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Report: Simposio Internacional De Terapia Regresiva

Our member Heike Bettendorf, also a member of AETR, kindly reports about the International Regression Therapy Symposium that was held between 24-26 June, 2022 in Málaga, Spain for Spanish speaking attendees. Besides Heike, our members Andy Tomlinson and Marion Boon were the presenters in the symposium.

Simposio Internacional De Terapia Regresiva

The event was organized by the Spanish Association for Regression Therapy, ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE TERAPIA REGRESIVA (  in Málaga.

The special part was that the event was free of charge (just voluntary paid) and that all interested people could participate, online and in person at the place. So, it was possible that people around the world, mainly from South and Middle America could attend the event. As well, when registered on the website, it will be possible to watch the videos online.

The event started with the welcome of Carlos González Delgado, founder and director of the association. Carlos is a teacher and has a school in Málaga for Regression Therapy, also wrote a book titled Terapia Regrasiva Basica, a basic description of Regression Therapy. The association is founded only 3 years ago, and in the moment has about 53 members of the Spanish speaking community of Regression Therapists. They already have formed a group of investigation for further research work, articles and the new book, written by 12 Regression therapists, describing each one a case out of their practice. He highlighted the latest contacts to the Chilean association and EARTh and upcoming projects.

The first panelist was Andy Tomlinson (translated, online) with an online session with a client who suffered from migraine and emotions.

Then Dr. José Luis Cabouli gave an inspiring online talk about the fact of being trapped as a soul in what we name time. He was a surgeon in Argentina and a very experienced Regression Therapist and teacher for 35 years. Most Spanish speaking therapists directly or indirectly got their professional training through Dr. Cabouli. In that sense, he is the Spanish version of Hans Ten Dam. 😊 He talked about the constant change of this therapy form, always discovering new dimensions without a limit. His credo was: “The soul is in constant change and evolution – and so it should be the therapy”. His favorite sentence: “Regression Therapy is a major surgical intervention without anesthesia.”

Day 2 started with Dra Sonia Andrés Espallardo (Murcia) is doctor and specialized in psychiatry for analytics and children and adolescent. She described some cases and gave an overview about statistics, how effective is the Regression Therapy that she described in her book, as well, titled Lo Que el Alma Quenta.

Our dear Marion Boon gave a talk (translated, online) about clarity vs. darkness, the collective fear and confusion in society and how to release with an exercise.

The psychologist and Regression Therapist Leopoldo Ceballos del Castillo (Madrid) gave an impressive talk (not only by the speed of talking) about family charges and how they are entangled and how to get rid of them: habits, repeating patters, restoring system. He has three books on these topics.

Jorge Luis Micheli (psychologist and Regression Therapist, Argentina, online) talked about lost souls, how they could be attracted to places, other people. He talked as well about the problem of abortions.

A young and inspiring colleague was Dra. Laura Cristina Mejía de Castro (Salvador, online), a molecular biologist, human biochemistry and Regression Therapist. Her talk was about epigenetic and her interest was in how she could prove the effect of Regression Therapy through science of epigenetic. She explained, how the main dogma, that the genes control the biology, can be refuted by the research of epigenetic (Bruce Lipton) and how the surroundings influence the human system. She gave impressive examples how family members are taking over the change of genes from a former soldier and war participant. She gave proven examples how psychotherapy, mindfulness, regression therapy changed the chemical process in the cells.

The wildest thing I ever have seen from a Regression Therapist was the online talk from Jesus Maria Carrizo (Argentina) with his wife, a channeling medium. He dedicates his work to free people of all the black witchcraft, voodoo and other black magic practice, especially in the Latino countries present. He also does mediumistic sessions in distance with his wife, only by a picture, name and the birth date of the client. He is a wild cowboy riding the demons – luckily with a strong physical presence and the skills of a karate teacher.

The last day started with the beautiful presentation of the book, titled El Alma Sin Velo. 12 Regression Therapists written one  case study for this book. Mainly all authors were present, and I found it a pity, that this talk was just in Spanish language – everyone gave a deep insight about their work, their inspiration and passion about this profession being a Regression Therapist.

Then it was my turn, Heike Bettendorf, talking about my favorite topic, how body and mind are connected especially during an accident and injury. I felt comfortable enough to do as well a live session with a client present, and happily it went very well. ;-)

Dr. Juan José López Martínez (Surgeon, Regression Therapist, Murcia, online) gave a talk about death and consciousness of the soul.

Finally, Carlos González Delgado (psychologist and Regression Therapist, Málaga) talked about what is imagination and what is “true”. He showed in a short experimental visualization the participants, how “to imagine” can lead to “what is true” and how this can be used in case of very resisting clients.

I was impressed by the performance of this still young and relatively small association. How much enthusiasm and commitment they bring for the profession of Regression Therapy on the way.

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Yasemin Tokatli
