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EARTh was founded at Frankfurt in 2006 by 36 members from 7 countries. Since then, it has grown to 300+ members from 35+ countries from all over the world. Our association is located in The Netherlands and helds a General Assembly each year. All administrative work is done by the EARTh Board and EARTh Committees that are composed of professional and certified members.

The Board among many other things carries out the routine business of the Association and decides the use of funds. It may create or dissolve committees, and decides about place, dates and financial aspects of the Association’s activities. 


EARTh Board

Willemijn Luyendijk / President

Rita Geysens / Vice President

Aasha Warriar / Secretary

Karolina Fialova
Virtual Assistant 1
+31 6 27223732

Anna Merkulova
Virtual Assistant 2
+49 176 24711133