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Category: David Graham

Roger Woolger interview

Interview with Roger Woolger

This is a video produced by Stephen Sakellarios. It is an interview with our formerly honorary member and late Dr. Roger Woolger taken in 1999. Other parts of the interview,

Marianne Carolus – Publications

1 Many articles in monthly Magazine Info3 ( 2 ‘Wie Schicksal spricht’ (same editor) 3 Part of ‘Soms ben ik mijn zon even kwijt’ (S.V.R.) 4 A series of textbooks

Deep Memory Process and the Healing of Trauma

by Roger Woolger and Andy Tomlinson What are Deep Memories? Cheryl was a young professional psychotherapist who attended one of our workshops on Deep Memory Process.  She was a very

Past-Life Therapy by Hans TenDam

by Hans TenDam Past-life therapy Past-life therapy is regression therapy accepting that scenes from apparent past lives may emerge. Regression therapy derives its name from its method: recovering and reliving