomas is measured before and after the therapy. This would contribute to the knowledge about how regression therapy can work (in such cases), and the results can also be shared with the public and scientific world.

The research participation is open for all the attendees, including the ones that will watch the recordings after the workshop . The Research Committee will provide a standardized protocol how to participate in this research. More details about this will come later.

Travel Information

Arrival to the venue:

International Meeting Center St. Marienthal St. Marienthal 10 02899 Ostritz- St.Marienthal

GPS Coordinates : N 50°59’53,5′′ EO 14° 55’30,0′′ (Location Klosterhof)

The meeting center is located in the former farm buildings of the St. Marienthal monastery. Situated in Oberlausitz at the meeting point of three countries, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland. The location is between Zittau and Görlitz, in the town of Ostritz on the river Neiße.

If you arrive by car following the route A99 or by bicycle from Hirschfelde through the romantic Neißetal or by foot from Ostritz, you will be impressed by this attractive location of the meeting center.

Arriving by plane : You can fly to Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig or Prague and then take the train or bus to Görlitz

Traveling by train :

Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Main train station) – Görlitz — goes every hour, duration 2:40h costs 45€

  • Dresden – Görlitz — goes every hour , duration 1:40h , costs 20€
  • Leipzig – Görlitz — goes every hour , duration 2:30h costs 30€
  • Prag – Görlitz — goes every 2h , duration 4:30h, costs 40€

From Bahnhof Görlitz ( main train station)
– train to – Ostritz (Marienthal) – goes every 2h, duration 20 min until Krzewina Zgorzelecka, then take Bus 44 to Klosterschenke ( bus stop is at the entrance to the monastery) – Or Bus 21 direction Zittau until stop Kloster Mariethal, duration 34 min

Arriving by bus: You can take a Flixbus from Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig or Prague to Görlitz Hauptbahnhof (main train station) and follow directions above for the bus to the monastery.

You can arrange your train travel here ( it is in English and you can buy train tickets online)

Flixbus service :

Flixbuses from Berlin make stops at both airports in Berlin

Arriving with car or tourist bus:

Take A 4 – Highway direction Görlitz:

  • Travel direction Görlitz
  • in Görlitz take B 99 in The direction Zittau with Travel route through Hagenwerder – Leuba – Ostritz (Attention speed cameras!)
  • after passing Ostritz (long Curve turn to the right) turn left to Marienthal and follow the road signs.
  • Parking possibilities (also for buses) are located in front of the monastery in the big parking place.
  • from parking space approximately 300m by foot to the monastery.
  • for overnight guests there is parking possibility inside the monastery grounds for loading and unloading of the luggage.

Take A 4 – Highway direction Bautzen:

  • follow B 6 in Direction Görlitz
  • upon leaving Löbau turn right to S 126 in direction of Bischdorf – Kemnitz – Bernstadt – Ostritz
  • upon leaving Ostritz (long right turn) turn left to Mariental and follow the road signs.
  • coming through Poland or Czech Republic (check visa requirements)

With a rented car you can not drive through Poland or Czech Republic without extra insurance

  • Border crossing Poland : Hagenwerder / Radomierzyce
  • or Zittau / Bogatynia
  • Görlitz / Ludwigsdorf
  • Border crossing Czech Republic : Seifhennersdorf / Varnsdorf bzw. Hradek n. N. / Bogatynia / Zittau im Straßenverlauf auf die B 99 in Richtung Görlitz bis St. Marienthal

To travel by car to or through Poland or Czech Republic you will need a green insurance sticker.

For Non EU participants

When you obtain a Schengen visa to travel to Germany you can visit Poland or Czech Republic without any further visas, as those countries are now part of the EU. As long as you arrive and leave through Germany you are fine.

Verified publication:

Athanasios Komianos
Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) & Certified Regression Therapist (CRT)


3 Responses

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      1. Hi you can find our therapists in the find a therapist section, then choose France.